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  1. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    I fully agree. But Godliness and religion are often estranged from each other.
  2. PureX

    Stolen Valor - the glory of liars

    Right now, all America honors is money. Money is the measure of all value, here. There are lots of people trying to live a good and honest lives, but they have to constantly struggle against a system that’s completely controlled by greed, and a culture that glorifies selfishness as a birthright...
  3. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    Secular humanism is not a religion, it’s an ideology. The difference is that the secular humanist doesn’t see himself as an anointed and approved extension of God.
  4. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    But many do force their religious beliefs on others. Or they try to. Placing their religious symbols in public buildings, forcing prayer in public schools, denying medical procedures to women and banning homosexual unions. These are all examples of religious believers trying to force everyone...
  5. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    Worse then that, doubt is anathema. Forbidden, even. How can one have a conscience without the ability to doubt one’s own motives and behaviors?
  6. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    That all depends on how you try to do it, and why. Like forcing women to adhere to the particular belief that abortion is murder? Or forcing homosexuals to adhere to the particular belief that homosexuality is a sin?
  7. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    Some do, and they could certainly be wrong. Especially when they assume that force is acceptable in that quest. Yet it's precisely because they believe this that it will not accur to them that they might be wrong. A man that cannot be wrong is a man that thinks he is a god. Or an extension of...
  8. PureX

    Stolen Valor - the glory of liars

    Does the failure of other nations somehow justify the failures of our own? Especially when we specifically spelled out these goals (for the first time in history, I think), and then failed to achieve them because of our own collective greed , stupidity, and selfishness? It's sort of like a child...
  9. PureX

    Stolen Valor - the glory of liars

    And so far, they have failed to achieve their intention. As half-measures were never the goal. And we are all to blame for this. Because in our selfishness and fear, we become willing to let those with the least among be sacrificed to the delusion that we are a great and moral nation.
  10. PureX

    Stolen Valor - the glory of liars

    Our nation did not abandon those principals, it simple never achieved them to begin with. And we have been struggling since our beginning to do so. Hence, the Native American genocide, the Civil War, and the many civil rights battles since then. And we are still fighting for the right to be...
  11. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    The religious zealot, as opposed to other kinds of zealotry, is peculiar and especislly dangerous because they believe they are being mandated by God to achieve their moral obectives, so they cannot/will not even entertain the idea that they may be wrong in doing so. Or that others have a right...
  12. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    It's nearly always antithetical to the right of other people to deviate from the zealot's "objective". And to the degree that this right is considered a social imperative, the zealot then becomes a toxic entity relative to that imperative, and within the society in which he seeks his objective.
  13. PureX

    Here it comes again

    It kinda seems like you do care. But it's not just about the mask. It's also about washing hands more often, and keeping a few feet away from people in a crowd. I only wear the mask, now, in specific situations (at work in a medical facility or on a plane, crowded bus, subway, etc.). These...
  14. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    This isn't about Christianity. It's about religious zealots. And Christianity has it's share of them, same as any other religion. When, how, and why do you think religious people cross that line into toxic zealotry?
  15. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    Christians have burned witches, imprisoned, tortured and murdered homosexuals, committed religious genocide, and more. It doesn't seem to matter what religion we're talking about, they all have their zealots, and their crimes committed in the name of God's righteousness. This has never...
  16. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    And being willing to lie, cheat, and steal seats on the judiciary to do so. And to support those who do. Somehow, in the name of their God, morality flies out the window.
  17. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    But almost none them are actively trying to force the world they live in, and the people they live in it with, to comply. We're all ideologically selfish, and think we know best how the world should be. But very few of us are actually willing to try and force that result. The religious zealots...
  18. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    But almost no one actually plans to improve society or the world. Even the most devoutly religious among us now better then to presume such a thing. And those who do have such grandiose desires are often the most dangerous among us, even when they have the best of intentions. In this sense, I...
  19. PureX

    "Solving" the babyfood shortage.

    Big Greed plays for every team in the arena. He coaches and umpires, too. Which is why he always wins the game.
  20. PureX

    School board puts the brakes on promoting critical race theory

    If all you can muster are insults, we're done here.