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  1. Zeke

    You are Divine as well as you're own healer when you get past your old self.

    Many are weak and sick because of their religious programming, You can heal yourself and become a new personality/creature that reflects Divine Love the most powerful force in the universe that transcends this world's logic and egocentric beliefs.
  2. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Yea that's part of the gig, but once the emperor of salvation is seen to have no clothes the play/theatrics of this duality fades into the realm of humorous dialectic with multiple choice rabbit trails/exoteric religions guided by the supreme tour guide whose goes by the handle of emotion 10-4...
  3. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    The mortal myth is a persona indoctrinated perception, makes for good exoteric/phenomenology rhetoric to debate but has no bearing on life that has never been mortal nor in need of salvation.
  4. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Yet the westernized dogma you base those assumptions on is the new pup compared to the esoteric gravy train it was plagiarized from. Sent from my A462C using TheologyOnline mobile app
  5. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Well all carnal minded sons of Hagar mock the Spirit Matt 12:24 so if the shoe fits!
  6. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    You give dense a bad name, even the Bible could be a contender for UFO sightings not to mention some things Caino posted that exposed some dirty deeds done dirt cheap you rationalize away like all brainwashed Club followers have to do to keep their charade viable in their own mind.
  7. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Page 666 oh my.
  8. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Yet you are waiting for the kingdom to show up in this temporal hamster wheel built by religious deception, a cage without physical bars that have mined you're mind since live birth and was sold into persona slavery on mere paper, a reality that disputes where the Kingdom is! even though Christ...
  9. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Well that word has some false assumption like what culture did the original motifs come from, and it wasn't the Hebrews they just plagiarized it as their history which is easy to dispute seeing there is no viable record to back it up. So that stone of stumbling is rejected by you because...
  10. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    All that stronghold is within, where did you get the ability to secularize spiritual teachings? I know TRADITION.
  11. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    It kills outwardly or gives life inwardly depending on how thick of a veil one is looking through 2Cor 3:6, the letter is you're ministry and you are in bondage to its elemental teachings Galatians 4:1-4, both books cast a spell about Jesus being a singular flesh and blood entity who...
  12. Zeke

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon

    Another decoy to make fun of conspiracy while you are in the biggest one to date and haven't a clue.
  13. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    I don't agree that any book to be the ultimate final word because none could contain the information about the Divine Conscience that started it all, the problem with the UB or the Bible is when they are interpreted as Jesus being a singular person/persona which misses the point of the message...
  14. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    You forgot Zionist shill who supports the phony Israel bs that also invented the dipsy dogma curtsy of Oxford press a well know secular company, the Jokes on you Strawman.
  15. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    One thing in you're assumptions that I would agree with, hell is a state of mind just like heaven is, I am not thee God as in the extroverted christian version teaches to its worldly minded personas, taught to look into history and the future for their understanding of the eternal Conscience...
  16. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Lon is living in Babylons version of Christ and doesn't even know his body is the cross, he thinks the spirit was nailed to a literal wooden cross shed red blood and physically died when that's a type and shadow that transpires in those chosen to waken in any given age, the story/states of the...
  17. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    You better wake up LON from the fiction you think is reality.
  18. Zeke

    Denying the historical Jesus isn't denying Christ Lon!

    The spiritual new born from above is the true Christ baby-Lon, you're carnal christ is the false one.