Far Better To Build Immune System than Count on Vaccines


Gibberish. How do they know this when determining these facts are difficult? Which vaccination? There is no mention of SARS Covid or why the Herpes virus appears with every venereal disease.

Edit: I also don't rule out the "covid vaccine" as a cure for SARS, but there is no proof it prevents disease.

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They Want You Dead: All-Cause Mortality Up 51% in 25-54 yr olds for Q3 2021​

Maria Romana
1 hr ago

Let me start off with a hat tip to “Political Statistics”, whose Substack article about the US CDC All-Cause Mortality dataset inspired me to do some digging and analyzing of my own. You can read his article from October 27th here.
I downloaded the dataset and spent several days working with it. When I was done summarizing, cross-tabbing, and of course, graphing, I had numbers more startling than I’d imagined. Indeed, as suggested in the title, I found that mortality for the third quarter of 2021 was 51% higher for 25-54 year olds than for the same period in 2015-2019 (the pre-COVID era). The same number for all age groups combined is 30%. THIRTY PERCENT! Almost one third more people died in America last summer than is normal for our country. Let that sink in.

Details of how I got to this are further down, but for you TLDR types, here’s the short version:



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Hall of Fame
That IS the US data, dummy. Link to source:

I guess you are correct that I was a dummy for expecting you to understand my previous graph. It was the graph showing excess deaths compared to 2020. Still, you couldn't understand the single line from either graph! 😅 :D :ROFLMAO: 😄 :LOL: :ROFLMAO: 😅 :D :LOL:

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Greatest poster ever
I guess you are correct that I was a dummy for expecting you to understand my previous graph. It was the graph showing excess deaths compared to 2020. Still, you couldn't understand the single line from either graph! 😅 :D :ROFLMAO: 😄 :LOL: :ROFLMAO: 😅 :D :LOL:
How does it feel to know that you are helping to spread lies that are killing people who would otherwise live? Looks like you get a cheap thrill out of it.

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All-Cause Mortality Up 51% in 25-54 yr olds for Q3 2021​

COVID-19 was the third leading cause of death across most of 2020, but in December 2020 and early 2021, the illness surged and briefly became the number one leading cause of death in the U.S., far surpassing even cancer and heart disease deaths in those months.

With the rapid uptake in vaccinations in the months when vaccines first became widely available, COVID-19 deaths fell sharply. COVID-19 dropped to the number 7 leading cause of death in the U.S. in July 2021.

However, with the more infectious COVID-19 Delta variant, insufficient vaccination rates, and local and state governments easing up social distancing restrictions, COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths increased again. Vaccination rates are particularly lagging for younger adults and people living in certain states. Over 50 million adults remain unvaccinated.


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Meanwhile, they are ignoring a much more important indicator - trends in both Covid and all-cause mortality are very much going the wrong way in the vaccinated elderly population.

In the last four weeks for which British data are available, roughly coinciding with September, about 1,000 vaccinated English people 80 and over died from Covid and 16,000 from all causes.

Compare those numbers to four weeks in May, when fewer than 70 vaccinated English people 80 and over died from Covid and 13,000 from all causes.

Put another way, overall deaths rose more than 20 percent in the vaccinated elderly from May to September, and Covid deaths 15-fold. And this was not because many more people were vaccinated. The number of vaccinated elderly people rose only about 4 percent from May to September.

Compare that to the mortality trends in unvaccinated English people 80 and over.

About 800 died of all causes in four weeks in May (at the time, there were about 77,000 unvaccinated elderly people, compared to 69,000 in September). Fewer than 20 of those died of Covid.

In September, about 140 unvaccinated elderly people died of Covid - a eight-fold increase compared to the 15-fold increase in the vaccinated.

(All data from the British government:


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Greatest poster ever
Meanwhile, they are ignoring a much more important indicator - trends in both Covid and all-cause mortality are very much going the wrong way in the vaccinated elderly population.
Meanwhile, you are ignoring a much more important indicator - the unvaccinated are dying at a much higher rate than the vaccinated:

If the vaccinations were harmful, shouldn't that fact be the other way around?


Meanwhile, you are ignoring a much more important indicator - the unvaccinated are dying at a much higher rate than the vaccinated:

If the vaccinations were harmful, shouldn't that fact be the other way around?
Ah yes, another "unbiased" story from NPR. There is no vaccination registry. The story is a crock.

way 2 go

Well-known member
Meanwhile, you are ignoring a much more important indicator -
of what ? getting the jab is more important than saving lives
the unvaccinated are dying at a much higher rate than the vaccinated:
51% more people are dying in the 25-54 old range now than before the vax
If the vaccinations were harmful, shouldn't that fact be the other way around?

all cause mortality is up in the group that is at less risk from wuflu

deaths from all causes up 51% in 25-54 yr olds​

COVID-19 was the third leading cause of death across most of 2020, but in December 2020 and early 2021, the illness surged and briefly became the number one leading cause of death in the U.S., far surpassing even cancer and heart disease deaths in those months.
6% of wuflu deaths are from wuflu alone
With the rapid uptake in vaccinations in the months when vaccines first became widely available, COVID-19 deaths fell sharply. COVID-19 dropped to the number 7 leading cause of death in the U.S. in July 2021.
wuflu deaths down & all cause mortality up
However, with the more infectious COVID-19 Delta variant,
more infectious less deadly delta scariant
insufficient vaccination rates, and local and state governments easing up social distancing restrictions, COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths increased again.
as the vax doesn't prevent infection or spread
Vaccination rates are particularly lagging for younger adults and people living in certain states. Over 50 million adults remain unvaccinated.
young adults for the win , we need a control group

so that would be you ignoring data

All-Cause Mortality Up 51% in 25-54 yr olds for Q3 2021​


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Greatest poster ever
They make so little difference as to be negligible.
If you look at actual data, you cannot tell the difference between areas where masks were heavily used and hardly used at all.
The worst case scenario is that some of the cheap masks that might only offer ~20-40% protection, but when you've got a virus multiplying exponentially, 20% protection from person to person can slow the spread of a pandemic 10x.

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Greatest poster ever
First, there is no way to prove masking and social distancing brought flu cases down any more than tribal rain dances are responsible for periodic rain showers. People believe myths because they are simple, not because they are wise. Nevertheless, what kind of moronic sense does it make to say masking brought flu cases down while covid cases kept increasing?
Such epic ignorance.

First of all, what do you think brought flu cases down if it wasn't coronavirus protocols that did it?


Well-known member
Such epic ignorance.

First of all, what do you think brought flu cases down if it wasn't coronavirus protocols that did it?
How about the fact that hospitals classified every flu case as coronavirus for the money the government was giving them to treat coronavirus patients?