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  1. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    Opinions are just opinions. They're pretty much all we humans get when it comes to aproaching the truth of things. But thanks to the advent of Christ, we now also have the holy spirit within us to guide us. So laws and opinions and religious ideologies and all that don't really have to "mean"...
  2. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    Neither are you. So how can you know what is or isn't inerrant? Well, now. It appears that you don't know the mind of God after all, then, do you. How would you know? As just as clearly YOU are not one of those people.
  3. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    What do you need help with? God's divine spirit is within you. It always has been. Just relax and let it guide your interactions with the world. We don't need to know what God thinks.
  4. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    That may well be so. But it does not make the Bible or those who read it inerrant. God inspires us in many ways and in many things, but we remain fallable humans, nevertheless. They may believe they know the mind of God, but believing doesn't make it so. And if they were to be honest and...
  5. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    The Bible is a collection of texts written, edited, and assembled by men. Everyone knows this. Are you asking me if I believe that God somehow made those men magically inerrant in their understanding of God's mind and will? The answer is no, I don't. Simply because there are so many different...
  6. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    So you have convinced yourself. But look, now, at what you're doing with that presumption. It's why I don't believe you do know. That's exactly the kind of arrogance that caused Adam and Eve's fall. They, too, wanted to be God's equals. To possess God's knowledge of good and evil. To be divine...
  7. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    I don't pretend to know what God thinks so that I can excuse myself from doing my own thinking. God seems to have given us a brain, and the freedom to use it without the interference of others, so in appreciation of that gift, I do try to use it. Sorry if that offends you.
  8. PureX

    What are you watching now

    The most fun book series I've read were the Raymond Chandler novels and short stories. (He wrote the classic L.A. private detective stories around the character of Philip Marlow: "The Big Sleep", "The Long Goodbye", "The Lady In The Lake", and so on.) Some of these have become movies and TV...
  9. PureX

    What are you watching now

    I'll give it a look, that could be interesting.
  10. PureX

    What are you watching now

    The best thing I've watched recently was Dave Letterman's new interview show (season 3 I think) with Billie Eilish as the 1st guest. Letterman is such an old and cynical carmudgeon yet Billie and her brother Finneas clearly won him over. The other guests and interviews were pretty interesting...
  11. PureX

    What are you watching now

    Man, that's a SLOW MOVER of a story, though. Each time I try watching it I find it just drags and drags and drags.
  12. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    Conservative talk radio is not a legitimate source of facts.
  13. PureX

    Robb Elementary School shooting

    No one claims or suggests anything of the sort. Doesn't it bother you to lie like that?
  14. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    No school in the country teaches pornographic sex in the classroom, period. Sex ed involving illustrations has been going on since I was in high school (a long time ago). But it was not pornographic, nor did anyone ever claim that students should engage in sexual activities. The problem is that...
  15. PureX

    Robb Elementary School shooting

    So your theory is that if gun regulation can't completely stop all gun crime, we should have no regulation at all. But then, motor vehicle regulation and traffic laws don't stop all motor vehicle crime, so I guess we need to get rid of those, too. And the laws against kidnapping, rape, and...
  16. PureX

    Robb Elementary School shooting

    Which is why we need to stop those people from getting those guns.
  17. PureX

    Robb Elementary School shooting

    We are not Switzerland. We never were, and we never will be. These fantasies of every-man-a-soldier are absurd and outdated. Just idiotic. And even the Swiss realize it. Your cache of army guns and parafinalia aren't going to do you any good at all if we are ever actually attacked by any modern...
  18. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    Never happened.
  19. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    This has never happened anywhere in any school in the U.S. (or anywhere else), ever. When you post absurd lies like this you loose all credibility. Correlation is not causation. Violence is a poor teacher as all it teaches is that "might makes right".
  20. PureX

    Robb Elementary School shooting

    That's complete BS. We created the military and the civilian police to do that so we wouldn't have to. Stop voting for the oligarch's toadies and the problem would be solved.