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Hey Brother,

Glad to see you around lately. I really miss your insights here on TOL.

Peace in Christ. -- RD
I'm glad you are still here.
I think and type a lot slower than I use to, and
I don't like the way this forum is set up at all.
It's not user friendly.

I miss all of our old MAD brothers and sisters.
I see Tambora on another forum.
There's a lot of genuine lunatics on that one.

GOD bless you, brother.
Hi, just added to your UFO thread :) happy to jump back into dialogues here, been away awhile...old veteran here, been busy elsewhere but thought to chime in a bit here,.....glad to have found your thread. See my recent posts in the Urantia Book thread and Lucifer subject as well :)
Infinite Love and Light :) - I've come back on to do some postings and read around a bit, see my last post on Lucifer,.....may we all be shining ones, light bearers,...even as the Bright and morning star, since we are stars of God as well :)
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The law of identical harvest or cause and effect is impersonal and can be used to bring into your experience anything you can conceive. Since creation is finished, every possible state already exists. Your fusion with a particular state (imagining with feeling what you would experience were you in that state) causes that state to be projected on your screen of space. This law cannot be changed or broken and always reproduces in your outer world the exact duplicate of any belief you consent to as true. If you would change your world, you must change your beliefs. Since consciousness is the only cause, you cannot blame others for the conditions which presently exist nor can fate or chance be the cause of that which you are now experiencing. Nothing can alter the course of events in your life except a change in your own consciousness. Whatever is appearing in your world now, although it appears real and an unalterable fact, is a reflection of previous activity in your own consciousness. Therefore, a change in consciousness will reflect that change in the future just as surely as past beliefs reflect the present.

Man is pure formless consciousness and that which he conceives himself to be is an illusion or reflection of the particular ideas he holds true. These illusions exist only so long as man focuses his attention upon them and gives them life.

The conscious mind forms beliefs and opinions from the evidence of the senses or the perceived outer world. The creative power within each of us accepts as true that which the conscious mind impresses upon it. Your creative power takes those ideas, which are thought of with feeling, and projects them in your outer world. It is important to remember that not all thoughts are creative.

Only those which are believed to be true or which are joined with feeling create the circumstances and events that you will encounter. Therefore, emotions such as anger, fear, love or joy are creative. You must guard the emotions which you allow to enter your consciousness just as you would discriminate in allowing a stranger into your home. You cannot allow negative emotions to fill your mind without suffering the consequences of experiencing the state with which those emotions are joined. Fear of loss brings loss into your world. You could take every outward precaution to guard against loss, but if you fear loss, you will most certainly experience it in your affairs. Feelings of love and joy create happy events and loving relationships. Feeling abundant brings riches into your life. A person who is unloving or suspicious and feels that others take advantage of him, draws to himself that which he believes. No matter what he does externally, his relationships with others will reflect that which he accepts as true. He may want a loving relationship but he can draw to himself only that which he is conscious of being.

Like literally does attract like. As within, so without. Consciousness is reality and that which is perceived by our senses and appears so real is but the shadow of that which we believe ourselves and the world to be.
Clefty, I literally cannot see you any longer. You will always have the last word. What I did see, from the front page, was your name as the last one to enter a comment on one of my threads. Unless another quotes you and I happen to see it. You'll always have the last word. There is no profit or God's glory in discussions between us. For me, a lost cause. I don't believe you can even return this message with you on ignore. My prayer is you keep reading your Bible and know Grace. -Lon
This is my humble comment to your post #64 on the thread 'Sabbath Keeping'.

It is clear that Paul had a very important role in spreading Jesus message in his time. But should we consider Paul's message for all times too... as Jesus message is?

And, if we like hearing God's Living Word, should we believe that we can hear more important natural truths and/or better explanations from Paul that Jesus forgot or didn't have time to reveal?

Thank you.
Hi Kerim,

Paul started out teaching the gospel of repentance, but later developed his own gospel. Paul's message is useful in the way that it differs from the facts.

