

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
a lie
A Darkness
A truth. A Light. A free press should protect the light. A bishop should protect the light. If the laity doesn't speak up, the light will be extinguished. Don't sit in the dark. Stand up in the light and speak the truth. It will take courage. You will be shamed. You will be called a racist.


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Hall of Fame
a den of thieves
A Church Corrupted
A laity to the rescue. Don't get Him mad. Don't rely on the bishops. It is your job to speak the truth that is being ignored. You can start with Life, Marriage, and Family. They are sacred. They all involve protecting the child. Not the climate. Let the children come and you better protect them.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
a matter of fact
A Matter of Life
A matter of Marriage. A matter of Family. It all matters when it comes to protecting the child. The real threat to the child is not climate change. It is growing up without the father. Fathers matter more than anything else. Where is the Church and the State when it comes to protecting the child? St. Joseph pray for us.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
a matter of fact
A Matter of Life
A matter of Marriage. A matter of Family. It all matters when it comes to protecting the child. The real threat to the child is not climate change. It is growing up without the father. Fathers matter more than anything else. Where is the Church and the State when it comes to protecting the child? St. Joseph pray for us.
Don't forget grandfathers. They put their fingers (their teachings) in the holes in the dike that fathers, in spite of our best efforts, leave leaking.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
a father matters
A Marriage Matters
A Family matters. The teachings of the Church that protect Life, Marriage, and Family matters but they are being ignored by the bishops. They protect the child which is job number one. It is time for the laity to speak out. It is our job to save the Truth.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ


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Hall of Fame
a liar knows the lie
A Means to An End
A liar can't trust the truth or you. Since the truth will set you free, the liars must take away your freedom to protect them from the truth. So what is their end? What are they trying to achieve? An end to climate change? Can you believe that?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
a chance to vote today
A Free Speech Opportunity
A political expression that does not require identification. Drink Pepsi. Don't watch that MLB game. Don't fly Delta. It is that easy. It is a vote for truth. Coke, Delta, and MLB, not to mention the president, are lying about the new Georgia voting law. The boycott should extend to ESPN for showing all those MLB games.


Hall of Fame
Nope, the *laws* were created for the sole purpose of suppressing the black vote because they know their political party has nothing to offer. The more legal votes cast, the more they lose.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Nope, the *laws* were created for the sole purpose of suppressing the black vote ...
This is the lie that you have been fed by the main stream media because you rely on television for your information. You are an undiscerning consumer of news. You swallow any lie you're fed. And because you have been so indoctrinated in this throughout your whole life, and because you are an older person and are unlikely to ever change, there's really no point in putting facts in front of you that prove you wrong. You ignore them and continue parroting the lies that you've been told.