SaulToPaul 2
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  • Yeah, well, brother STP, today's eight-year olds are tomorrow's teenagers. I say this calls for action and now. Nip it in the bud. First sign of youngsters goin' wrong, you got to nip it in the bud.
    "I think I may have met "the one", saint john. I've known her a month and we already have a standing date on Wednesday nights for fudge and t.v.And she ain't no Mary Grace, neither."-STP

    Obviously, we joke around much, "fella," but, I'm happy for you, brother-that's "excellentamundo," as one wise man says! Saint JW

    PS:Is she "nice?" Does she bowl, and eat "zels?" Am I getting through to you, fella! (Had to get that in!)
    "Welcome back, saint john, and have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Am I getting through to you, fella?"-STP

    Well, brother, I spent the last few days, undergoing plastic surgery, given Nag's meanie, bully comments, and my inability to fall asleep, due to her comments. I'm the high spirited/sensitive type. My mom is that way. My new face will be revealed soon.
    Well, I guess to sum it up, brother STP, you could say, there's three reasons why there's not a bunch of rabble rousin' wolves, and wolf-ette's, proliferating on TOL:There's you, and there's me, and[patting my mouse, and key board)- baby makes three.
    "Close call, saint john. Delmar let you go with a warning. I thought for sure it was going to be a few nights in The Rock. No more peanut butter and jelly sandwiches."-STP

    No more carefree days....I reckon mar of Del didn't rightly take a shinin' to my funnin' with Jeff Spicoli Paul....Curious....Far out...
    "Poor Nang makes a pure moulage out of the Holy Bible."-STP

    I'm tempted to give Aunt Clara "The Big Freeze."
    "Ever notice how Tet goes on and on, making a big "moulage" out of Darby?
    I learned that word from Big Barn."

    Yes, it's a compelsion complex. I reckon he learned that at refinishing school, from Sigmund Frude . Barn taught me that! That "moulage" ought to be enshrined in the Smith Brothers Institution. Or, was that The Smithsonian Institute?
    Why don't you go and sit in the grocery store, brother STP, like Ben Weaver, so everyone will know that you're the "Big Cheese?!"
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