Will Only A Few Human Beings Be Saved? No.


New member
Its a few when you consider how many people have lived and died on this earth.
For instance, a billion people, though a large amount, is a small # when zillions
of people have lived on earth.

It is claimed that some 108 billion human beings have lived in human history.

At least 108 billion is the number floating around on the Internet. If you google
"How many humans have lived" you will pull it up.
Approximately 108 billion humans
have lived on earth ever since homo sapiens first came into existence, about 52,000 years ago. (There have also been many other estimates though, ranging from as low as 45 billion people, to as many as 140 billion. Most scientists seem to agree that it's somewhere just north of 100 billion though.)___Off the web.

Is that an accurate number? Who knows for certain? I sure do not know.

This is an old thread. And I have already made my arguments in this thread. You can read or re-read the thread if you want to.
I don't have anything to add to what I have already said in this thread.

If interested you can take a look at my post here:

Here is an excerpt from one of my posts in this thread:

♦ The 3 arguments in my post 8 have got to be faced and dealt with. They can't just be ignored as if they were never posted.

♦ Post 8 with its Arguments (1) (2) (3) has defeated
the historically predictive interpretation
~ Luke 12:32's "little flock"
~ Mt. 7:14's "only a few find it"
~ Mt. 22:14's "many are called but few are chosen"

Assuming that 108 billion humans have lived in human history, that's nothing compared to the
trillions times trillions that are coming. The Bible says that the number of God's people will
be as numerous as the stars in the heavens and as numerous as the grains of sand on the
seashore, and the stars and grains of sand number in the trillions times trillions. (See my
posts in this thread.)

God's Plan for His Christian Church is much BIGGER than people seem to think it is. I
have never understood why it is, that some Christians seem to be drawn like a moth to
a flame, to the idea that God's Christian Church has to be "few in number."


These verses below do NOT have a historically predictive interpretation:
These verses describe ONLY the numbers of the people of God at the time these verses
were written in the first century.

~ Luke 12:32's "little flock"
~ Mt. 7:14's "only a few find it"
~ Mt. 22:14's "many are called but few are chosen"


But if you want to believe that the number of God's people is going to be "few", then that's