Wokey McWokeface

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
View attachment 13588

The falls into the category of "things I did not know". Striking resemblance. How did that happen?
"It's only a small group of radicals who oppose those names"

And unfortunately a much larger group of idiot leftists who jump on any bandwagon they can to virtue signal. We saw that in spades here on TOL back in the day. They were so saturated in the propaganda that there was no reasoning with them.

I was thinking of this issue lately and it reminded me of these coins which were still commonly found in circulation when I was a kid in the '60s



Well-known member
How many Trump voting Democrats that are minorities, actually woke up, pun intended, and saw what was going on? I know the number is smaller than we would like. By a lot. But it was an improvement. The white liberals like Rusha, Arthur Brain, Sweet pea, and others hate everyone, especially those not like them.

In short: Only Indians are allowed to draw Indians, only blacks are allowed to draw and use blacks. Only whites are allowed to draw whites? "No, that is okay, we aren't 'thin skinned.' 🤔

The problem with 'bleeding hearts' is no critical thinking skills or ability to follow ideas to logical conclusions, thus knee-jerk bandaids. They 'think' they are doing good without the critical thinking skills. Liberals simply do not think about consequences: It is hedonism in philosophy and the quintessential motto that spurns it: Why can't we all just get along and offend no one, but what I see as a bully --> those I actually don't want to get along with because my knee-jerk cannot think past them being a 'bully' from my initial worldview that isn't thought out very well."

Those who can't, teach. Our teachers do a good job, but a good many of them don't have time to actually think, just teach the material without contemplating the consequences of those liberal thoughts. "They look like they are good ideas."
Hence: "We wrestle not with flesh and blood, but with spirits (bleeding hearts?) and principalities (ideologies)."

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
"there's no end because the goal is not to achieve Justice"
