Would you quit your job? Rockingham magistrate resigns over same-sex marriage


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Temp Banned
I wonder where these people are getting that we all of a sudden have to check our religious freedom at the door of our jobs?
I guess it's the same place that so many conservatives get the idea that employers can dictate any and all the conditions of employment because the employees can always quit and go elsewhere if they don't like it. Seems I recall quite a number of threads about that around here.


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Hall of Fame
I guess it's the same place that so many conservatives get the idea that employers can dictate any and all the conditions of employment because the employees can always quit and go elsewhere if they don't like it. Seems I recall quite a number of threads about that around here.

You seem not to know the difference between government employment and private employment and even private employers have to follow the constitution.

The constitutions freedom of religion for example allows hobby lobby not to provide birth control, which is why it won is lawsuit eventually in the supreme court, and if employees of hobby lobby dont like that, they can indeed get a different job.

Hobby Lobby owners do not have to check their religious beliefs at the door, thankfully. As it should be.


New member
And now, it is only the church who will not engage homosexual marriage. Putting a spotlight upon Gods people. This " spot light "will certainly get brighter and hotter.
What are we willing to do? Complacency under fire will get us burned. The church is being warned by God, through SCOTUS, that the day is quickly upon us to make eternal decisions.
If we compromise now in this significant matter, what will we do when Government makes another law of sin. Mandating we obey Government, against what God-Jesus forebodes us to do ? Or face prosecution. And Government will . This is a small test to which a larger test is surely coming.
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New member
I wonder where these people are getting that we all of a sudden have to check our religious freedom at the door of our jobs?
And that line was was erased two day's ago by the SCOTUS ruling-Homosexual marriage. Now any civil position having judicial authority, will absolutely have to check their belief-"JESUS" at the door. Or resign.

have to check our religious freedom at the door

A4T, in a short few day's since interacting here, how different the pendulum swung. And swung permanently.
What Jesus spoke, has much broader value now,[/B]..." 44Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh." Matthew 24:42
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New member
Since this thread started prior to the SCOTUS "opinion" on homosexual marriage, we as Christians have to ( or not ), look within and determine whom we will follow. Do we love Jesus? Or were we playing with the idea of Loving Jesus. Here is the line that has be crossed. Jesus or Country ?

Do not be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.Romans 12:2

Conformed: “To be conformed to this world” is to act according to the world, we agree, we align with the world as heathen's do; in opposition to this the Apostle exhorts his readers to undergo that total change which will bring Gods people into accordance with the will of God.

The church was already warned these days would come. Perhaps we thought never in our lifetime. But we were wrong. Some will compromise. I understand, but do not agree. It is going to be a difficult decision to leave a job with a pension. I know this. But by leaving ones job, to honor God, will defiantly strengthen ones faith, and prepare the person for what is coming. The persecution of Gods people. Prepare now for the impact to come.

Feedback ?


New member
Hall of Fame
Since this thread started prior to the SCOTUS "opinion" on homosexual marriage, we as Christians have to ( or not ), look within and determine whom we will follow. Do we love Jesus? Or were we playing with the idea of Loving Jesus. Here is the line that has be crossed. Jesus or Country ?

Do not be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.Romans 12:2

Conformed: “To be conformed to this world” is to act according to the world, we agree, we align with the world as heathen's do; in opposition to this the Apostle exhorts his readers to undergo that total change which will bring Gods people into accordance with the will of God.

The church was already warned these days would come. Perhaps we thought never in our lifetime. But we were wrong. Some will compromise. I understand, but do not agree. It is going to be a difficult decision to leave a job with a pension. I know this. But by leaving ones job, to honor God, will defiantly strengthen ones faith, and prepare the person for what is coming. The persecution of Gods people. Prepare now for the impact to come.

Feedback ?

Agreed completely and well spoken. Time for fence sitting has long past and precisely why (fence sitting believers) we are where we are now.


