Eclectic Theosophist
Infinite Love Omnipresent..............
Infinite Love Omnipresent..............
Commenting on my last post here.
Thanks John,
An 'apex' entirely transcending the whole 'cult-ure-concept' of 'hell'
- if the 'soul' and 'God' are already one, there can be no separation, except what is obscuring or preventing the realization or re-cognition of it.
In Omnipresence, where 'God' fills all space (God is all in all), you cannot be 'seperated' from the Omnipresent One, much less for 'eternity'. Time, space pose no barrier to the Infinite. 'Hell' is a concept, idea, assumption of justice, but the law of retribution (karma) already takes care of action/consequence sequences, since seeds sown must be reaped in 'time'.....there will be a harvest. - but such 'sowings' & 'reapings' are relative to their degree and measures,....and only endure as long as those actions are taking place. - they are proportionate.
As far as the thread-title goes,...'God' doesn't need anything. It just so happens that man has invented various theologies or concepts of 'hell' tailored to his own understanding of retribution or the afterlife, further laden with 'translation' problems when put into English, giving false impressions that violate reason and spurn any real concept of justice or mercy, further blighting the good character of God, whose Love is either absent or powerless to save suffering souls. Love would do all in its power to save, redeem, restore,.....and not the opposite which is to forfeit, annul and deny the soul's inherent worth and potential to fulfill its life purpose and reason for existence.
Infinite Love Omnipresent..............
Commenting on my last post here.
This is the apex of this entire thread.
Thanks John,
An 'apex' entirely transcending the whole 'cult-ure-concept' of 'hell'
In Omnipresence, where 'God' fills all space (God is all in all), you cannot be 'seperated' from the Omnipresent One, much less for 'eternity'. Time, space pose no barrier to the Infinite. 'Hell' is a concept, idea, assumption of justice, but the law of retribution (karma) already takes care of action/consequence sequences, since seeds sown must be reaped in 'time'.....there will be a harvest. - but such 'sowings' & 'reapings' are relative to their degree and measures,....and only endure as long as those actions are taking place. - they are proportionate.
As far as the thread-title goes,...'God' doesn't need anything. It just so happens that man has invented various theologies or concepts of 'hell' tailored to his own understanding of retribution or the afterlife, further laden with 'translation' problems when put into English, giving false impressions that violate reason and spurn any real concept of justice or mercy, further blighting the good character of God, whose Love is either absent or powerless to save suffering souls. Love would do all in its power to save, redeem, restore,.....and not the opposite which is to forfeit, annul and deny the soul's inherent worth and potential to fulfill its life purpose and reason for existence.