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  • Oh, gotcha. I've fixed that and agree (dang it!). And thank you because it allowed me to reread as Fzappa instead of the liberal I thought who had followed me AND to be able to change gears because I think he's addressing something different than what others in thread were. For him, I think, it is an entirely different topic. Again, thanks for the save all the way around!
    I agree with that as well. My point wasn't to say they weren't Christian, but to get others to be thoughtful rather than knee-jerk. In some ways, we expect the spiritual attack, but I think on a political plain, it is important to remind them that just because a Christian embraces it, doesn't automatically mean it is special interest, or not beneficial to all of society.
    I met the sort of trolling that shouldn't be allowed anywhere and with help turned it into something else by the end, but Sod strolling in with a rape joke and the "scumbag lawyer" was my limit. I've closed the thread and appealed to the mods. If that's the standard I've asked for the thread to be deleted rather than leave it open to that. There simply has to be a limit or what's the point?
    It annoys the trolls as a rule, which is reason enough. . . Merry Christmas to you and yours in what I hope will be a blessed season for us all. :cheers:
    Hi AMR, Patrick Jane suggested that I talk with you about Reformed Theology. I posted a thread Called, "Reformed Theology: Somewhere Between". Please feel free to post on there. I will save my questions for there.

    p.s. I am not a basher or a hater. I am just a follower of Christ trying to Know Him better!

    Thanks and God Bless,

    Hello and thanks for the welcome! I wasn't able to reply to your message until now. That first one is a lot of reading! It appears to be a debate or discussion on the attributes and character of God?
    Holding a 4.0 at present, thank ye. But as you know, once you've hit the doctorate level anything else is mostly about time management. It's the first Christmas that Jack is actively anticipating, so we're all having a grand time. My very best to you and yours in the season and an especially merry Christmas. :cheers:
    Merry Christmas! Finished up with this semester and decided to drop in and poke a few bears, wave at a few friends and mull about the place a bit during break. :cheers:
    .....mind you I always think of you as the prize fighter, dancing waspishly around his opponent, weaving left and right before delivering a crashing uppercut. Ever seeking to manoeuvre his opponent into the corner where he can be pommelled into submission.

    Wasn't I wise to BEWARE such an opponent?
    I would like to see an end to it. But it doesn't seem right to let them continually spout such hatefulness? God is in charge and I am His.
    Thank you, AMR, for the welcome and the links.

    Will you please tell me what prompted you to send these to me?

    (Besides I am Reformed/Calvisintic/Evangelical/Southern Baptist.)

    And a "sick of politics" Republican!

    Will do. Stopped in today to archive a few things, just in case they wink out while I'm on indefinite hiatus. Reports of a huff have been greatly exaggerated. More about shrinking time and the pruning of Observations (which felt like a ham fisted bit of pettiness) made the decision about how to spend it easier. I'll keep you posted on essentials. :cheers:
    I'll touch base with you on the odd moon, but I think tonight is it for me here. Observations is gone and with it a large part of what was left of me here. I can't believe it was needed and I'd already given most of my threads to the chopping block voluntarily. Just takes the heart out of me in terms of continuing. Thanks for everything. I may keep the account to check in PMs now and then, but my posting days are essentially done.

    Between now and then, God bless you. :cheers: I'll let you know if anyone is ever deranged enough to buy a book I cobble. :thumb:
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