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  1. Tinark

    A House GOP leader asked for Obamacare horror stories on FB, instead she got this
  2. Tinark

    Designer babies are coming How many modifications to the genome until they are no longer human? Will your God not give them a soul once they are no longer human?
  3. Tinark

    Lindsey Graham: As president I would deploy the military against Congress
  4. Tinark

    Republician letter to Iran empowers Iranian hardliners

    The letter is essentially providing advice to the Iranians, urging them to reject any deal offered by Obama's administration by declaring the deal unenforceable, thereby implying the US can't be trusted. That it is in their interests to reject the deal. This is the view of the hardliners in...
  5. Tinark

    Why People "Fly from Facts"

    Basically TOL in a nutshell Read more here:
  6. Tinark

    Economic progress report

    All the right wingers and the Republicans who screamed that Obama would destroy the economy - looks like you were all dead wrong.
  7. Tinark

    FBI’s hate crime statistics show the “War on Christianity” doesn’t exist So, where is the evidence of attacks and hate directed toward Christians and that such attacks and hate is increasing?
  8. Tinark

    How many babies/children is it acceptable to kill to eliminate ISIS?

    Just curious about the range of views here. How many babies and children being killed by bombs/nukes/attacks against ISIS would you consider acceptable to eliminate ISIS? -None - meaning you think no collateral damage is justified to eliminate ISIS. -As many as necessary to eliminate ISIS...
  9. Tinark

    Why are today's conservatives dead set against Reagan's immigration policy?

    Roland Reagan's Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986: Ok, what's wrong with that? How is anyone helped by having these people remain illegal for their entire lives while living in the united states?
  10. Tinark

    Information US police departments don't want you to know

    Here are 15 jobs more dangerous than being a police officer: US Police Kill More Than 1,000 Americans per Year (3 per day) vs. 0 in UK in 2013, 4/year in Germany, 12/yr in Canada...
  11. Tinark

    The violent reality of Christianity

    The religion that reveres the individual who said yes I will gut my son to prove my obedience and the God who used such a test: The religion that reveres the individual who uttered these words: And From the God who commanded the following: From the God who committed the following act...
  12. Tinark

    Pastor brags about punching kid in the chest "He was a dangerously bright kid...and he kinda wasn't taking the lord serious, so I went *bam* and I punched him right in the chest as hard as I could and I just crumpled the kid. I just crumpled him. There's times that that might...
  13. Tinark

    Decriminalizing indoor prostitution leads to fewer rapes and STDs If you support keeping prostitution a crime then you are creating more rape victims. You are part of the problem and not the solution.