ECT Words have meaning unless of course you have bit into the lie of MAD.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
So you claim the gospel preached by the 12 Apostles is another gospel to that which you believe.

Gal 1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
Gal 1:9 As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.



Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Nonsense ! There has NEVER been 2 Jesus' so there has never been 2 gospels.

You are confusing the 2 covenants the first was law and the 2nd was GRACE.

NT= Grace

That is why Jesus said the law came by Moses but Grace and truth came by Jesus.

Jhn 1:17
For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
YOU are so confused and deceived where to start ?

Jesus was baptized in water

Paul was baptized in water

Every person recorded in scripture that was saved was baptized in water.

YOU cannot produce ONE scripture that says water baptism was done away with NOT ONE.

The one Lord , one baptism, one faith means 1 spiritual baptism NOT that water baptism was done away with.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Leave it to the brown nose parroting fraud you are to focus on the materialism of thank yous :chuckle:

You...are a fraud.

I'm still laughing about your fool comment over in the Politics forum - where you posted your belief that Trump is a Christian.

If you did your homework, you fraud; you would know he was brought up attending Norman Vincent Peale's New Age Power of Positive Thinking Church.

You are one heck of an incompetent - you can't even get your being a fraud right.


I know, I know...

Time for three or four posts in a row from you now...of more evidence your so called gospel of grace hasn't any grace in it.

You fraud...

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Well-known member
Acts 2:10 Phrygia, and Pamphylia, in Egypt, and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene, and strangers of Rome, Jews and proselytes,


Peter first spoke to those in verse 10 and spoke to them to verse 21. Then in verse 22 he addresses "ye men of Israel" the difference I see is that he separated "Israel" out because the things he states to them pertain to Daniel 10:14 KJV "thy people" so Israel carried into Babylon(not Judah) and he maintained that until Acts 10-11 when he was shown different which is why he says in Acts 11:16 KJV "then I remembered" and refers back to the chapter 2 event Acts 11:15 KJV

Lazy afternoon

Mocker Marowbe is a disgusting two-bit LIAR. He's one of the BIGGEST "Phony's" on TOL. I would guess he gets some kind of thrill out of lying. Whatever it is, it exposes that he's a "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" and a complete fraud. Just a warning to all who think they're learning from "Someone in the Know."


New member
Go back and TRY to read it again. I Never said: "Trump is a Christian." I said: "Trumps Vice-Presidential candidate" is a Christian." Stop telling lies. Lies don't help your cause, Drano.

You liar. You know you said that and then changed you often do.

You have no integrity.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I NEVER said Trump was a Christian. In fact, I don't know for certain (God knows the hearts of men) but, I would have to say, Trump isn't a Christian. However, his running mate, Pence, is a Christian and that's an advantage to voting for Trump. Neither Hillary nor Bill are True Believers.

Lazy afternoon

Mocker Marowbe is a disgusting two-bit LIAR. He's one of the BIGGEST "Phony's" on TOL. I would guess he gets some kind of thrill out of lying. Whatever it is, it exposes that he's a "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" and a complete fraud. Just a warning to all who think they're learning from "Someone in the Know."

Everyone knows that.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Mocker Marowbe is a disgusting two-bit LIAR. He's one of the BIGGEST "Phony's" on TOL. I would guess he gets some kind of thrill out of lying. Whatever it is, it exposes that he's a "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" and a complete fraud. Just a warning to all who think they're learning from "Someone in the Know."

Copyright infringement. :rotfl:


New member
Everyone knows that.


Yep, even more recently, he tried to pass himself as an ex Marine to dodge...who right off caught him lying.

And you know the blow hard would have mentioned his being one many times before; as he is ever bragging about what a tough guy he is.

Being that that is the grace gospel thing to do - the man is an absolute fraud.

We're still waiting for even one decent, Scripturally based, advanced study on a topic.

What a shameful fraud the phony is.