A detail presentation by Jim and Penny Caldwell of The real mount Sinai, mount Horeb, the rock of Horeb that Moses struck, the Golden calf altar, the pillars of the tribes and much more:
Sarcasm followed by plain rudeness and avoidance to answer. You make yourself look small to everyone. Let me show you how a real Christian behaves; The scripture you need to support your woeful lack of Biblical knowledge is:
Colossians 1:17
He existed before anything else and he holds all...
So now you're resorting to sarcasm to deflect your lack of an explanation for gravity and your lack of scriptural knowledge that would give you the verse that would support your FE view on gravity. I suppose to be a FE'er knowledge is a hindrance to you.
No, I want you to tell us why things move in a downward direction. Either you know the answer to this from a Flat Earth POV or you don't. Obviously you don't. If you would like me to give you the correct FE answer to this please just admit you don't know the answer to why everything moves...
You never answered why everything is pulled in a downward direction rather than in any direction.
If you don't know the FE answer to this I can tell you. ;)
Many old maps show Jerusalem as the centre of the Earth and that agrees with Jewish Tradition but FE'er say the north pole is the centre? Surley God's favourite place should be the centre?: