New profile posts

Unnecessarily Disruptive to who?

You've stood by and done nothing while "ok doser" has stalked me for weeks, repeatedly name-calling and mocking - all against the rules that you've refused to enforce!

I've refrained from responding in kind in the vain hope that the moderators would actually step in and bring this to an end - if "ok doser" were to stop this repeated harassment, then there would be no need to make these posts!

Perhaps posting Knight's statement throughout the Forum would be a positive step in inform the rank-and-file and serve as a warning that actions will be taken against the real disruptive individuals in this Forum who up until now have been granted immunity

I doubt that Night hand in mind that it would be the victims and not the perpetrators that would be receiving the warnings and infractions!

Did Amiel commit blasphemy? I don't think he even came close to it. I think he was thanking God (literally).
I received your message about issues with your user account - however, your mailbox isn't taking replies. I just took a look at your account. You have made only 2 posts on the forum. You have to be registered plus for the search for new topics to become active. You have to have at least 20 posts and be on the forum for two weeks to be registered plus.
Did you you comment on one of my posts? I can't pull it up - if you remember please repeat it here so I know where you stand.
Trad off the deep end. Good posts in thread. In Him -Lon
ok doser
ok doser
I put him on ignore. Looks like he's banned again? Zippy was the only one I remember able to rein him in.
Having trouble deleting only a few of my Messages. It might let me delete all, but a few are from people who have long passed now. I could archive them if that's the only way to get the rest of the superfluous ones out, so I can receive messages again. Appreciate help. Thank you. Blessings in Him, -Lonnie
I cannot view member's private messages not even from the admin CP, so there isn't anything I can do
Thank you, btw (not manners as much as inept with the software back then, for the lateness).
I’m wondering if there’s any chance you’ll be notified of this message and respond somehow. :O
Hi UN,

I right-clicked over your profile image to do an image search, because I was mildly curious to learn, if I might, who that fellow is (if he happens to be someone of any historical note), and the little pop-up window in my browser gave me an option, "Ask Bing about this picture". So, I clicked that, and it gave me six images/links to some guy named Swami Sri Yukteswar, who looks nothing like the guy in your picture, other than some white hair and swarthy skin. Computer/Internet fails like that occasionally make me laugh a little.

By the way, your recent post in the "UFO" forum, with that image of the blonde "space man", and what you said about it, somehow strikes me as kind of interesting. Very similar artwork to stuff I've seen over the years when, from time to time, reading about occultism. Sure enough, I looked up that fruitcake-looking "Ashtar" guy, and glanced through the Wikipedia entry, and noticed mention of "theosophy". Kind of bizarre, maybe a bit spooky, stuff, in my view.

BTW, in that post, you also mentioned the Hollywood/sci-fi "grey alien" image. Years ago, I happened to watch the movie, "The Mothman Prophecies", and I was fairly intrigued when I happened to notice the "grey alien" split-second cameo in an angrily swung mirror. Pretty creepy scene.

Cultists are just sort of naturally funny.

Hey Clete,

I figured it'd be best not to say it in the thread, in case I might get zinged (again) for it by the moderators on a "name-calling" charge, but I just could not hold back from mentioning to you that, regarding the particular Russellite cultist in view at the moment (NWL), I used to refer to him as "N(ew)W(orld)L(iar)" on account of the Russellites' fake Bible being called "The New World Translation".:chuckle:
Nice! :chuckle:
So what's this other theology website. Maybe I'll check it out.
Theology Forums

We have a section for Mid Acts, Reformed, Open View, Catholic, etc.
Plus just a General Theology section.

And since we are not just a Christian Theology site, but all theologies site, we get some weird stuff too!
It's always fun to argue with the weirdos!!!
One Gospel different recipients with different backgrounds.
Bright Raven
Bright Raven
If there is a Gospel to the circumcised and a Gospel to the uncircumcised there are two and they are different Gospels. Galatians 2:7 English Standard Version (ESV)
7 On the contrary, when they saw that I had been entrusted with the gospel to the uncircumcised, just as Peter had been entrusted with the gospel to the circumcised
Galatians 1:23 says Paul sought to destroy the faith he now preached which means though Paul accepted Jesus and HIS gospel that Paul did not preach a new message Galatians 1: 23 But they had heard only, That he which persecuted us in times past now preacheth the faith which once he destroyed.