Donald Trump indicted by Manhattan grand jury


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Well, this place really has become its sad little little echo chamber for trolls, conspiracy theorists and the unhinged nowadays

Except it hasn't.

Sad to see a forum devolve

TOL is the same. Sorry you feel differently?

so much considering what it once was and the vibrant traffic it used to have and also the considered debate back then amid the heated kind.

Forums get old eventually. TOL is no exception.

Thank you Knight for creating this forum and sorry it's turned into such a slurry after your departure.

It didn't.

Do the honours and bring the perma ban down on me as you have with User Name @JudgeRightly.

I'm not the one who banned him. @Sherman is.

Sad to see it go downhill so much but everything has it's time and TOL's was up a while ago in fairness. Enjoy your echo chamber!

Don't let the door hit you on the way out!


Well-known member
Well, this place really has become its sad little little echo chamber for trolls, conspiracy theorists and the unhinged nowadays. Sad to see a forum devolve so much considering what it once was and the vibrant traffic it used to have and also the considered debate back then amid the heated kind. Thank you Knight for creating this forum and sorry it's turned into such a slurry after your departure.

Do the honours and bring the perma ban down on me as you have with User Name @JudgeRightly.

Sad to see it go downhill so much but everything has it's time and TOL's was up a while ago in fairness. Enjoy your echo chamber!
Leftists have no idea why the leftist global agenda is so bad.


I identify as a Christian
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Hall of Fame
Except it hasn't.

TOL is the same. Sorry you feel differently?

Forums get old eventually. TOL is no exception.

It didn't.

I'm not the one who banned him. @Sherman is.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out!
He got banned because the staff were tired of constantly cleaning up after him. He would come in and troll member's threads.


like marbles on glass

It was banned because he trolled. You and Arthur are still here because you behave respectfully. He did not.

He brought reality to the conspiracy-addled and facts to the propaganda peddlers, election deniers, antivaxxers, insurrectionist fellow travelers, Q-nuts, theocrats, dominionists, bigots, xenophobes, and Putin-loving hypocrites. C'est la guerre.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Except it hasn't.

TOL is the same. Sorry you feel differently?

Forums get old eventually. TOL is no exception.

It didn't.

I'm not the one who banned him. @Sherman is.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out!
Course it has. This place always wore conservative bias on its sleeve but it wasn't a haven for conspiracy nuts and all of the bonkers stuff that's prevalent here nowadays. You weren't about on this forum seventeen years ago so how would you know what it was like?! It's not the same at all and it encouraged opposition as that's what a healthy and vibrant forum does. It doesn't reduce itself to an echo chamber and ban those who don't go along with the 'status quo'. Knight, the founder himself declared that he was unhappy with the way the forum had gone and took a good measure of blame himself a few years ago so you're just wrong on that score. It's no wonder he doesn't come back here anymore as it's unrecognizable in relation to what it was. Apologies for assuming it was you who banned UN but don;t kid yourself that this forum is the same as when it was in its prime. It's not even a shadow. There's no 'door' to either hit or miss JR but you pretend as you will.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
He brought reality to the conspiracy-addled and facts to the propaganda peddlers, election deniers, antivaxxers, insurrectionist fellow travelers, Q-nuts, theocrats, dominionists, bigots, xenophobes, and Putin-loving hypocrites. C'est la guerre.
And the actual wingnuts and trolls have their little playground. Sad to see but c’est la vie.


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it wasn't a haven for conspiracy nuts

Still isn't.

all of the bonkers stuff that's prevalent here nowadays.

Which is few and far in between.

It's not the same at all

In some ways it is. In other ways it isn't.

it encouraged opposition as that's what a healthy and vibrant forum does.

Still does.

It doesn't reduce itself to an echo chamber

Which TOL is not.

[It doesn't] ban those who don't go along with the 'status quo'.

Which TOL does not.

Knight, the founder himself declared that he was unhappy with the way the forum had gone and took a good measure of blame himself a few years ago so you're just wrong on that score.

TOL was already on a downward trend of overall users long before Knight left.

It's no wonder he doesn't come back here anymore as it's unrecognizable in relation to what it was.

