Activity on Other Christian Web Forums


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
So, recently I've been active on a couple of other web forums. I won't name them because I strongly suspect that my experience would be the same wherever I went - except for here - and so it doesn't matter which ones they were.

There is one site that I posted on yesterday and this morning. That's it! Parts of two days. Three people were so unhinged that I put them on my ignore list just to get them off my back and several others there seemed to be just searching for any excuse they could find to be offended by the things I say. All I've done there is create one single thread where I recreated the poll that I did here a few years back where I asked the question "Is God moral?" and, just as I did here, I held off on posting my whole essay on the topic so as to see what sort of responses I'd get without having muddied the water with my own thoughts. Just doing that, not immediately coming out with my whole thesis, was all the excuse some of those people needed to get their undies all knotted up and no amount of my insisting that there wasn't any tricks being played or traps being set could convince them that I didn't have some underhanded agenda.

I actually got banned the other site from because I was, in fact, being overtly offensive to people who were saying things that were just flat out not Christian doctrine and/or being flagrantly blasphemous. I've posted there once or twice again since they lifted the banning. I can tell that they're just waiting for me to say one wrong thing so that they can pounce and ban me again. I'm trying now just to see how long I can go, being careful not to say anything overtly offensive or insulting just because I can tell my presence there is driving them crazy.

In short, two Christian forum in a row are just about as unwelcoming a place as could be imagined. One of them actually has an active ban on any mention of the Trinity! How is such a thing even possible?

The point here being that I want very much to express my gratitude to the owners and moderators of this website who grant me the latitude to be who I am. There's no doubt at all that I have too often gotten too angry and too nasty with some here but I have recently, for my own sake, been making efforts to focus on the things I can substantively respond too and just ignoring the stuff that used to get under my skin. However, what I've learned from these other sites is that even that isn't enough to prevent someone from being offended if that's what they decide they're going to be and there's no greener grass on other web forums. TOL has always been the best theology debate forum in existence and I'm proud to be a member here.
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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
... I can tell that they're just waiting for me to say one wrong thing so that they can pounce and ban me again. I'm trying now just to see how long I can go, being careful not to say anything overtly offensive or insulting just because I can tell my presence there is driving them crazy. ...
idk if I know what that feels like or not. It's definitely not a united front, idk if that's your experience over there? a united front against you?

...TOL has always been the best theology debate forum in existence and I'm proud to be a member here.
It was from the beginning (of the internet). There were multiple philosophy forums of course, but for theology, TOL was the only game and only name in town in the beginning. I'm proud to have joined in c. 1999-2000 timeframe, well before the c. August 2001 complete data loss. (It was the anonymous internet discussion board equivalent to having your house burning all the way down to the ground, we lost everything.)


Staff member
Super Moderator
idk if I know what that feels like or not. It's definitely not a united front, idk if that's your experience over there? a united front against you?

It was from the beginning (of the internet). There were multiple philosophy forums of course, but for theology, TOL was the only game and only name in town in the beginning. I'm proud to have joined in c. 1999-2000 timeframe, well before the c. August 2001 complete data loss. (It was the anonymous internet discussion board equivalent to having your house burning all the way down to the ground, we lost everything.)


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
idk if I know what that feels like or not. It's definitely not a united front, idk if that's your experience over there? a united front against you?
Yeah, I think it was to a degree. I think I got complaint bombed by a whole group at once in an attempt to get me banned, which was successful.

It was from the beginning (of the internet). There were multiple philosophy forums of course, but for theology, TOL was the only game and only name in town in the beginning. I'm proud to have joined in c. 1999-2000 timeframe, well before the c. August 2001 complete data loss. (It was the anonymous internet discussion board equivalent to having your house burning all the way down to the ground, we lost everything.)
I don't remember what year it was when I first came here. It was a long time ago! I remember being nervous about it, thinking that I was going to get clobbered by people who knew way more than I did. Turned out to be an unfounded fear. All I did at the beginning was basically parrot the stuff I had learned from Bob and even being a total hack was more than anyone I came against on the site could handle.

