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  • That's horrific, and ridiculously frustrating. It's the kind of thing that is so pointless, it makes most see the underbelly of mankind and become hardened.
    nope - maybe tomorrow - probably my last chance before the river ices up

    spending the morning at school at a pre-start-of-the-semester open lab, but i should be able to get home by 3 or 4 and it's supposed to be sunny. Just as long as it's not windy
    Hey friend! Sanctification is the process of setting apart. That which is sanctified has been set apart, and it is now called holy! I love seeing a face with a name. :)
    I think you mean you always get your whey, which is a good thing, because breakfast is important. :chew: Glad you've had time to relax and savor it. :)
    I'm glad it's been a good vacation for you, and that you look forward to going back to your usual routine... that's a win/win. Not too shabby. :)
    The conflict between Christians, and their attitudes, has long been one of the gripes of those outside the faith looking in.

    You'll have to ask the all-knowing MADs about you being accursed, since they're evdiently the only ones who can look upon the heart and know it. LOL.
    Thanks for the rep (and the several others before it). I've very calmly approached the MADs on the topic, and I think it could be fruitful in some way.
    It was wonderful. Took a lovely picture of a wood fire in an outdoor stove. :) And you can't possibly be mad at moi. . . It's like kicking at puppies playing under a Christmas tree...but more so. :eek:
    :wave2: Hope you're having a blast. I'm off on a road trip to the in-laws and a second Christmas! :shocked: :)
    never got out - a storm blew through at midnight (I was working in the boathouse through the night) and there were whitecaps rolling down the river all day. Maybe tomorrow
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