William Tyndale and the Congregation
The little c church, translated from ekklesia, means just a meeting, an assembly of people interested in Christ and a congregation. William Tyndale in his 1526 New Testament, translated ekklesia consistently as congregation, except for Acts 14: 13 and Acts 19: 37 where he used churche, meaning a pagan place of worship.
Any doctrine is established by the original meaning of the Hebrew or Greek words used to express that doctrine. A translation into English should not change that doctrine. The Capital C Church goes back to Roman Catholicism, and then after Tyndale's correct use of congregation for ekklesia, Theodore Beza in 1556, a Calvinist, believed in the idea of a catholic church and its hierarchical form of government and therefore chose to support this concept by using the word "church" instead of "assembly." Use of the word "congregation" or "assembly" would not support his church's hierarchical form of church government. William Whittingham's Testament of 1557 followed Beza's usage of "church" and was actually the first edition of the Geneva Bible and was a revision of the Tyndale New Testament.
I Peter 5: 2-3 says "Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind;
3. Neither as being lords over God's heritage, but being ensamples to the flock."
I Peter 5:2-3 says that what we call priests and preachers are to feed God's people, but they are not to constrain the people of God, are not to make money from feeding the people of God, and are not to be lords over them. This identifies how the priests and hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church redefined the ekklesia (Greek), the Ecclesia (Latin) and the churche (early English) so that the priests and religious hierarchy could rule over the people.
The Capital C Church makes it easier for the priests and preachers, as an elite clergy class, to preach or imply that there is no salvation outside of the Capital C Church, and even that joining the Capital C Church is the way to salvation. In addition, the control mechanisms of the Capital C Church can be used by those who promote heresiarchal doctrines to make sure that all church members conform to the false doctrines. And so by defending false doctrines the Capital C Church contributes to the falling away from sound doctrine of II Thessalonians 2: 3-4 and the leavening of the kingdom of God in Luke 13: 18-21.
The little c church, translated from ekklesia, means just a meeting, an assembly of people interested in Christ and a congregation. William Tyndale in his 1526 New Testament, translated ekklesia consistently as congregation, except for Acts 14: 13 and Acts 19: 37 where he used churche, meaning a pagan place of worship.
Any doctrine is established by the original meaning of the Hebrew or Greek words used to express that doctrine. A translation into English should not change that doctrine. The Capital C Church goes back to Roman Catholicism, and then after Tyndale's correct use of congregation for ekklesia, Theodore Beza in 1556, a Calvinist, believed in the idea of a catholic church and its hierarchical form of government and therefore chose to support this concept by using the word "church" instead of "assembly." Use of the word "congregation" or "assembly" would not support his church's hierarchical form of church government. William Whittingham's Testament of 1557 followed Beza's usage of "church" and was actually the first edition of the Geneva Bible and was a revision of the Tyndale New Testament.
I Peter 5: 2-3 says "Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind;
3. Neither as being lords over God's heritage, but being ensamples to the flock."
I Peter 5:2-3 says that what we call priests and preachers are to feed God's people, but they are not to constrain the people of God, are not to make money from feeding the people of God, and are not to be lords over them. This identifies how the priests and hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church redefined the ekklesia (Greek), the Ecclesia (Latin) and the churche (early English) so that the priests and religious hierarchy could rule over the people.
The Capital C Church makes it easier for the priests and preachers, as an elite clergy class, to preach or imply that there is no salvation outside of the Capital C Church, and even that joining the Capital C Church is the way to salvation. In addition, the control mechanisms of the Capital C Church can be used by those who promote heresiarchal doctrines to make sure that all church members conform to the false doctrines. And so by defending false doctrines the Capital C Church contributes to the falling away from sound doctrine of II Thessalonians 2: 3-4 and the leavening of the kingdom of God in Luke 13: 18-21.