The only one that really gave me a serious challenge was Hilston. He totally believed some very wrong things about God but at least he was both intelligent and intellectually honest and consistent. I remember one exchange that he and I had via a texting kind of function over on his personal website where I think I actually made a crack in his armor by getting him to acknowledge that there was no moral guilt associated with accidents and then pointing out to him that his doctrine teaches that everything anyone ever does is an accident of predestination. He never actually said so, but I could sort of feel a change that told me I had hit pay dirt with that argument.

I bet I have a copy of that discussion around here somewhere. I'll have to look for it. Those were good times!


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
You joined in 2003, according to the site.

View attachment 9458
I joined long before that. That 2003 number was after they came back up after either something went wrong or they changed software or something where everything was reset. I lost dozens of posts that I would have kept copies of had I known that losing them all was a serious danger. I'm pretty sure that they've since changed the software again and non of the newer versions were as good as the original one they used. I can't remember the name of it but it had a better reputation system and much better smilies and you could have gif files as your avatar and all kinds of cool stuff.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Gold Subscriber
I joined long before that. That 2003 number was after they came back up after either something went wrong or they changed software or something where everything was reset. I lost dozens of posts that I would have kept copies of had I known that losing them all was a serious danger. I'm pretty sure that they've since changed the software again and non of the newer versions were as good as the original one they used. I can't remember the name of it but it had a better reputation system and much better smilies and you could have gif files as your avatar and all kinds of cool stuff.

Yeah, the old forum software stopped being supported, and was severely out of date, and thus not very secure. Switching away from it we lost all of the plugins that allowed for all the different smilies (they just don't exist on Xenforo), and I've been wanting to go through and readd all the smilies we had before, but you have to do each one individually, and there are a lot of them, and I just haven't found the time or motivation to do it. I have the folder that has all of the old smilies from before the forum software change. Even used a few of them on my Discord server.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Yeah, the old forum software stopped being supported, and was severely out of date, and thus not very secure. Switching away from it we lost all of the plugins that allowed for all the different smilies (they just don't exist on Xenforo), and I've been wanting to go through and readd all the smilies we had before, but you have to do each one individually, and there are a lot of them, and I just haven't found the time or motivation to do it. I have the folder that has all of the old smilies from before the forum software change. Even used a few of them on my Discord server.
I vote for doing the :truthsmacker: simile first!


Well-known member
Yeah, the old forum software stopped being supported, and was severely out of date, and thus not very secure. Switching away from it we lost all of the plugins that allowed for all the different smilies (they just don't exist on Xenforo), and I've been wanting to go through and readd all the smilies we had before, but you have to do each one individually, and there are a lot of them, and I just haven't found the time or motivation to do it. I have the folder that has all of the old smilies from before the forum software change. Even used a few of them on my Discord server.
Is there a way to download a group of posts here? For instance, if I wanted to download all of my posts, or a whole thread, could I do it? Could a mod do it?


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
I would just copy the content and paste it here after you have downloaded it. Paste it as a regular post. TOL does stand apart from other forums. What you post doesn't really fly on other forums because they are trying to appeal to a greater audience even to an audience that may not believe the truth. TOL is geared to a conservative audience.


Well-known member
I would just copy the content and paste it here after you have downloaded it. Paste it as a regular post. TOL does stand apart from other forums. What you post doesn't really fly on other forums because they are trying to appeal to a greater audience even to an audience that may not believe the truth. TOL is geared to a conservative audience.
Is there a way for me to download large amounts of my own posts from here that I want to keep a record of?

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Is there a way for me to download large amounts of my own posts from here that I want to keep a record of?
I made MS Word documents because of all the double speak that went on here. More than decade ago. But the links to posts are often dead as posts are purged. Make your own records.