New profile posts

Welcome back!
Silent Hunter
Silent Hunter
Hi there! Haven't posted in a while and since they took me out of the creationist thread(s) today I probably won't be here long. Good hearing from you though.
Lon, I eliminated some of the conversation in your box - getting rid of the ones started by you. That is a feature xenforo has. See if that helps.
Welcome back to TOL, Brinny. I can repair your old account by merging it into this one. That way you have back your post count, but you get to keep your new password and E-mail. I can even change your username back to Brinny. Let me know of you are interested.
Great to have you back!
Good to be back. I'm a bit discombobulated at present because I've got three of my grandsons (4, 7, 11) after school until after 8pm and the youngest all day. Sometimes I'm sorta brain dead, but still love hearing the word being taught....and you do it so well.
Let me know of you have any issues with your account. I updated your email to your current one.
Thank you, Sherman. It's nice to se so many friends still here.
It is nice to have you back. I hope to see you posting again to bring some sanity back to the boards. We have a new group of members posting in addition to some old timers.
You're sweet, and it's good to see you. I've aged a lot since I was here last, but I made it past the sign in...thanks for your help.
Welcome to TOL. Went ahead a bumped you up to Registered plus seeing you made 40 posts.
Thank you. I hope that is similar to an A + for my work.
Not necessarily--it just means you turned in all your assignments. ;)