Well-known member
Temp Banned
Since this thread started prior to the SCOTUS "opinion" on homosexual marriage, we as Christians have to ( or not ), look within and determine whom we will follow. Do we love Jesus? Or were we playing with the idea of Loving Jesus. Here is the line that has be crossed. Jesus or Country?
To believe that to "love Jesus" you must despise your gay neighbor, is delusional. There is no forced choice here unless your 'country' is trying to force you to commit a sin. And selling a cake to a homosexual for a wedding is not a sin. Nor is the U.S. government forcing anyone to sell anyone any cakes. So the idea that the U.S. court's support for equal rights for homosexuals forces you to choose between God and country is absurd.

Now, if you were being forced to commit a homosexual act, and you believe this to be a sin, then you would be forced to choose between obeying your God, and obeying your country's laws. But that's not what's happening, nor is it even remotely likely to happen.


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Temp Banned
Real love seeks the betterment of another.
No, it doesn't. That's just a desire to control others masquerading as love.

Real love accepts and forgives others exactly as they are, UNCONDITIONALLY. It does not seek to control them according to selfish ideas of their "betterment".


New member
Hall of Fame
No, it doesn't. That's just a desire to control others masquerading as love.

Real love accepts and forgives others exactly as they are, UNCONDITIONALLY. It does not seek to control them according to selfish ideas of their "betterment".

Youre one of those extremist liberals who hate the notions of things like "self control" and "accountability" aren't you.

I bet you would let a child run stark wild instead of disciplining them for their own betterment and protection and love.

Gods laws are for our betterment, not to harm us, or keep us from life enjoyment, its to have more abundant life. He seeks our betterment, He loves us and wants to protect us. Love protects.

Do you ever even read your bible?


Well-known member
Temp Banned
Youre one of those extremist liberals who hate the notions of things like "self control" and "accountability" aren't you.
No, I'm one of those liberals who hates the dishonesty of claiming that "self control" and "accountability" means controlling everyone else when they won't behave the way we want them to.
I bet you would let a child run stark wild instead of disciplining them for their own betterment and protection and love.
Our neighbors are not our children, because we are not their creators. So we have neither the right nor the responsibility for controlling what they think or do.
Gods laws are for our betterment, not to harm us, or keep us from life enjoyment, its to have more abundant life. He seeks our betterment, He loves us and wants to protect us. Love protects.
God did not place you in charge of anyone but yourself. God did not assign you the task of forcing others to do his will. … Did He?

So then why have you assumed this right and responsibility unto yourself?


New member
Hall of Fame
No, I'm one of those liberals who hates the dishonesty of claiming that "self control" and "accountability" means controlling everyone else when they won't behave the way we want them to.

Who do i control? You have a poor argument.
Our neighbors are not our children, because we are not their creators. So we have neither the right nor the responsibility for controlling what they think or do.
God did not place you in charge of anyone but yourself. God did not assign you the task of forcing others to do his will. … Did He?

Actually God did put believers in charge of being the salt of the earth and teaching others of Him.

So then why have you assumed this right and responsibility unto yourself?

Because I do my Fathers will.

Jose Fly

New member
Let's ask LA Gov. Bobby Jindal what he thinks should be done with government officials who refuse to issue marriage licenses because of their beliefs.

"This is a clear violation of constitutional rights and federal and state law. ... Disciplinary action should be taken immediately -- including the revoking of his license," the Republican governor said.

Oh wait....that was when a justice of the peace refused to issue a marriage license to an interracial couple, because he believed interracial marriages are wrong, and Jindal was clearly on the anti-discrimination side of things. But now that we're talking about gay couples...

Gov. Bobby Jindal's administration has said Louisiana court clerks and other state employees who don't want to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples because of religious objections won't have to do so.

Huh. Funny how that works. (LINK)


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Temp Banned
And i care what you reject why? You wont even answer whether or not you read your bible, while you call yourself a christian.
Since you have no authority over me, there is no reason why I should answer you. And if you weren't so blinded by your own religious arrogance, you would understand this.