Search results

  1. BenAvraham

    What are "judgments?" (Biblically speaking) EX 21:1-24:18

    PARASHA: “Mishpatim” (Judgments) EXODUS 21:1-24:18 “Bringing to light the meaning of some difficult mitzvoth” So, what are so called "judgments?" Example, a judge will give a "judgment" after hearing a case involving a criminal, and after hearing the verdict of the jury. He or she will...
  2. BenAvraham

    A look at Isaiah 6:1-7:6; and Matt 27:1-28:20

    ISAIAH 6:1-7:6 ” KADOSH, KADOSH, KADOSH, ADONAI TZEVA’OT” .... Holy, Holy, Holy, is YHVH of hosts” When the Torah mentions the “Holiness” of God, the word is KADOSH, the “O” is there, (the letter “vav” in Hebrew) but when “holiness” is mentioned referring to mankind, the “O” is missing...
  3. BenAvraham

    A closer look at the 10 Commandments

    PARASHA: “Yitro” (Jethro) Exodus 18:1-20:26 We see in this parashah, a lot of wisdom on the part of Moshe and Yitro, his father-in-law. First, we learn that Moshe had send his wife and children back to stay with father and grandfather. I believe for safe-keeping, when one sees danger, it is...
  4. BenAvraham

    A look at Judges 4:4-5:31 and Matt 26:1-75

    JUDGES 4:4-5:31 In this reading, we read about Devorah and Jael, two women of God who played an important role in Israel's history. We read about many “men of God” but very few “women of God” but they are out there, and today, we have many women who are used mightily by God in ministry...
  5. BenAvraham

    When Pharaoh let Israel go...EX 13:17-17:16

    PARASHAH: “B'shalach” (when he let go) EXODUS 13:17-17:16 We are coming down to the “show down” where Pharaoh gets his just desserts, and gets what he deserves for defying the God of Israel, going back on his word to “let Israel go”, you cannot pursue Israel without getting hurt, and Pharaoh...
  6. BenAvraham

    Looking at Jeremiah 46:13-28; Matt 25:1-46

    JER 46:13-28 600 years later, after the fall of Egypt at Passover, disaster strikes against, this time, YHVH uses Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon as instrument of destruction against Egypt, seems like Egypt was not humbled after the Passover experience. You would think that the pharaohs...
  7. BenAvraham

    Exodus 10:1-13:16

    PARASHA: “BO” (enter) EXODUS 10:1-13:16 A few thousand years ago, there was a war of the gods. The gods of Egypt against the one true God of the universe. Kind of like an ant declaring war on an elephant. Pharaoh made the challenge. A challenge which ended in his demise. We can rebel against...
  8. BenAvraham

    A look at Ezekiel 28:25-29:21; Matt 24:1-51; Rom 9:14,15

    EZEKIEL 28:25-29:21 The prophet speaks through the Holy Spirit and affirms that even though Israel has been scattered throughout the countries of the world, they will be returned to their land in the future, it is already happening, Israel was recognized as a nation in 1948, and since...
  9. BenAvraham

    Knowing the Name of God (YHVH) Ex 6:2-9:35

    PARASHA: “Va’era” (and I appeared) EXODUS 6:2-9:35 YHVH speaks to Moshe saying that when he appeared to Abraham, he revealed himself as “El Shaddai” which means “God Almighty” or “God all-powerful, yet he did not reveal himself as he did to Moshe, with Moshe he revealed himself with the more...
  10. BenAvraham

    A look at Isaiah 27:6-28:13 and Matt 22-23

    ISAIAH 27:6-28:13 ” In the days to come, shall Jacob take root, Israel shall blossom and bud....” We see a fulfilling of this prophecy in that once taken from Egypt, and united and solidified as a “People” a “Nation”, this people/nation has grown and has spread out throughout the world...
  11. BenAvraham

    The Call of Moses, an intro. to Exodus (Exodus 1-6)

    PARASHA: “Shemot” (Names) Exodus 1:1-6:1 We enter into a new era, Jacob/Israel and Joseph are now in the past, yet their legacy continues, in “Am Yisrael” (The People of Israel). ”70 souls” entered Mitzraim (Egypt). It is interesting that the Hebrew word “Nefesh” is used for “souls” yet the...
  12. BenAvraham

    "When the Guns were Silent" (A Christmas tale from WW1)

    WHEN THE GUNS WERE SILENT (A Christmas tale from WW1) "A short story for the season" The British soldiers slowly made their way across no-man's land. It was the first time in a year that the Germans weren't shooting at them. It was an eerie silence, so unlike warfare. It all started eight...
  13. BenAvraham

    Going the way of ALL the earth! What way is that? (1 Kings 2:1-12)

    What is the way of ALL the earth? Death of course. All living things will eventually die; animals, plants, and people. We are ALL appointed ONCE to die and after this, the judgment. It doesn't say we will come back a second time in another body, nor as a bird, nor as a camel, nor even a cat...
  14. BenAvraham

    Jacob blesses his sons before dying. The significance? (Gen

    PARASHA: “VaYechi” (and he lived) Genesis 47:28-50:26 In this we see Jacob (Israel) in his last days, he prepares to “go the way of all men” (As king David put it), Jacob is getting ready to die. He prepares himself, and makes sure that his sons and grandsons are blessed and they know what is...
  15. BenAvraham

    a brief look at Ezekiel 37 and Matt 18

    EZEKIEL 37:15-28 Here, “Yeches’kel Ha Navi” (Ezekiel the Prophet) sees the joining of Judah and the children of Israel, and Yosef, with his son Efrain” and they are joined together as ONE (Echad) “One in Unity” Once they were separated, Yosef and his sons in Egypt, and Israel, Judah, and his...
  16. BenAvraham

    A brief look at Ezekiel 37:15-28 and Matt 18:1-19:30

    EZEKIEL 37:15-28 Here, “Yeches’kel Ha Navi” (Ezekiel the Prophet) sees the joining of Judah and the children of Israel, and Yosef, with his son Efrain” and they are joined together as ONE (Echad) “One in Unity” Once they were separated, Yosef and his sons in Egypt, and Israel, Judah, and his...
  17. BenAvraham

    Will God be your judge? or your loving Father? (Gen 44-47)

    PARASHA: “VaYIGASH” (and he drew near) GENESIS 44:18-47:27 Question; Will God be your judge or your loving heavenly Father? That depends on you, If you recognize Yeshua/Jesus as your Savior and LORD, your sins have been already judged at the Cross of Calvary. Yeshua will be your mediator...
  18. BenAvraham

    A look at 1 Kings 3:15-4:1 and Matt 16:1-17:27

    1 KINGS 3:15-4:1 In this scripture portion, we see Solomon lifting up “burnt-offerings” and “peace-offerings” after also having “dreams” In his dream YHVH asked him what he wished for, “For wisdom, an understanding heart to judge this people” and YHVH thus granted him what he wished for...
  19. BenAvraham

    Staying in the perfect will of God (Gen 41)

    Parashah: “Miketz” (at the end of) GENESIS 41:1-44:17 When we look into this parashah study, we see Yosef, who was, in a way of speaking, in the “pit” He was cast into the prison for something he did not do, yet he continued to trust YHVH for his needs. This reminds us of Melech...
  20. BenAvraham

    Staying the perfect will of God (Gen 41)

    Parashah: “Miketz” (at the end of) GENESIS 41:1-44:17 When we look into this parashah study, we see Yosef, who was, in a way of speaking, in the “pit” He was cast into the prison for something he did not do, yet he continued to trust YHVH for his needs. This reminds us of Melech...