Neil Ferguson has come out and admitted that his inspiration for lockdowns is the CCP. There you go Eric. Here's the admission by a leader in the UK that communism is his ideal. Him a leader? Yup. He's responsible for all the lockdowns in the UK. He's the one that ran the phony numbers to get your nation into lockdowns. Yeah, I guess your elections and future are secure. They're right in the hands of the CCP. How fortunate you are to have such a future ahead of you. Knowing that probably makes your heart go pitter patter pit.
And as usual the powerful don't live by the rules they are forcing on all we little people. Ferguson broke his own rules. Remember? Ain't life grand in totalitarianville? Really just. Really fair. Just highly ethical right down the line.
And as usual the powerful don't live by the rules they are forcing on all we little people. Ferguson broke his own rules. Remember? Ain't life grand in totalitarianville? Really just. Really fair. Just highly ethical right down the line.

Delingpole: Lockdowns Were Inspired by the CCP, admits Prof Pantsdown
Britain's lockdown, that in turn inspired that in the U.S? None of it would have been possible without the shining example of China.