Why would God need a hell?

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New member
I mean we have a Father God, we have a Jesus Christ, we have the word of God, we have the Holy Spirit, ( and I think we have seven of those Holy Spirits);

explain to yourself why we need a Christian hell? Why are we allowing Christianity to throw some hell into this Holy Mix of help we have?


New member
The original message of salvation has always been positive for humanity, how did this negative hell message get so strong into human belief? You need to think about that.


The original message of salvation has always been positive for humanity, how did this negative hell message get so strong into human belief?...

You've got it backward. :dizzy: Your warm fuzzies are a lie (Eph 4:14). :burnlib:


What is the emerging / emergent church movement?



Eclectic Theosophist


Why would God need a hell, when sinners need his help?

Love never harms. Love upholds, believes, empowers, saves, restores, redeems, envalues, strengthens, heals, makes whole.

Love could never will an eternity of suffering on anyone.

All actions have consequences and one's psychology also determines his 'condition' and has its effects, which go on to bring the results according to their nature, for such is universal law.....'seedtime and harvest'. In fact, in any realm of conditional existence, the karmic law pertains, because there is movement with corresponding effects.

What it ultimately comes down to is the question of whether individual free will could determine or conclude a final destiny or demise, which is either ECT (eternal conscious torment) or actual destruction of the soul (conditional immortality)...which is in the truest sense the 'second' and 'final' death of the soul. The other option which Mickiel is leaning towards is a kind of 'Universalism' where all souls are eventually/ultimately reunited to God by the apparently irresistible draw of divine love. While I lean towards a kind of universalism in sentiment, the option of 'conditional immortality' also has its consideration, especially from a 'biblical perspective', as far as passage-support is concerned. These options have their own philosophical and metaphysical considerations as well....while leaving room for speculation.

But we must come back to the divine will, and see that it is from the nature of God that we understand his desire and ultimate plan/purpose of creation, which is life and its unfolding potential, and in the higher case for man, his immortality (sharing in the divine nature) which in the context we are reviewing, is described as a 'gift'. If it is a 'gift' and there are some souls that undergo the 'second death' (meaning disintegration, destruction, annihilation)...then the gift apparently can be rejected...which concludes 'conditional immortality'......conditional to one's choosing.


New member
Why would God need a hell? Why would a Spiritual God , bring a Spiritual Kingdom to a physical world, then change that physical world into a spirit world, then decide to keep some horrid physical place like an eternal gravesite of pain?

For what? What sense does it make?


New member
Why would God need to punish someone for an eternity? I mean, why would not one million years of punishing be more than enough? If I sin for 70 years, don't you think 1,000,000 of hard labor and suffering would satisfy any judge? Why must my punishment be excessive?

And what in your right mind can't see that an eternity of punishing would be excessive?


New member
Why would a whole world of sick humans need a hell? Jesus in Matt. 9:12, " They who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do NEED." What kind of sense do you think God and Jesus have? This world is sick, it does not need some eternal punishing hell hanging over its head. It needs healing, not punishing.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Why would a whole world of sick humans need a hell? Jesus in Matt. 9:12, " They who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do NEED." What kind of sense do you think God and Jesus have? This world is sick, it does not need some eternal punishing hell hanging over its head. It needs healing, not punishing.

the medicine is offered

many will refuse it, thinking they have no need of being healed


New member
the medicine is offered

many will refuse it, thinking they have no need of being healed

If a patient is at a hospital and they refuse treatment , what kind of sick perverted logic would then deduce that the patient be discharged and sent to a punishing place and be whipped for 100 years, for refusing treatment? In other words, punish them for being stupid. This is how Christianity is teaching that God is. A Christian would punish people for refusing treatment, and they want the world to believe that God is like them.


New member
then treatment cannot be forced upon them

it's called Against Medical Advice, and if a patient insists on leaving, they leave, even if they'll suffer

Oh God will force treatment upon humanity , you Christians are just trained not to see his force; because of the blindness. To those of you who are not Christian , and would like to see the force God will use, turn to Revelations 8th and 9th chapters and read about the awesome stunning force God will treat humanity to. And its against the advice of Christians and against what they are teaching.
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