Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
There's has been an ongoing so-called "Women's Rights March" this morning. The speakers are a combination of Lesbians, at least one man dressed as a woman, an eight-year-old (or so) Mexican girl, a few celebrities, and a mixed batch of Communists, Islamics, and looney Libs. A few "speakers" were shouting slogans and trying to cause an uprising.

Madonna was there in all her "pseudo-glory," Madonna, a multi-millionaire celebrity is calling for a revolution and stated that she's thought of seriously blowing up the White House. Braggadocio and pseudo-bravado come very easy from a celebrity such as Madonna. She attempts to work the crowd into a mad frenzy then, steps into her Limo and rides back to her Mansion and her humongous bank account. She couldn't care less if she happened to inspire some mentally ill people to try something crazy, like assassination or a real life attempt to blow up some Washington structure?

The gays were out in force, along with the rest of the Spiritually lost people trying to spout so-called "LOVE." Some Canadians were interviewed up in Canada and were advocating assassination as a possible answer to their "fears" about the Trump Presidency. Evidently, this kind of protesting is going on in other countries, as well. How do you like that idea: "Assassination in the name of love?" This reminds me of a verse of Scripture: Isaiah 5:20 "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Some Canadians were interviewed up in Canada and were advocating assassination as a possible answer to their "fears" about the Trump Presidency.

i'll let you know if there's any mention of it on the CBC

betcha they were either Quebecers or from BC

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
...Some Canadians were interviewed up in Canada and were advocating assassination as a possible answer to their "fears" about the Trump Presidency. ...

remember back in 2009 when bammy was sworn in and all those foreigners who disagreed with his politics threatened to assassinate him?

me neither :idunno:

btw - no mention of it on the cbc so far


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
It's getting to where the evening news looks like the front page of the National Enquirer, or the Jerry Springer show.


Well-known member
i sure hope they got it all out of their system

Not the point at all. You saw the astroturf tea party. This is true grassroots, much bigger and will likely be long lasting as Trump will continually needle all the groups that made up the people participating in the rallies. There was lots of political organizing going on.

There's nothing like a common foe to mobilize opposition. You saw it with Obama, now you've seen the true majority turn out when they see a dangerous leader get elected by a slim margin.


What rights do they not have that they are marching for?

The right to be seen as right when they are wrong, or as victims when they are not.
The right to special treatment.

That's what feminism is all about
People lap it up like desert cattle


Well-known member
What rights do they not have that they are marching for?
They're marching to protest the reversal of the progress that's been made. They're marching to protest mass incarceration and police shootings of black men. They're marching for the right to clean water, clean air, and healthcare. They're marching for the rights of LGBTQ. They're marching to protect the climate. They're marching to protect the Muslim community from registries and the immigrants from deportation. They're marching in defense of everything the people of the United States want to keep that Trump has said he will attack and remove.

The fact that you don't understand why they're marching, shows that you're part of the problem. You may have all the rights *you* want. Not everyone has the same rights you do. Trump hasn't threatened your rights, but he's threatened others. So all of the threatened communities have banded together as one. You attack one, you attack all.



They're marching to protest the reversal of the progress that's been made.

That's pure nonsense.

Women have been looking for anything to trample over men, and then they go back and say it's about 'equal rights' or 'protecting equal rights'.


How many times do you expect people to fall for that line?
It's high time for men's rights, because there is an obvious conflict of interest that men are getting the short stick on and it's going to be addressed- that is why they are out there protesting, because there is likely to be reform now that conservatives have taken back the mantle.

It's why they called the MRA 'terrorists'. That's how full of crap they are- calling men terrorists for wanting to have equal protection and representation in divorce and all other matters dealing with women.


New member
No surprise:


Maybe more of a surprise:

In 2004, Soros lent Trump a cool $160 million to help with the construction of Trump International Hotel & Tower in Chicago, the Chicago Tribune reported. At the time, some Chicagoans were skeptical that Trump would ever get his tower built. The project, after all, was yuuuge.


America is well on her way to fulfilling her prophetic role in bringing worship to the first beast of Rev 13


They're marching to protest the reversal of the progress that's been made. They're marching to protest mass incarceration and police shootings of black men. They're marching for the right to clean water, clean air, and healthcare. They're marching for the rights of LGBTQ. They're marching to protect the climate. They're marching to protect the Muslim community from registries and the immigrants from deportation. They're marching in defense of everything the people of the United States want to keep that Trump has said he will attack and remove.

The fact that you don't understand why they're marching, shows that you're part of the problem. You may have all the rights *you* want. Not everyone has the same rights you do. Trump hasn't threatened your rights, but he's threatened others. So all of the threatened communities have banded together as one. You attack one, you attack all.


Probably would have been better to simply put it like this:

They are marching against Trump. That is the ONLY reason they included everything else- the only thing that echoes is their feminism. The target is white, conservative men, which is what feminism goes after- maybe you should stop thinking we're stupid.

I attack one, I attack one- people are starting to see through you people. Using other agendas to ride yours in on will fail, just as it just did with the rally at hand :wave2:


Probably would have been better to simply put it like this:

They are marching against Trump. That is the ONLY reason they included everything else- the only thing that echoes is their feminism. The target is white, conservative men, which is what feminism goes after- maybe you should stop thinking we're stupid.

I attack one, I attack one- people are starting to see through you people. Using other agendas to ride yours in on will fail, just as it just did with the rally at hand :wave2:

Ah, Cruci, I think the attack is against narcissistic ignorance as exemplified by Trump.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
That's pure nonsense.

Women have been looking for anything to trample over men, and then they go back and say it's about 'equal rights' or 'protecting equal rights'.


How many times do you expect people to fall for that line?
It's high time for men's rights, because there is an obvious conflict of interest that men are getting the short stick on and it's going to be addressed- that is why they are out there protesting, because there is likely to be reform now that conservatives have taken back the mantle.

It's why they called the MRA 'terrorists'. That's how full of crap they are- calling men terrorists for wanting to have equal protection and representation in divorce and all other matters dealing with women.

Not ALL Women are out to get you Crucible. I realize you're TOLs "Token Misogynist" and hate ALL women. You're not fooling anyone but yourself.