I think you're forgetting the fact that Knight had/has a life outside of TOL, and when it came down to it, he decided to focus on his life, rather than TOL. Hence the (eventual) handover to BEL, et al, which I WAS around for.

don't kid yourself that this forum is the same as when it was in its prime.

Never said it was.

Just that overall, TOL is the same place.

It's not even a shadow. There's no 'door' to either hit or miss JR but you pretend as you will.

Usually, "Enjoy your X" is said as a parting shot, so I assumed you were leaving the forum for good.

Was I incorrect to assume so?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Still isn't.

Which is few and far in between.

In some ways it is. In other ways it isn't.

Still does.

Which TOL is not.

Which TOL does not.

TOL was already on a downward trend of overall users long before Knight left.

I think you're forgetting the fact that Knight had/has a life outside of TOL, and when it came down to it, he decided to focus on his life, rather than TOL. Hence the (eventual) handover to BEL, et al, which I WAS around for.

Never said it was.

Just that overall, TOL is the same place.

Usually, "Enjoy your X" is said as a parting shot, so I assumed you were leaving the forum for good.

Was I incorrect to assume so?
Pffft, election deniers? Q-Anuts? TGP and far right wing media propaganda sites routinely linked to? This sort of thing was well on the sidelines years ago and conspiracy quackery was frowned upon. A conservative site this may have been but it didn't promote the extreme fringe far right elements that have been commonplace here for a while.

It's not the same at all JR and you don't know what the place was like years back cos you weren't even here. So don't pretend otherwise.

Nah, it doesn't, not in the same way at all. So many people have been banned who were regulars on here for years and suddenly given the perma boot. UN is just the latest case.

TOL may not have had the same traffic as when I first joined but it had a steady flow for a good decade and more afterwards and sure, other factors such as other media platforms have an impact but the decline here was due to more than that. The forum itself was going downhill, folk were fed up with people getting banned and stifling and what made it stand out in the first place had all but gone a few years ago.

I'm well aware that Knight has a life outside of TOL thanks, I'd be worried for him if he didn't. I'm also well aware that he made it publicly known that he also wasn't happy with the way the forum had gone and (unfairly IMO) blamed himself first and foremost for the route it had taken. This place is nothing like what it was, there's no comparison. May as well have a completely different site name altogether. No wonder Knight doesn't even seem to occasionally appear on here anymore, what would be the point?

You can assume anything you like JR. Still doesn't make doors magically appear.


Staff member
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Gold Subscriber
Pffft, election deniers? Q-Anuts? TGP and far right wing media propaganda sites routinely linked to? This sort of thing was well on the sidelines years ago and conspiracy quackery was frowned upon. A conservative site this may have been but it didn't promote the extreme fringe far right elements that have been commonplace here for a while.


It's not the same at all JR and you don't know what the place was like years back cos you weren't even here. So don't pretend otherwise.

I've been here since 2015.

Nah, it doesn't, not in the same way at all. So many people have been banned who were regulars on here for years and suddenly given the perma boot. UN is just the latest case.

As stated, UN was trolling, and we (TOL Staff) were getting tired of cleaning up after him, so he got the boot.

If you have a problem with that, take it up with Sherman.

You can assume anything you like JR. Still doesn't make doors magically appear.

So are you leaving or not?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

I've been here since 2015.

As stated, UN was trolling, and we (TOL Staff) were getting tired of cleaning up after him, so he got the boot.

If you have a problem with that, take it up with Sherman.

So are you leaving or not?
I've been here since 2006 so you've little clue as to when TOL was at it's peak in terms of traffic, vibrancy and forum membership.

He wasn't trolling but let's face it, you were always the one who pretty much won the 'cub reporters' thread when Town Heretic was still around this place and then saw how it was going and left. "Cleaning up"? Wow, that must take up a whole load of time considering how much traffic there is around here nowadays...Oh noes, someone's saying something sarcastic about Trump or far right media again! Meanwhile, wingnuts are peddling all sorts of crap and bat crazy and that's just all okay! Like I said, no wonder Knight has nothing to do with this place anymore.

Eh, if Sherman wants to ban people then it's her prerogative although it does kinda make the whole censorship/left thing a bit laughable when long standing voices of dissent are booted like that. Still, at least she never accused me of forum stalking or any pathetic crap like that.

My prerogative ain't it unless I get given the boot?