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  1. PureX

    Stolen Valor - the glory of liars

    That's irrelevant. They also believed in the separation of church and state. Again, the connection is irrelevant. They based their laws on the principals of equal freedom and justice for all through a government by the people, and for the people. That may comport with many religious ideologies...
  2. PureX

    Stolen Valor - the glory of liars

    None has ever been proposed. But the government of the United States (including it's political appointees and representatives) cannot make decisions on behalf of the public based on religious dictum or ideology. And it cannot be seen as acting on behalf of or in support of any specific religion...
  3. PureX

    Stolen Valor - the glory of liars

    If that were true, then Christians should recuse themselves from entering politics, because they are incapable of fulfilling the requirements of political office under the laws and mandates of the nation. I, personally, believe we are capable of respecting the laws of the land while remaining...
  4. PureX

    Stolen Valor - the glory of liars

    Here in the Unites States, we separate religion from politics. Or we're supposed to be, anyway. I see no problem with removing references to God from political grandstanding. In fact, the real problem comes from doing the opposite: politicians pretending they're more "Godly" than the next guy...
  5. PureX

    Stolen Valor - the glory of liars

    They did no such thing. And anyway, we're ALL sinners, aren't we. Ain't nothin' "unique" about it. No need to obsess over the presumed sins of others when we all have plenty of our own.
  6. PureX

    Have you been menticided?

    Oh, the deception is very real. But everyone believes it's the 'other guys' that's being deceived. I think it was Hermann Goring that said, "always blame your own crimes on your enemies, ... especially the really bad ones; while you're committing them". Or something similar. Because the blatant...
  7. PureX

    Stolen Valor - the glory of liars

    Sadly, I think these people live in a subculture where lying (or grossly exaggerating the truth) is seen a par for the course. Something they do as a routine. Maybe even part of their "job". I'm old enough to remember when 60 Minutes would catch one these politicians lying like this and it would...
  8. PureX

    Have you been menticided?

    Yes, that made me laugh, too. It's like Tucker Carlson on the airwaves day after day telling his loyal cult followers how the news media are all liars and doesn't allow free speech, anymore. :) ... And yet, there he is! The current king of the media blowhards, spouting off about whatever he...
  9. PureX

    Stolen Valor - the glory of liars

    I see no apprecible difference between saying "I served 8 years in the military", or saying "I served 10". I lived in Chicago 23 3/4 years, but often tell people I lived there for 25 years just because it's a convenient number, and no one cares that it was actually 23 3/4 years. It would be a...
  10. PureX

    School board puts the brakes on promoting critical race theory

    Racism IS institutionalized in this country. So is sexism, and most especially so is classism. To the degree that it does effect our laws and our legal system. This is not a mystery. Everyone knows it. It's part and parcel of U.S. history just as it is in a great many other countries and...
  11. PureX

    School board puts the brakes on promoting critical race theory

    I simply looked in the Encyclopedia Britanica. Something ANYONE could very easily have done, had they not been SO intent of remaining ignorant, and SO eager to jump on that hater's band-wagon.
  12. PureX

    School board puts the brakes on promoting critical race theory

    Critical Race Theory is an idea taught in law schools pertaining to how racism as a sociological construct becomes endemic to society's legal systems. An excellent example would be the U.S. founders belief that all women and men of non-European origin were not to be legally considered the equal...
  13. PureX

    School board puts the brakes on promoting critical race theory

    If only they had a clue about what critical race theory is, as opposed to the idiotic boogeyman they've been handed by right wing media and politicians. But sadly, they don't. So they joust at imaginary demons and dragons and celebrate their fanciful "victories".
  14. PureX

    What leftist scumbag leaked the SCOTUS abortion draft?

    I don't think there is any reason, or any law that maintains that the actions of the Supreme Court and the reasoning upon which they base those actions should be kept secret. It was ony a "leak" because this court was trying to hide it. Or rather some members of the court were. I would not be...
  15. PureX

    The black art of misappropriating charitable foundation funds

    That's because they're all crooks. They've made lying, cheating and stealing legal for themselves, and for their fellow criminals. The only time they really get in trouble is when they steal from each other.
  16. PureX

    The black art of misappropriating charitable foundation funds

    These scams have nothing to do with left or right, black or white. Criminals don't care who they steal from or who is harmed by it. They lie and cheat and steal for their own gain. Nothing else.
  17. PureX

    Atheist Morality

    "WE" are an individualized current manifestation of being. That individual manifestation of being begins and ends even though we struggle to avoid it ending, once it begins. But existence, itself, continues on and reforms itself into new and varied individualized expressions of being. Our...
  18. PureX

    The black art of misappropriating charitable foundation funds

    A "self-described trained Marxist", ... a self-described "man of God", ... s self-described "freedom fighter", ... a thieving criminal is a thieving criminal, and most them are liars, too.
  19. PureX

    End of Roe Vs Wade?

    I predict it'll be the gays, next.
  20. PureX

    Atheist Morality

    Everyone and everything that exists, expends considerable energy to continue existing. Therefor, they have concluded (to the degree that they are able) that it is better to exist then not to exist. Because existence requires effort. We do not cease to exist. We only cease to exist as a...