Habakkuk 2
4 Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith.
5 Yea also, because he transgresseth by wine, he is a proud man, neither keepeth at home, who enlargeth his desire as hell, and is as death, and cannot be satisfied, but gathereth unto him all nations, and heapeth unto him all people:
6 Shall not all these take up a parable against him, and a taunting proverb against him, and say, Woe to him that increaseth that which is not his! how long? and to him that ladeth himself with thick clay!
7 Shall they not rise up suddenly that shall bite thee, and awake that shall vex thee, and thou shalt be for booties unto them?
8 Because thou hast spoiled many nations, all the remnant of the people shall spoil thee; because of men's blood, and for the violence of the land, of the city, and of all that dwell therein.

Some of what Jesus taught was only hinted at, mostly through parables.

Matthew 9
13 But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

Matthew 12
7 But if ye had known what this meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice, ye would not have condemned the guiltless.

Hosea 6
6 For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of Elohim more than burnt offerings.

Regards, Theo.
Hi KerimF I wrote a response to your thread What do you think of the Son of God. I hope you will take a look at it. Ps82
Was Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 the same event? If so tell me why you think like that.
My answer is no. They were two events. I'll explain if you wish.
God's Truth
God's Truth
Please tell me your beliefs and thoughts on this. I have been hoping one day to discuss this very thing with another.
"To clasp the hands in prayer is the beginning of an uprising against the disorder of the world." -Karl Barth-
Re: your timelessness post: :up: "Foreknowledge" a biblical term means, literally, knows beforehand.
Isaiah 46:10 literally says 'declares the end from the beginning.

John 8:58 literally uses both the terms for 'was' regarding a time Abraham walked on the earth, but 'am' when Jesus is applied to the past. Its literal. It can't go any other direction, the 'implication that isn't there' there!

How can that be an assertion? How is it not more than even a mere 'implication.' :confused: How can we carry on these conversations if no one will listen? When does it 'get' to make sense like its supposed to do? It looks clear to me,most of us. :idunno: It doesn't look like 'Greek' so why do we always get that accusation? It looks like scripture.
way 2 go
way 2 go
Rev 22:13  I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the Ending, the First and the Last.

literally God has no beginning or end but he has chosen to call himself Alpha and the Omega
my point is , it's not just what he dose but who he is
Meh, I logged in anonymous and read Clete. He hasn't changed a whit. He cannot even remember I posted substantially in the Summit Clock Experiment (with proofs). Help me out: Is debate something you really want in Bob Enyart Live? Maybe that's the problem. I just can't do threads when they get this nasty. All the things I've a problem with regarding Clete, like a self-fullfilling prophecy, he's displayed in thread, including inane posturing. Next? He tried to apply it to all of you? Well no, I don't have the same disdain for the rest of Open Theology, because the rest of you aren't this bad. However, how can this particular thread move along now? I think its best if I just delete my posts and let the mess lie. Aside from the content that should be there pro and con concerning a meaningful discussion of time, it hasn't gone that direction and I'm not pleased with my posts there either. The challenge was to discuss time. The majority of Christianity disagrees with you guys. I thought you'd like to know why. I had dug up articles but my saying 'wrong' is incredibly different than 'liar' etc. It just has become, imho, an ugly blight on TOL with that kind of talk. You laughed, but this is it: Imho, it makes him unsuitable for debate or discussions on TOL. Perhaps it'd be a good idea, especially now that I know what he's been saying, if I deleted my posts and called it a day. It just isn't worth it, for me, I don't think for you, for Jefferson, or Bob Enyart, let alone Clete or myself. -Lon
Regarding Stuu's comment you flagged about Christianity controlling people ( ) JR, I've heard sermons from evangelical pastors making the same claim about many preachers. I've made the same claim myself. Pastors who preach that dancing is sinful. Pastors who claim that anyone who sleeps more than 6 hours a night is being a sluggard. Pastors who preach that anyone who decides to remain single is sinning. Pastors who preach that anyone who has a glass of wine, even at a wedding, is sinning. It goes on and on and on. Control, control, control. We can't expect non-Christians, who are allowed on this forum, to act more godly than the average evangelical pastor. Which of TOL's 10 commandments do you think Stuu broke?