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  • These therefore are laws of nature and the cosmos, intrinsic to the creation, mirroring the principles of life that inhere in the CREATOR,...again...naturally speaking (according to nature, character, creative expression). - on that note, I thank you for your thread, and will elaborate more, and segway my commentary-discussion on this subject in my blog portals and other resource logs. As a theosophist, I tend to focus on the principle, concepts, ideals of the subject matter 'philosophically', if you would bear with me :) - more to come.........
    HI WOTW, I'll address your question about the Trinity soon,....but elsewhere I've held a more Unitarian Christology, but I understand an orthodox Trinitarian view, but still....most orthodox CHristians do NOT subscribe to the HS as a female personality, at least not the RCC or most Orthodox chapters, although some will surely agree metaphysically and philosophically with my discourse on 'Deity and Gender' in spirit and principle, how the two genders originate from God, and therefore are essential compliments in the dynamic activity of creation, which takes a 'Father' and 'Mother' aspect inner-merging to generate offspring.
    It is easy to assume that you have thought of everything until someone points out something you missed. I am glad to have helped you challenge your own beliefs and come out stronger as a result.
    Thread got closed, so I will respond to you here.

    I was going to say the same. This is sort of my doing. It's because I've bested her in our recent debates. She's feeling aggrieved and rather than see the errors of her ways and theology (which are one and the same) she needs to find solace in other's sympathy. This is her attempt at receiving such.

    This is what she needs to learn:

    John 12:43
    for they loved human praise more than praise from God.

    And while I'm here:

    Mark 9:43
    If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life maimed than with two hands to go into hell, where the fire never goes out.
    She prefers to scratch out 99% of the bible because she thinks it goes against what Jesus teaches.
    Ironic isn't it, considering the whole bible is concerning Him.
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