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  1. Tinark

    What a fair and honest debate on Israel/Palestinian conflict looks like

    A snippet, read the whole thing: Unfortunately, you can pretty much count on this response:
  2. Tinark

    With gun users like these, I feel much safer already Let's keep arming more people so that we may be even safer...
  3. Tinark

    Don't confuse less respect with "persecution"

    In the day of the information age, with skepticism and atheism on the rise and such individuals boldly challenging religion, magical ways of thinking and anti-science ways of thinking are losing more respect in society. Such ways of thinking are mocked more frequently. Don't confuse this...
  4. Tinark

    In Post-Christian America, we worry about your holy book more than Sharia Law

    In Post-Christian America, secularists of all stripes worry about what your holy book (the Bible) says as much as you worry about Sharia law, and for the exact same reasons. You want to impose the contents of that holy book on the rest of us. Kim Davis and her supporters represent the...
  5. Tinark

    Woman fired from Christian University for Being Pregnant Christianity and all religion in general follows evolutionary principles: survival of the fittest. Those that aren't adapted to their environment will perish and those that are best adapted will thrive and multiply. This university is an example of a religion that...
  6. Tinark

    NC official storms out during Muslim prayer:I dont need no Arab telling me what to do

    Ironically, this guy is anti-American and doesn't even realize it:
  7. Tinark

    Teen pregnancy down 40%, abortions down 42% in CO in 5 years - GOP takes away funding
  8. Tinark

    The myth of the stagnating middle class

    The general populist talking point on the left and the right is that the middle class has stagnated in the United States. Income is stagnant. Wages are stagnant. People are struggling. Life for the median or average person is not much improved today compared to the so called "golden era" of...
  9. Tinark

    Americans are 69 times more likely to die taking a bath than from terrorism.

    And yet: BOO! There's a terrorist under your bed.
  10. Tinark

    If God wants to make laws, He needs to run for office just like everyone else

    To all you Christians who want to use "God's Law" to govern the country: God isn't President, Obama is. God isn't on the Supreme Court, 9 men and women are. God was never authorized to represent my interests and make policy on my behalf as a senator or representative. If God wants to make...
  11. Tinark

    A Southern Christian Asks for Forgiveness at a Gay Pride Festival :up:
  12. Tinark

    Real vs. Fake Christian Persecution
  13. Tinark

    Teen pregnancies and abortions plummeted after Hawaii ditched abstinence-based sex ed
  14. Tinark

    Megachurch Punishes Woman for Seeking Divorce from Child-Porn-Watching husband Creepy and cult-like.
  15. Tinark

    Meet Caitlyn Jenner You go Caitlyn! This is the only life we all have to live, once it's over it's over, so we to take advantage of the little time we have here. Bigots will always try to stand in people's way...
  16. Tinark

    The US Murder Rate Is on Track to Be Lowest in a Century

    Moral progress and how things are becoming better and better in the world and in the US in particular: The article posits the lead exposure in childhood leads to violence hypothesis to explain the trend:
  17. Tinark

    Those "protesting" in front of the mosque in AZ are helping the terrorists

    These idiots are helping the terrorists. Youth who grow up in Muslim households in the United States will feel far more alienated from their society due to these kind of hateful bigots. Like they don't belong in their own society. That will make them identify much more strongly with their...
  18. Tinark

    ‘Historic’ Ruling States That Abstinence-Only Sex Ed Isn’t Sex Ed :thumb:
  19. Tinark

    Christanity starves "demon possessed" toddler to death - tries to resurrect body

    Christanity starves "demon possessed" toddler to death - tries to resurrect body Sickening :( - you'd think after the boy's body looked like a...
  20. Tinark

    Bigotry against homosexuals is declining, one grave at a time