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  • I'd have a hard time saying that the fall was necessary. The incarnation perhaps, but the fall, not so easily.

    Off what way do you think the Trinity is relational between themselves?

    Also, I wanted to mention something I wrote on your thread about the sin of Adam being stronger than the sacrifice of Christ. I believe you interpret Adam and his sin allegorically so the question I asked doesn't directly apply to you, but the question you think Adam's sin 'touches' every person and do you think Christ's sacrifice touches every person also. And if so, in what way is each/every person affected by them.

    Doing all right, thanks. :)

    Yes, you may ask, and I'll answer in a PM. As an incurably curious person myself, I'll have mercy on you. :chuckle:
    No, the insurance company refused to let me enter a clause about alpaca damage. :eek:

    Yes, there is much to do in the US. Those are all good options. Even the Texas BBQ. :chuckle: Maybe you could do that on your way to the Grand Canyon.

    Yes, Jenson mentions hiddenness also. 'Terror in the night'. Nice picture. :chuckle: I can understand talking about hiddeness and mystery but I'm still hesitant to attribute something like that to God.

    Looks like you have quite a project on combining those three guys. :chuckle: I think it's interesting that Jenson affirms divine apatheia while at the same time putting so much emphasis on God identifying himself through Jesus. My initial reaction to that is that it's somewhat contradictory.

    Since school is done in December, is your plan to have a position lined up right away in January? Or would you consider having some time between?

    I imagine that would be easier said than done (merging theologies). :chuckle: Do you see any potential conflicts in them? If I recall, Hart leans more Eastern? Jenson is Lutheran. What's Fiddes?

    I can understand your concerns and desire to settle down. It seems like settling down would be hard until you make some final decisions about what you want to do once all the schooling is done. Are there any potential spouses on the horizon? :think:

    If you visited the US, do you have a particular spot? Maybe one of the more historical places like Boston or maybe a natural wonder like the Grand Canyon or one of the great national parks out west?

    I thought of another question I wanted to ask you about Jenson's book. There was a passage in the first chapter where he talks about Luther. If I'm reading him correctly, Luther would say that all that happens is in God's will and so even the evil that happens is in some way his will. Am I misreading him or is that what Luther would say?

    Just wanted to pass on a quick note, will respond to the rest later.... I've been reading more in Jenson and in a few places he's talked about Christology being related to function which I found interesting because that's how Bauckham talked about it also.

    Hope you're having a good week. :e4e:
    Oh, and I forgot. I had a funny TOL dream last night. You were visiting Maryland in the US for some reason and I was going to drive down and meet you. But I was very late and a bunch of other TOLers were there too but most of them I didn't really know. :chuckle: Maybe I spend too much time on here. :eek:
    Thanks. I'll try to look up some things about Shekinah theology and how it relates to the exile.

    I agree that it's primarily about the universal church, but I still feel like I'd be using them without fully committing. Perhaps if it was a private ritual, but it's public which adds to the feeling of commitment and accountability.

    I understand your time is limited but if you get a chance I would recommend reading the Harry Potter series. I don't know if I'd recommend just watching the movies. It's hard for me to say since I read them before seeing the movies but I feel like part of why I can enjoy the movies is that I did read the books. Especially for the earlier moves I'm not sure they are good enough to really draw you in and make the investment worth it. Maybe. :idunno:

    I actually started Jenson's book last night. Just got through a few pages though so I don't really have any thoughts so far.

    Thanks for the link. That does seem to show it pretty well.
    "Youth, middle age, and you look good..." :chuckle: I love that, thanks.

    My brother once explained it like this:

    "Oh, you're still young."

    "Oh... Well, you're still young."


    A TV station this weekend has been showing most of the Harry Potter movies. Have you seen those or read the books? They are quite good.

    Those are interesting thoughts. One thing that stands out is the part about God helping us through suffering. What is the help that we are given through God's suffering? I agree with the parts about winning power through weakness, inspiring worship through weakness/suffering, and, it wasn't directly mentioned but, showing us a better way. But that seems to be an indirect way of helping us. I'm also still interested in a more in depth comparison between that and the OT.

    Haven't thought much about baptism lately. I still feel like I should, but I'm not sure how I want to go about it and if I want to do it at this church. I feel like getting baptized in a church is making a commitment to that church and I'm not sure I feel comfortable doing that.

    I came across this book on Revelation, in case you're interested.
    Thank you, I appreciate it.

    Sorry about the rain. I wish you could send it to us, we could sure use it. Going to Italy would be lovely, I've never been to Europe but that would be one of the places I'd go if I could.
    I've been better, but thank you for asking.

    I hope you're doing well yourself, and enjoying your summer while it lasts. :)
    Is God entering into the human condition supposed to be Jesus? If so, how does he view God's forgiveness in the Old Testament?

    Glad you have a plate full of options. :chuckle: Any of those routes sounds good to me. I can see your concern with the science/theology one, however I feel like that's a much needed topic in some segments of the world/Christianity. I think you'd be a good voice calling out. :sozo: :D

    Yes, we own the extended editions and they are better. Seems silly to watch them on TV when I could just pop in a dvd. :chuckle: There is a fiction book I want to read next but then I think I will read LOTR again.

    Yep, still the Episcopalian one. I still enjoy it.


    Glad you are doing fine. Can't go wrong with a topic along those lines. I feel like the idea of forgiveness I often see in teaching about salvation and the atonement doesn't match up nicely with how forgiveness is portrayed in the parable of the unforgiving servant. I'd like to see something that specifically addresses that parable and what it means for what Christ did.

    I'm alright. Had a pretty good weekend. A tv channel is running the LOTR trilogy so I've been watching that as I do other things. I never tire of these movies. :eek: One of the readings at church was part of Ephesians 2. I still think that's one of the passages that MAD (or other dispensational systems) can't explain. But if I asked someone around here they'd probably give me one. :chuckle: Nearing the end of Chesterton's Orthodoxy. Might start Jenson's The Divine Identity next.

    :chuckle: Yeah, another busy week. I was on here on Tuesday and did some posting but then wasn't back until now. I helped someone move last night. It was exhausting. The soreness is starting to settle in. :noid:

    How are you doing? A doctoral research program would be fun. Do you have any potential topics? Maybe something with alpacas? :eek:

    I know just a bit about Borg. Wouldn't he also deny some other tenets of Orthodoxy?

    Cool thanks for the videos. I'll try to check them out. :up:

    One step in narrowing the area is good. I think at one point you mentioned going into the military. Did you decide against that? Or was that never going to be the internship?

    I'm glad to hear it. And yes, definitely - go for the doctoral dissertation. It would be a crime if you didn't. I don't know what crime, but I'll think of something. :)

    And thank you for your kind offer. When the time seems right.

    I have to say I closed my PMs when I left, and I haven't opened them back up yet, because I don't know what I want to do.
    Well... now that's a loaded question. :eek:

    Thanks for asking, Sela. I'm okay enough.

    How's your summer going? :)
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