SaulToPaul 2
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  • He said something about an umbrella in this still. That I won't put up in public for children to see.
    SaulToPaul Think.

    StP just whined to my user cp because of my message of his disobedient attitude.
    like you judge mine? I do not judge his eternal state..if he ever was saved, he will be grafted back in, while you guys have me burning in hell already. You are the worst form of a hypocrit, I have ever come across. I do not judge your eternal state, either, because I know that God will eventually correct your unbelief..IF you ever did believe in the dbr of Jesus, guess what, if you love Him, you have to keep His commandments, and they are not burdensome, they are rooted in love, moses had the other type, rooted in condemnation. one day, you will stand corrected and I truly hope it is soon.
    it makes no sense, because it is comes by hearing, every man does not hear. (you claimed every man had faith)..that is a lie.
    Those of us whom know the truth, do not hate Israel, or the 'catching up'..we hate false doctrines of men, that have replaced the finished work on the cross with a lie that God has to still in the future deal with the sins of Israel. It is finished my friend, and you can remain blind, if you choose.
    I hope you come to realise that "Saul" was of the same circumcision that the bible says are the 'dogs', that you say a believer can be....I truly do. I do not have any problem with you on a personal note, it is your doctrine that stinks to high heaven. There is no such thing as a circumcision gospel that saves, the only circumcision that has saving power is OF the REALITY type/ of the spirit; and not of the letter. The letter condemns. This is the message of the bible. Have a God blessed day on your birthday.
    better yet, never mind. I have enough witnesses that I get through loud and clear on here from many people. I do not need your proof texting of otherwise; it is only a bunch of crazy words that you and your madist friends like to harp on, lol; goodbye
    "I can name at least 40 people who admit that they cannot have a reasonable conversation with you. You ramble, do no listen, and have no sense of logic. Sorry, but that is the truth"

    ok, name em.

    The only ones I know of are those whom read 'me' through you and your warped friends responses to me.
    you can talk about me in here, but when I speak up on it, that is not allowed. LOL..such as you are. Notice, I do not talk about you on my page.
    "Hey Dave,

    I'm sure you've noticed, G&P is probably the biggest biblical illiterate on this site (even more so than rulz). Big mouth, proud, unteachable, lack of reading comprehension, no listening skills....just a few of her shortcomings."

    LOL, kinda like the blind leading the blind.

    One day you will both see that God saves people for a PURPOSE; and that purpose is for HIS love to be that they can give glory to God.
    All your false accusations against me, only show you know nothing of this love. I love you, and tell you the truth; you call me ugly names...I have never made fun of YOU personally. Your dogma yep...its a clown act.
    "one gospel today, as we ALWAYS state. Lying is not good, dear lady."

    ONE faith from beginning to end..get it right, or dont speak it.
    "You are a hypocrite. You "feel good" when you do something nice, or when someone brags on "..STP, this is not what I believe, what I do believe is that God works IN people, and we give HIM the of these days you will stop neg repping me and admit the truth is the truth.
    stop neg repping me with ugly names...ignorance is as ignorance does...Jesus alone knows where my heart/mind is concerning was Him that gave me the increase, so let it be said, it is not wise to call his truth ignorance.
    "now she has hte filibuster going on my member page"...haha, we reap what we sow..stop sending me evil messages on neg reps.
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