Y’shu or Jesus


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Y’shu or Jesus
Some say Allah is God, others say Lucifer is God. The name Jesus was invented not very long ago.

So how important is it to call a person by their real name? The name Jesus is derived from y'shu, the letter s added at the end of (Jesu-s) is only a male gender designation in Greek. The "Je" in Greek is for the letter Y in Hebrew. I guess good intentions count for something if a person does not know any better. I would think that a person would prefer being called by their real name though.

Yahshua is his name. Pronounced: Yah / shoo / uw / ah. The "u" has a "w" sound.


New member
The Hebrew spelling Y(ah)shua (ישוע) appears in some later books of the Hebrew Bible. The vowel "a" between the yod and shin is pronounced "ah." Modern Hebrew has that vowel as "e." It is an established fact that ( ישוע ) is a theophoric name. Ya is the short form for Yah. That is the reason for the English spelling Yahshua, adding the two letters a and h, to pronounce as it was in Christ day. Yeshua is almost universally recognized in the academic world as being the original Hebrew name for the Messiah, but that is from a modern Hebrew prospective. “Yahshua” is not a recognized Hebrew word; it is not listed in any Hebrew dictionary or lexicon. It is not recognized as being a legitimate name by any Hebrew scholar or linguist. It is believe by some that the reason for this may be: Quote.
Wikipedia References
Dictionary of Jewish usage: A guide to the use of Jewish terms - Page 39 Sol Steinmetz - 2005 - 207 pages - Preview A.\M,yimach shemo vezichro!. plural, yimach shemom (vezich- rom). (Literally) 'May his name and memory be blotted out!' Used after an individual's name, as in Haman yimach shemo! zichrono livrocho, plural, zichronom livrocho.
Chaim Bermant The walled garden: the saga of Jewish family life and tradition - 1974 "The darkest curse in the Hebrew language is yemach shemo vezichro, 'may his name and remembrance be obliterated"
Lawrence Schimel Found tribe - 2002 "The worst curse in Hebrew is "Yemach shemo!" May his name be erased!"

The best evidence is that his proper name was "y'shua". But because the Galileans often dropped their 'ayins', hence "y'shu," for which in the talmud many Jewish people use as an acronym meaning “may his name be blotted out”. The letters in "YSHU" stood for the sentence, "Yemach Shmo u'Zikro" meaning "may his name be blotted out" (from the scroll of life). According to a Jewish proverb, the worst death is eternal anonymity.

For uncertain reasons there are Christians and Jews who do not want God's name or Christ name used.
Exodus 23:21
Pay attention to him and listen to what he says. Do not rebel against him; he will not forgive your rebellion, since my Name is in him.

Yah / wah
Yah / shua
Jesus: The English form "Jesus" was not seen nor spoken until after the year 1525, when Sir William Tyndale, a Protestant Reformer from Oxford, England; invented it.
His name in English is Yahshua. What you have is Greek forms of the name with a modern Hebrew twist. Hebrew did not have an e vowel until after 200 AD.
"The following charts summarize the most common reflexes of the Proto-Semitic vowels in the various stages of Hebrew:"

In regards to various stages of Hebrew, the vowel change came after the second century AD. The vowel e was officially adopted by the Masoretes in the sixth century AD. [/FONT]


New member
It depends on your native tongue.
In the Greek, it's Ιησούς - note, no "J" available.

I wonder: The name Yahshua translated means "Life's helper." What is the Greek for "Life's Helper?" Anyway, the name Yahshua is Christ's name in English.


New member
The letter J

The great majority of Germanic languages; such as German, Dutch, Icelandic, Swedish, Danish and Norwegian; use J for the palatal approximate /j/, which is the letter "y" in English. J in German is called "Yot," with a Y. OK, so German pronounces J as Y but the English does not. That is strange because English is related to German. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that Europe was under the authority of the Papacy and America was not. By who’s authority was the letter J introduced?


New member
Encyclopedia Britannica 15th Edition (Vol. 10 p.149) "the devil's apostles have filled the scriptures
with tares, taking away some things and adding others...
some have dared to tamper even with the word of the
Lord Himself..."

The noted Church Historian Eusebius
quotes the Church Father Dionysius
(Hist. Eccl., Bk. 4. 23) "Codex B (Vaticanus)MSS, was altered by a later hand
in more than two thousand places. Eusebius, therefore,
is not without grounds for accusing the adherents of
the newly-risen doctrine of the trinity of falsifying
the Bible..."
(Fraternal Visitor 1924, p. 148;
translated from Christadelphian Monatshefte).

"We certainly know of a great number of
corruptions brought into the Scriptures...
relating to the Doctrine of the Trinity..."
-Sir William Whiston in his Second letter
to the Bishop of London, 1719, p. 15


New member
"Some authorities, who have spent their entire lives studying the origins of names believe that "Jesus" actually means - "Hail Zeus!"

