Will we build another temple Israel?


You didn't understand what you read, then.

"I have desired mercy, and not sacrifice." -God
Reading the context will help you. There was sin, in wanting to sacrifice when it was disobedience. Saul disobeyed and wanted to sacrifice with the result of his disobedience. Do I have it right?


Well-known member
Ezek 40 describes a temple which will be built in the millennium. Its dimensions are described in detail, such as...
Eze 40:46
And the chamber whose prospect is toward the north is for the priests, the keepers of the charge of the altar: these are the sons of Zadok among the sons of Levi, which come near to the LORD to minister unto him.
Eze 40:47

So he measured the court, an hundred cubits long, and an hundred cubits broad, foursquare; and the altar that was before the house


Ezek 40 describes a temple which will be built in the millennium. Its dimensions are described in detail, such as...
Eze 40:46
And the chamber whose prospect is toward the north is for the priests, the keepers of the charge of the altar: these are the sons of Zadok among the sons of Levi, which come near to the LORD to minister unto him.
Eze 40:47

So he measured the court, an hundred cubits long, and an hundred cubits broad, foursquare; and the altar that was before the house

I am not sure of your statement.


New member
So you agree it will be built soon just not necessarily in 2022? Do you have an approximate date?
I have an approximate date that I think may fit.
I am relying on Ecclesiastes 7:1 as a clue to the timing of the return of Jesus, but the year has several possibilities.
The temple will have been in place at least 3-1/2 years before that time.
And have you any suggestions who the FP will be?
Some people think it is Petrus Romanus from the prophecy of the popes, which would make it Pope Francis.

The prophecy of Revelation 13 shows two leaders of empires, the first beast empire of Revelation 13:1 and the second beast empire of Revelation 13:11.
The false prophet would be the leader of the second beast empire, which appears to contain the state of Israel.


Well-known member
I have an approximate date that I think may fit.
I am relying on Ecclesiastes 7:1 as a clue to the timing of the return of Jesus, but the year has several possibilities.
The temple will have been in place at least 3-1/2 years before that time.

Some people think it is Petrus Romanus from the prophecy of the popes, which would make it Pope Francis.

The prophecy of Revelation 13 shows two leaders of empires, the first beast empire of Revelation 13:1 and the second beast empire of Revelation 13:11.
The false prophet would be the leader of the second beast empire, which appears to contain the state of Israel.

As you know I believe Jesus returns on the 6000th year of human history (The day of Atonement): 19th September 2029.

I believe the first beast is the AC and the New World Order system he takes over. The AC will be the Muslim Mahdi as prophesied in the Satanic Quranic Haiths and the second beast is FP High Priest who will rule over Israel.

So what date do you think it might be?

Wick Stick

Well-known member
Reading the context will help you. There was sin, in wanting to sacrifice when it was disobedience. Saul disobeyed and wanted to sacrifice with the result of his disobedience. Do I have it right?
That's part of it. The sacrifice was used to rationalize sinning. "I can sin, and then sacrifice to cover it." Sort of like the indulgences of the dark/middle ages.

The other part of it is historical/cultural. The custom of the day was infant sacrifice. The firstborn children of the goyim were burned, to their "gods." The Torah allows animal sacrifice in substitution of infant sacrifice. See Ex 13:13,15, 34:20, Num 18:15,17.

So you see, sacrifices were allowed because God wanted mercy, and this was the culturally accepted way of accomplishing it in the Bronze Age. Not because God enjoyed the smell of burning cattle.

In its day, this was quite progressive. Today, not so much. Animal sacrifice is barbaric by today's standards. Does anyone really disagree on this point?

Seeing then that God does not want the sacrifices, then, why would they be reinstated? The only reason is that mankind would like to bring back a convenient indulgence - an excuse for sinning.



New member
As you know I believe Jesus returns on the 6000th year of human history (The day of Atonement): 19th September 2029.

I believe the first beast is the AC and the New World Order system he takes over. The AC will be the Muslim Mahdi as prophesied in the Satanic Quranic Haiths and the second beast is FP High Priest who will rule over Israel.

So what date do you think it might be?
I believe that Jesus returns and begins the 1000 year kingdom about 6000 years have passed since the creation of the world.
I believe that Jesus was crucified about 4000 years after the creation of the world.
There is not an accurate date for the year of the creation of the world nor for the year of the crucifixion of Jesus.
That is why I cannot identify the year Jesus will return.
I can only see that it is coming close.


Well-known member
I believe that Jesus returns and begins the 1000 year kingdom about 6000 years have passed since the creation of the world.
I believe that Jesus was crucified about 4000 years after the creation of the world.
There is not an accurate date for the year of the creation of the world nor for the year of the crucifixion of Jesus.
That is why I cannot identify the year Jesus will return.
I can only see that it is coming close.

If you count from the Septuagint genealogy-chronologies you have almost six thousand years to the advent of Messiah. If you count by the Masorete Hebrew text you have about "two days", (from the fourth day of creation, the institution of time, ("signs, appointed times/seasons, days, and years", Gen 1:14), and after creation about four thousand years of chronology in genealogies and reigns of kings, etc., which is again, about six thousand years to the advent of Messiah. Think about it: Messiah died in "the sixth day", (and in the seventh day he rested). Welcome to the everlasting eighth great day. :)


New member
If you count from the Septuagint genealogy-chronologies you have almost six thousand years to the advent of Messiah. If you count by the Masorete Hebrew text you have about "two days", (from the fourth day of creation, the institution of time, ("signs, appointed times/seasons, days, and years", Gen 1:14), and after creation about four thousand years of chronology in genealogies and reigns of kings, etc., which is again, about six thousand years to the advent of Messiah. Think about it: Messiah died in "the sixth day", (and in the seventh day he rested). Welcome to the everlasting eighth great day. :)

Most people that believe in the millennial/day idea also think that the millennial kingdom is the seventh millennial/day and that the new heaven and earth afterwards would begin on the eighth millennial/day.


That's part of it. The sacrifice was used to rationalize sinning. "I can sin, and then sacrifice to cover it."
I disagree.
Sort of like the indulgences of the dark/middle ages.

The other part of it is historical/cultural. The custom of the day was infant sacrifice. The firstborn children of the goyim were burned, to their "gods." The Torah allows animal sacrifice in substitution of infant sacrifice.
Ex 13:13,15, 34:20, Num 18:15,17.

So you see, sacrifices were allowed because God wanted mercy, and this was the culturally accepted way of accomplishing it in the Bronze Age.
Not because God enjoyed the smell of burning cattle.

In its day, this was quite progressive. Today, not so much. Animal sacrifice is barbaric by today's standards. Does anyone really disagree on this point?
I do not believe what you are saying.
Seeing then that God does not want the sacrifices, then, why would they be reinstated? The only reason is that mankind would like to bring back a convenient indulgence - an excuse for sinning.


Well-known member
If a jewish temple is built its nothing compared to Gods Church the Temple of God 1 Cor 3:16-17

[FONT=&quot]6 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.[/FONT]