Of course, that's how it was during the Messiah's time.
Sure. What's your point with regard to my question, though? What time system - you call it division - does a new calendar day start at dawn.
Well ours begins at midnight, the midpoint between dusk and dawn.
When you count a day from dusk to dusk, the daytime follows the nighttime. So 15 Nisan was on "Friday evening", meaning, c. 7:30 PM, just based on the 2025 calendar, if we take 2025 to be a typical year, because that's about when dusk occurs on 15 Nisan in 2025, in the land of Israel.
But 7:30 PM following Thursday's daytime is what we call Thursday evening, not Friday evening, because we start our days at midnight. But, if you start your days at dusk, then the Last Supper when Jesus and His Apostles ate the Passover lamb and the Eucharist for the first time, was Friday evening, and He would be put to death later on that same Friday, during Friday daytime, which follows Friday nighttime, when you start your days at dusk.
So the days's daytimes are the same for both of us, we both call the daytime when Jesus was crucified Friday. It's just that that same night, was that Friday evening, or Saturday? obv it was Saturday in the Bible because the Sabbath began, which was also a high day, because it was during the feast of matzos.
$$ Ge 1:3
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
$$ Ge 1:4
And God saw the light, that [it was] good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
$$ Ge 1:5
And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
There was evening and then all of a sudden it was daytime (like in the Truman Show movie toward the end), because He created light. He called the light Day and the darkness Night, and then they are flipped around, and the evening and then the morning were the first day.