Search results

  1. BenAvraham

    A Close Look at the Ten Commandments; EXODUS 20

    PARASHA: “Yitro” (Jethro) EXODUS 18:1-20:26.......... ISAIAH 6:1-7:6; 9:5-6....... MATT 27:1-28:20 We see in this parashah, a lot of wisdom on the part of Moshe and Yitro, his father-in-law. First, we learn that Moshe had sent his wife and children back to stay with father and grandfather. I...
  2. BenAvraham

    The "Salvation" (YESHUAT) of the LORD revealed!

    PARASHAH: “B'shalach” (when he let go) EXODUS 13:17-17:16.......JUDGES 4:4-5: 31..........MATT 26:1-75 We are coming down to the “showdown” where Pharaoh gets his just desserts and gets what he deserves for defying the God of Israel, going back on his word to “let Israel go”, you cannot...
  3. BenAvraham

    The First Passover, Our Redemption EX 10:1-13:6

    PARASHA: “BO” (enter) EXODUS 10:1-13:16..........JEREMIAH 46:13-28.......MATT 25:1-46 The plagues against the Egyptian gods continue, it is our “Creator God YHVH” against Pharaoh and his false deities. Guess who is winning, yes, you know it. However, I need to point out that many of...
  4. BenAvraham

    Shalom to all

    NEWBIE on this site. I am Messianic rabbi Ben Avraham, I'd like to participate in sharing understanding of the Torah (Bible) from a Messianic perspective. I believe: Jesus (Yeshua) is the Messiah/LORD and that we need to be "born again" according to John 3:3 to inherit eternal life The...
  5. BenAvraham

    8 promises God made to his people (us included) EX 6:2-9:35

    PARASHA: “Va’era” (and I appeared) (A "Parasha" is a portion of scripture and commentary over the same. This scripture study is based on Messianic Jewish Theology) EXODUS 6:2-9:35........ EZEKIEL 28:25-29: 21.......... MATT 24:1-51 YHVH speaks to Moshe saying that when he appeared...