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"Derf: Middle English, of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse djarfr bold; akin to Old English deorfan to labor, perish, Old Saxon derƀi strong, Old Frisian derve bold, Armenian derbuk rough, stiff, Lithuanian dìrbti to work; basic meaning: to work"

Ha! All this time I had just assumed your name must be "Fred", and you were just writing it in reverse for a TOL handle!
Beloved57 Just checking to see who is still around. I've been away for about 14 years! Probably don't remember me ... but would like to post again when life grants me time.
Hello SaulToPaul2. I think you may be the same person who wrote years ago. I'm not sure about the #2. Guess you may not remember me from 2006 ... I once posted often. Thought I would check out TOL. Glad to see that it is still here.
Hello Dominic,

I was wondering, I have a book now on Amazon, "God Tales, An Anthology" I had it before only in eBook format, now it is in print format. I would love to offer it to the members of Theology online, I was wondering if I could do this. and if yes, how?

Ben Avraham
I am the chief Policy Admin. We do not allow the sale of material on this site except for material from the Dominic Enyart Live program.
"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony;"

Hope you are still being enchanted by the music of the colorful Linnet - :)
You can cure yourself from cancer for less than a penny a day using baking soda. Here's a video on how this was discovered. It includes several other cancer cures that no one has ever heard of. It was discovered by an Italian oncologist in the 80's.

BTW, I'm ffreeloader who used to post here.

Hey brother!
I hope things are going well for you.
Good to see you.
I don't post much but usually check in to see what's going on.
Good morning, today the "post reply" buttons are missing and I see the notice "You have insufficient privileges to reply here." What is this all about? My note in the help desk returns the note, valid content is needed....
I looked at your account. I am not seeing any issues on our end.
If you started using a VPN that may be the issue. Spammers use them to get onto the site to spam the help desk.
You may also want to take a look at the device you are using - if you are using a phone, the forum may not be working on a phone.