Catty? Must have been behind closed doors. I remember her saying Knight was moving in a different direction and thinking it was the worst move he'd made since I arrived. I remember her being publicly gracious then just fading out. :idunno:
Then Knight stopped the week of being well behaved. And now the awards are just some handful of Soots people deciding, which I think takes the interest away. Nothing against Stripe or anyone involved, but he should just have ended that too when it stopped coming from the top. Those of us on the outside mostly consider it one more bone thrown to the inner circle, which it mostly was even when Knight was hands on, but now?
And that's the main problem. Everything that even sniffs of being a perk is gobbled up first and foremost by a handful of individuals. Thats' too bad. I think it will hurt the place in the long run and I like it here.
You and I will probably be here til the cows forget the way home.