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  1. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    I can't help but notice that most of the folks that visit this site are of a common type. That is the type of religious Christian that is usually male, usually quite aggressive and antagonistic toward others, and very 'legalistic'. The kind of persons for whom God, religion, life, people...
  2. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    Just seeing words on a page will look like "word salad" to a child that has not yet learned how to read them. Fortunately, most children are willing to try and learn how. Not so for some adults.
  3. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    Your beliefs about reality do not define reality. They are just your beliefs. Your idea of God is not God. It's just your idea of God. This is true of all of us whether we are willing to recognize it or not. Which is why we become dishonest and inhumane when we do refuse to recognize it. As you...
  4. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    Still doesn't make any of them inerrant. Why are you asking when you don't understand what being inspired by God means? Martin Luther King was clearly a man inspired by God. He was truly a light unto the world. Yet he was certainly not inerrant. Nor was Gandhi or Mother Theresa or anyone else...
  5. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    It's not about "right or wrong". It's about love or fear, forgiveness or resentment, kindness or mean-spiritedness, generosity or selfishness ... it's about embodying the divine spirit of our Creator that exists within as His creation, or wallowing alone in fear and selfishness. If you're...
  6. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    "God breathed" does not mean "inerrant". You are just making stuff up to suit your own ego. Humanity was "God breathed" and not one of us has ever been inerrant. It exists in all of us as His creations. As a work of art reflects the spirit and mind of the artist that creates it. All Creation...
  7. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    Do you really think just repeating your inerrant Bible belief as if it were a fact will somehow make it become fact to anyone else? Do you really think that by continuing to misrepresent what I say you will somehow change my mind? Or is this all you can think to do to try and reassert your...
  8. PureX


    I think you have way too high an opinion of the US Constitution. It was the first of it's kind and represents an amazing advance in the concept of governance, but unfortunately, it's vague, confusing, and woefully incomplete. Which is why it's needing to be constantly amended, and unfortunately...
  9. PureX


    And we still have not learned or enacted it's ideals.
  10. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    God is the great mystery source, sustenance, and purpose of all that is. To pretend that we understand God because we collected some people's writings on the subject and idolize them is to absurdly minimize the reality of that mystery just so we can pretend we 'own' it.
  11. PureX


    No one knows what will happen next. Putin is under increasing pressure from his political and economic cohorts. He could even suddenly die of a heart attack or something. Who knows? They have their own methods of "impeachment", there. The Ukrainians don't have to win the war, they just have to...
  12. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    :) Actually, I'm not ANY of those things. I'm an artist! Rituals and traditions have their place. They are useful tools when used appropriately. But they can become divisive totems, too, if one is not careful. I'm not looking for magical experiences. I don't need them. I can see for myself...
  13. PureX


    It was never going to be a quick fix. The only people that can stop Putin are the Russian people, and they are confused, divided, and have a long history of living in fear of the power of the state. Nevertheless, the sanctions are having an impact. And it's the wealthy oligarchs in Russia that...
  14. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    It's sad to me that you think my rejection of your inerrant Bible theory is a rejection of God. It's sad because you can't tell the difference between what you believe about God, and God.
  15. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    Unless the story has been 'embellished' to promote that idea. Which is very possible, given human nature. Especially when it comes to the idea of some humans gaining authority over others. Again, human nature does not equate to a divine mandate. Authoritarian power structures among humans are...
  16. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    All that wouldn't exist is the delusion of the church's unquestioned righteousness. That delusion of unquestioned righteousness is all the inerrant Bible theory is for, and about. And that delusion of unquestionable righteousness is such a powerful tool in controlling those who live in constant...
  17. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    And yet it requires brain work to even understand that, and to make that determination. It does not honor God to make a false idol of man-made religious text. Nor does it honor God to use that false idol to presume upon oneself the right or ability to pass judgment on others. Nothing about the...
  18. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    To even speak requires "brain work". To have written that passage required "brain work". So claiming it means we should not bother to think is ridiculous.
  19. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    So are yours. The difference is that mine are at least reasonable.
  20. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    It's sad that you feel you have to bear false witness against me to retain your sense of self-righteousness. But that's what happens when one's faith is weak and so dependent upon one's imaginary God-knowledge. I forgive you. And if it makes you feel better to pretend you're closer to God than...