ECT Write a few lines summarizing these chapters


Well-known member
Nope, don't know where you got that.

What a lunatic you are! Seek some professional help.

I said that because there would be no difference between saying the NT and saying the apostle's accounts and letters. To help I'm now going to refer to the AAL because you are SO OFFENDED and distracted by what the contents of the NT actually are.
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Well-known member
What does that have to do with Malachi?

You are such a goofball.

the point was that the AAL can be called the NT. You miss it every time.

If you have an actual proposition to make about what is the NT or what is the new covenant go ahead, but it better almost everything in Heb 10A.


Well-known member
What does that have to do with Malachi?

You are such a goofball.

It's been several days now and no MAD 2P2P has been able to summarize any of those passages in the OP list. In fact, one of them even asked a brilliant question: what is a one line summary? Real growing pains!!!

the point was that the AAL can be called the NT. You miss it every time.

If you have an actual proposition to make about what is the NT or what is the new covenant go ahead, but it better almost everything in Heb 10A.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
It's been several days now and no MAD 2P2P has been able to summarize any of those passages in the OP list. In fact, one of them even asked a brilliant question: what is a one line summary? Real growing pains!!!

the point was that the AAL can be called the NT. You miss it every time.

If you have an actual proposition to make about what is the NT or what is the new covenant go ahead, but it better almost everything in Heb 10A.

So, what's a summary?


Well-known member
By contrasting Heb 10A with Gen 24B, I conclude that you are incorrect.

Because of what and about what in Heb 10? You think you are clear but it is unspecific muck, known only to you, and you are unwilling to spell it out. It is a skill called ARTICULATION.

Rom 4 is the last word on circumcision on Abraham, not you, so once you have sent a paragraph on this, if you can, I'll be going back to Rom 4 for the final.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Because of what and about what in Heb 10? You think you are clear but it is unspecific muck, known only to you, and you are unwilling to spell it out. It is a skill called ARTICULATION.

Rom 4 is the last word on circumcision on Abraham, not you, so once you have sent a paragraph on this, if you can, I'll be going back to Rom 4 for the final.

If you were really a genius you'd have realized that I was mocking you.
And, yes it was muck, like your posts.


Well-known member
What does that have to do with Malachi?

See Jeremiah 31 and Hebrews 8.

But don't neglect Heb 10 which says that it is all now and completely operating now. And of course, has nothing to do with the land as though you could have two kinds of truth being true at the same time but not meaning the same thing. 2P2P is modern in the cultural sense and helped cause the whole 'this is my truth' revolution; a revolution against truth.

btw, the name of Christ in this age is THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS which is where we get Rom 3, 10 (the intro), I Cor 1's title, 2 Cor 5 God was in Christ... etc. It's the most beautiful thing!

Right Divider

Body part
But don't neglect Heb 10 which says that it is all now and completely operating now. And of course, has nothing to do with the land as though you could have two kinds of truth being true at the same time but not meaning the same thing. 2P2P is modern in the cultural sense and helped cause the whole 'this is my truth' revolution; a revolution against truth.
Hebrews 8 confirms the nature of the NEW COVENANT as being with the houses of ISRAEL and JUDAH. You do the "spiritual Israel" dance to deny this PLAIN and CLEAR Word of God.

Once AGAIN, the land promise is NOT CANCELLED just because it's not repeated in very passage of the so-called NT.

btw, the name of Christ in this age is THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS which is where we get Rom 3, 10 (the intro), I Cor 1's title, 2 Cor 5 God was in Christ... etc. It's the most beautiful thing!
"BTW" should be capitalized, you language scholar.

Jer 23:5-8 (AKJV/PCE)​
(23:5) ¶ Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth. (23:6) In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this [is] his name whereby he shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. (23:7) Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that they shall no more say, The LORD liveth, which brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt; (23:8) But, The LORD liveth, which brought up and which led the seed of the house of Israel out of the north country, and from all countries whither I had driven them; and they shall dwell in their own land.

Don't be a silly cancellationist.