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  1. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    The Door of theos (US) opens up for an adventure through the land of OZ which is where I would place these writings as well, we can stay or walk back through the Door, the name is the key to unlock it.
  2. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    The animal sacrifices and the OT God where instituted from a perversion of the figurines of the Zodiac, A science of the movements of the Sun and stars in relation to the Earth told in picture motif, that became legend and myth brought to life by Religious Magi who used that fraud to control the...
  3. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Jebus was validated by science? The data released for public consumption is not a reliable time reference to prove something was freshly discovered, but that doesn't matter seeing many inventions and discoveries where revealed through contact with a more advanced future that exist in the now...
  4. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    No, hope is over rated and a stumbling stone, plus you project the culture you were raised in, which resurrected a belief system in you that influenced you, you didn't get programmed by it from a neutral or benevolent position, you were fed the food that trained you in that image. If you would...
  5. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Are they company store based? who besides the faithful validate it?
  6. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Not really, a little research outside the company stores reveals the biased assertions have no solid foundation, neither book can claim historical proof.
  7. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    That would be where the only conscience you know exist.
  8. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    I see it as the same story line of making one dependent on something outside yourself, giving it authoritative control that belongs to you, If you are actually reaching for a state of freedom the truth is said to provide then one has to be their own master of the house.
  9. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    But you're assertion that the Urantia has some authority in the spiritual realm is based on your belief that it has, Many kids see Santa and swear by it because the idea was planted in their minds by their authority figures. And is no different than the literal assertions made by christians...
  10. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Life after OZ................. The inner power that tale (and many others) was trying to teach is the goal of being here, not searching outside our own kingdom to find our way back to it by stumbling over the same tales rehashed in technological glitter, the end result will still find us...
  11. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Yet when the same book is read by someone else the formula breaks down, what you build is based on you're conception and mental pictures you create, and effected by emotional implants passed on to you from genetics. That nothing you disregard speaks, just like a deer can pick up nose you can't...
  12. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    You're only first mate though, the owner of the shipping company had to help you obtain your currant position, you brag about it but still you don't own anything other than a perception, and even that can fall over board and be lost at sea. What is the shipping salvage outfit you work for?
  13. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Temporal food is like temporal fables, they have a sleep inducing effect on the minds (ship) ability to discern actuality as it (sails) journeys through times yellow brick road..Kansas awaits you're re-turn from OZ.
  14. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Past, present, future are all concepts that veil the eternal now, we wrestle with these programmed concepts born in the illusion of time, anything based on those restrictions be it Bi-Bull, U-aint there yet type of teachings are just riding the hands of time, and it never stops until we break...
  15. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    This is the quote, On every count, the doctrines of Urantia are a refutation of the Gnostic teaching, plus it disowns .............all things astrological. Doesn't seem like it was really approaching either with much concern for the diverse teachings found in both. Anyway each to their own.
  16. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Isn't there any Duck Dynasty reruns you can watch Quack quack.
  17. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    The Urantia foundation has some telling remarks found in the Consideration of Some Criticism section, and saves one from having to read the whole thing, I have been kinda neutral on them until I read what is said about Gnosticism and Astrology. So seeing I don't buy the literal motif and have a...
  18. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    That's drama queen nonsense, there is no ego, anger, fear, or emotional hysteria to be offended within a state of perfection and benevolence of the Creator. You have a god with the ego and conscience of a teenager.
  19. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Not really unique evidence, many diverse beliefs have what they would call a spiritual experience that changed their lives. Plus the Bi-Bull fails the test of history, it does mimic many stories of other cultures who were also under the spell of superstition cast by the religious, political...
  20. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Astrological Science told in allegorical stories, metaphors, legends, and fables to hide it from the lower working class considered dumb beast of burden by the priest craft, then and now.