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Zogby Poll: Trump's gonna win in 2020
Sunday, June 14, 2020
A veteran pollster has some clear numbers suggesting President Trump will be reelected, despite economic uneasiness, public unrest, media hostility and the coronavirus pandemic. It may not be a blockbuster win, but it is a win nonetheless over Democratic hopeful Joseph R. Biden.
“Overall, a slim majority (51%) of likely voters thought, regardless of their political support, that President Trump would win reelection over Democratic nominee Joe Biden (43%), while 6% thought someone else would win the 2020 Presidential Election,” reports John Zogby in a new poll of 1,007 likely voters conducted June 1-2.
He is one of the few pollsters who breaks down voter preference into some very distinctive demographics.
“The subgroups most likely to believe the president would win were his base: Born again Christians (Trump 68%/Biden 28%), NASCAR fans (Trump 68%/Biden 29%), union voters (Trump 61%/Biden 35%), and voters who recently lost a job (Trump 58%/Biden 34%). Most other demographics agreed Trump would beat Biden in 2020, regardless of their political ideology or support,” Mr. Zogby noted in his analysis.
“Other important subgroups who thought Trump would beat Biden regardless of their political leanings: Both men (Trump 57%/Biden 39%) and women (Trump 47%/Biden 46%) said Trump would win, as did voters living in the East (Trump 49%/Biden 45%), South (Trump 53%/Biden 42%) and Central/Great Lakes region(Trump 56%/Biden 38%). The West region (Biden 49%/Trump 42%) felt Biden had the best chance to win in 2020,” the analysis said.
Trump is on God's side and Biden is on Satan's side, and that is what the election is all about.
A vote for Biden is a vote for Infanticide, Sosomy, Socialism, Mobs, Riots, Burning, Looting, Illegal liens, and Leftwing Extremism.
Sunday, June 14, 2020
A veteran pollster has some clear numbers suggesting President Trump will be reelected, despite economic uneasiness, public unrest, media hostility and the coronavirus pandemic. It may not be a blockbuster win, but it is a win nonetheless over Democratic hopeful Joseph R. Biden.
“Overall, a slim majority (51%) of likely voters thought, regardless of their political support, that President Trump would win reelection over Democratic nominee Joe Biden (43%), while 6% thought someone else would win the 2020 Presidential Election,” reports John Zogby in a new poll of 1,007 likely voters conducted June 1-2.
He is one of the few pollsters who breaks down voter preference into some very distinctive demographics.
“The subgroups most likely to believe the president would win were his base: Born again Christians (Trump 68%/Biden 28%), NASCAR fans (Trump 68%/Biden 29%), union voters (Trump 61%/Biden 35%), and voters who recently lost a job (Trump 58%/Biden 34%). Most other demographics agreed Trump would beat Biden in 2020, regardless of their political ideology or support,” Mr. Zogby noted in his analysis.
“Other important subgroups who thought Trump would beat Biden regardless of their political leanings: Both men (Trump 57%/Biden 39%) and women (Trump 47%/Biden 46%) said Trump would win, as did voters living in the East (Trump 49%/Biden 45%), South (Trump 53%/Biden 42%) and Central/Great Lakes region(Trump 56%/Biden 38%). The West region (Biden 49%/Trump 42%) felt Biden had the best chance to win in 2020,” the analysis said.
Trump is on God's side and Biden is on Satan's side, and that is what the election is all about.
A vote for Biden is a vote for Infanticide, Sosomy, Socialism, Mobs, Riots, Burning, Looting, Illegal liens, and Leftwing Extremism.