Iesous in Greek is "Hail Zeus."
"Ie" translates as "Hail" and "sous"or "sus" translates as Zeus. The English name "Jesus", therefore, stems etymologically from "Jupiter-Zeus" the chief god of the ancient Greek Olympus."
Biblical Research Institute; 1996


New member
"It is a known fact that the Greek name endings with sus, seus, and sous [are phonetic pronunciations for the chief Greek god of Olympus] were attached by the Greeks to names and geographical areas as means to give honour to their supreme deity, Zeus." (Dictionary of Christian Lore and Legend, Professor J. C. J. Metford).
It is no wonder that "Dionysus" means the "Son of Zeus", and "Ephesus" means "Daughter of Zeus", and "Tarsus" means "Sweat of Zeus" and so on.


New member
Sacred names again? Why?

[FONT=&quot]Dishonor His Name[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
For thousands of years the refusing to use a person's name has been a direct form of dishonor. Shortening the name, replacing the name, distorting the name, all are signs of dishonor.

[FONT=&quot]Honorable Mention[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
An “honorable mention” is a title of distinction given to a person worthy of mention. Upon honoring the person their name is mentioned, so their name has a place of honor known among the people.[/FONT]

Malachi 1:6
“A son honors his father, and a slave his master. If I am a father, [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]where is the honor due me?[/FONT][FONT=&quot] If I am a master, where is the respect due me?” says [the LORD / Yahwah] Almighty. “It is you priests who show contempt for my name. “But you ask, ‘How have we shown contempt for your name?’

[FONT=&quot]So what are your thoughts about this?[/FONT][FONT=&quot] [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Malachi 2:2[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
If you do not listen, and [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]if you do not resolve to honor my name[/FONT][FONT=&quot],” says [the LORD / Yahwah Almighty], “[/FONT][FONT=&quot]I will send a curse on you[/FONT][FONT=&quot], and I will curse your blessings. Yes, I have already cursed them, because you have not resolved to honor me.



Well-known member
There is no full name ησους" in any of the most ancient texts and manuscripts because they all use what are now known as Nomina Sacra. The name "Jesus", ("Yeshua"), is nothing more than a guess based on the majority opinion concerning what the Nomina Sacra actually mean. But that is assuming that the majority are correct in their assumptions concerning the meanings and purpose of the Nomina Sacra, (and what if the purpose is to hide a secret, like hidden manna, as the Son of Elohim says there is in Rev 2:17?). The ancient texts also do not appear to have originally contained Greek case endings when it comes to names. This may be seen in names such as Ιακωβ and Ιακωβος, which is rendered "James", except for in genealogies where the case endings are still missing and we read Ιακωβ, (and they render it as "Jacob" instead of "James"). The oldest Nomina Sacra forms for the names of both Meshiah and the Anointed one are Iota-Eta with an overstrike or overline and without a case ending. In later texts they began to add case endings to names and the Nomina Sacra became three letters, Iota-Eta+case ending with an overline. Then, even later, they began to drop the Eta and started writing simply the Iota+case ending. But if they did not truly understand what Iota-Eta means then they did woefully wrong in dropping the Eta because they assumed that the old form was a "suspended form" of Nomina Sacra when in fact it may have rather been an abbreviation for TWO NAMES. The Greek Uncial Iota-Eta, (ΙH), may look like the English capital letters I and H but are the capital, (uncial), Greek Iota and Eta or Heta:

The oldest form looks like so: Ι̅H
I cannot post a full over-line here, or at least I do not know how).


Google Translation: https://translate.google.com/transl...rghaly.com/articles/display/11916&prev=search

This was an interesting page in Arabic; I just found it in a quick search and chose it because I thought it was interesting, (I have not read it). :)
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New member
Jesus' name was first revealed to Mary by the Angel.
During His Old Testament appearances, He would never reveal His name, when asked.

A "clue" might be when He appeared to Joshua at the battle of Jericho:
And he said, Nay; but as captain of the host of the LORD am I now come. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and did worship, and said unto him, What saith my lord unto his servant? - Joshua 5:14


New member
In English the word Jesus identifies the Son of Man.

The term "Jesus" is the anglicized version of the Greek text.

In Spanish the name is pronounced as "Hey Zeus" with no connotation of a Greek god.

It's not the name that is sacred, it's the person.

Besides, God communicates telepathically, he knows who a person is referring to.

The sacred name issue is a sham.


Well-known member
In English the word Jesus identifies the Son of Man.

The term "Jesus" is the anglicized version of the Greek text.

In Spanish the name is pronounced as "Hey Zeus" with no connotation of a Greek god.

It's not the name that is sacred, it's the person.

Besides, God communicates telepathically, he knows who a person is referring to.

The sacred name issue is a sham.

Many may use it as a sham but it is a critical issue underlying what I spoke of.


New member
The name Jesus must be offensive to our Messiah. What is wrong with people that they should do such a thing?


New member
In English the word Jesus identifies the Son of Man.

The term "Jesus" is the anglicized version of the Greek text.

In Spanish the name is pronounced as "Hey Zeus" with no connotation of a Greek god.

It's not the name that is sacred, it's the person.

Besides, God communicates telepathically, he knows who a person is referring to.

The sacred name issue is a sham.

What is wrong with using the correct name of our Messiah?