Oh stop it. It isn't cowardly fear, peeing in my pants and all that trash you make up.
It's caution. It's being a Responsible Adult.
There is nothing responsible in any of what has been done to stop the spread of this virus.
And- yes, people have been held personally liable for the spread of diseases.
See the references in this paper, for example:
Coronavirus Negligence: Liability for COVID-19 Transmission - Petrie-Flom Center
Can people infected with COVID-19 sue the people who transmitted the disease to them for negligence, even if those people did not do so knowingly?blog.petrieflom.law.harvard.edu
Also the references here:
COVID-19 and Tort Law: Examining liability for spreading the Virus
COVID-19 and Tort Law: Examining liability for spreading the Viruswww.latestlaws.com
As expected, you cite two cases in the CURRENT pandemic, rather than PRIOR to the current pandemic. My point stands, no one has ever been held individually accountable. Not until Covid-19.
Most important: Irrespective of whether you are legally liable- you have a moral responsibility to other people, not just to yourself.
I nor anyone else has ever been "morally obligated" to give up my rights because of some disease. Such is antithesis to what it means to have a moral obligation.
Your Paul Revere rhyme is cute- but immoral.
Woe to those who call good evil, and evil good.
You won't rob or murder your neighbor- but you have no problem with infecting him with a deadly disease! Why?
Straw man.
Read it again, all the way through, slowly. Process what it says.
You should avoid infecting others, not because you are forced to- but because it is the right thing to do, the moral thing to do- it ought to be the 'Christian' thing to do as well.
Why has it become the manly, masculine, macho thing to ignore common sense? To endanger others? Paul Revere felt community responsibility- but you don't!