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I made this little diagram to try to highlight something in the Bible that I find quite fascinating:

In case my diagram is not perfectly self-explanatory, what I'm trying to point out in it is that the graphical appearance of the string of three Greek characters (chi, xi, and stigma) used in Revelation 13:18 to denote 666, the number of the beast (since the Greeks used some of the letters of their alphabet to serve a secondary purpose as numerals), looks like a serpent (xi = 60) coiled up, poised to strike its prey, and hidden between the first and last letters of the Greek word for 'Christ' (chi and sigma). Which, as it seems to me, might have something to do with the Satan/serpent-possessed Antichrist's deceptiveness in his appearing superficially as Christ to his unwary marks. (Though, technically, the character at the end of the beast's number, χξϛ, though it looks like the last letter of Χριστός, is actually not a sigma, but is a stigma, which is a numeral for the number 6.)

In case my diagram is not perfectly self-explanatory, what I'm trying to point out in it is that the graphical appearance of the string of three Greek characters (chi, xi, and stigma) used in Revelation 13:18 to denote 666, the number of the beast (since the Greeks used some of the letters of their alphabet to serve a secondary purpose as numerals), looks like a serpent (xi = 60) coiled up, poised to strike its prey, and hidden between the first and last letters of the Greek word for 'Christ' (chi and sigma). Which, as it seems to me, might have something to do with the Satan/serpent-possessed Antichrist's deceptiveness in his appearing superficially as Christ to his unwary marks. (Though, technically, the character at the end of the beast's number, χξϛ, though it looks like the last letter of Χριστός, is actually not a sigma, but is a stigma, which is a numeral for the number 6.)