Why would God need a hell?

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Eclectic Theosophist
Love's allowance and long suffering.......

Love's allowance and long suffering.......

Why would God need a hell, when he could just give everyone another chance?

I've held that salvation is available to any soul that has the capacity and ability to repent or re-turn to 'God'. Love would always hold its heart OPEN to any who are 'responsive' to its drawing. Love wills only the healing, wholeness, joy and restoration of its beloved.... to fulfill, express and explore their innate potential and purpose of being. Such is Life's will.

In the light of Infinite Love itself,....there is much to consider here,....since God is Love. Only if a soul could by the full embrace of iniquity reach a state of 'no return' (which results in 'death' in the total and final sense) and it was impossible for them to ever repent or be saved from such a condition, would a soul be cut off from life, terminated, disintegrated, expunged from existence, suffering the 'second death'. So we have to factor in this 'time-lag' of mercy offered to any choosing soul, and at what point a soul reaches a point of 'no return' thus resulting in "death". - these are vital points to consider as we have in some earlier dialogues here.

'Conditional immortality' holds that some souls earn 'death' by the utter rejection of life, so choose their own fate or termination of existence as it were. 'Univeralism' holds that eventually/ultimately all souls are saved by God's incessant and irresistible love :)

Of course you know the traditional hellfire and danmnation view holds that souls who reach a point of 'no return' (apparently or so assumed) are placed into a 'lake of fire' where there is 'eternal conscious torment' (ECT) and a state of 'punishing' that goes on forever and ever and ever. ( i. e. insanity)

Again, we ask....does Love give another chance? Is Love long suffering? Does God's mercy have an exhaustion point? These are serious quest-ions to ponder as we consider the fate of any soul, no matter how wicked.


New member
prove the second death is annihilation .

The rich man also died and was buried,
Luk 16:23 and in Hades, being in torment, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham far off and Lazarus at his side.
Luk 16:24 And he called out, 'Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus to dip the end of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in anguish in this flame.'

According to the Bible, the wicked will be no more. The parable of Lazarus and Dives does not disprove the statement from the Bible that "the wicked will be no more". All sorts of things can happen in parables that do not actually happen in real life. Brer Rabbit said to Brer Fox "Don't throw me into that Briar Patch!". This proves that Rabbits can talk. And the story of Brer Rabbit and Brer Fox is a true account because it uses their names. Everyone knows that when a name is used in a story, it makes the story true. Jesus told a parable to make a point. The point was not that "dead people are actually alive in hell and being tortured 24/7 for all eternity". If that IS the point, then it contradicts Psalm 37:10 which specifically states that the wicked will be no more.


New member
According to the Bible, the wicked will be no more. The parable of Lazarus and Dives does not disprove the statement from the Bible that "the wicked will be no more". All sorts of things can happen in parables that do not actually happen in real life. Brer Rabbit said to Brer Fox "Don't throw me into that Briar Patch!". This proves that Rabbits can talk. And the story of Brer Rabbit and Brer Fox is a true account because it uses their names. Everyone knows that when a name is used in a story, it makes the story true. Jesus told a parable to make a point. The point was not that "dead people are actually alive in hell and being tortured 24/7 for all eternity". If that IS the point, then it contradicts Psalm 37:10 which specifically states that the wicked will be no more.

When a human is changed in the Kingdom from corruptible to incorruptible, their human body will perish; their old ways will perish; their sins will perish; their corruption will perish; all those things will die away to never be again. They will be born again.


New member
Christians and many religions say that God cannot save everyone, Job 42:2 says he can. " I know you can do everything!"

Those believers in God just don't know him.


Eclectic Theosophist
Love is the divine universal law.....

Love is the divine universal law.....

What the world needs now is Love sweet Love. The world does not need some hell doctrine from religion; that's embarrassing.

The law of retribution (karma) is already understood by man, since all actions have their corresponding consequences (sowing and reaping), - this law alone inspires man to do good, to serve and love their fellow man....since we are all one....members of one universal body.

Goodness is its own reward; evil its own punishment. We make our 'heaven' or 'hell' wherever we exist, by the nature and condition of our own consciousness and conduct.


Christians and many religions say that God cannot save everyone, Job 42:2 says he can. " I know you can do everything!"

Those believers in God just don't know him.
:yawn: You're projecting again (Eph 4:14). :noway:

Then Job answered the LORD, and said,
I know that thou canst do every thing, and that no thought can be withholden from thee [Job 42:1–2].

"Is that the kind of God you have? Can He do anything?

There is the old saw about God: “Can God make a rock so big that He can’t lift it?” That is like the question to Mr. Milquetoast, “Are you still beating your wife?” You see, there is no answer because you are caught whether you answer it yes or no. The question about God has no answer because God never does anything foolish. He always does that which is in the context of His character. He is always true to Himself. So you cannot tell God to do something that He cannot do. Do you know why not? Because, my friend, you are in no position to do that. God is not your errand boy. God is not going to jump through any hoop just because you hold it up." McGee, J. V. (1997). Thru the Bible commentary (electronic ed., Vol. 2, pp. 654–655). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

"Jb 42:1–6 Job’s confession and repentance took place finally. He still did not know why he suffered so profoundly, but he was done complaining, questioning, and challenging God’s wisdom and justice. He was reduced to such utter humility, crushed beneath the weight of God’s greatness, that all he could do was repent for his insolence. Without answers to all of his questions, Job quietly bowed in humble submission before his Creator and admitted that God was sovereign (cf. Is. 14:24; 46:8–11). Most importantly for the message of the book, Job was still diseased and without his children and possessions, and God had not changed anything (except for the humbling of the heart of his servant). Satan had been proven completely wrong in the charges he brought against Job and in thinking he could destroy true saving faith; Job’s companions were completely wrong in the charges they brought against him; but most critically, Job himself was completely wrong in the charges he had raised against God. He expressed his own sorrowful regret that he had not just accepted God’s will without such ignorant complaints and questions." MacArthur, J., Jr. (Ed.). (1997). The MacArthur Study Bible (electronic ed., p. 739). Nashville, TN: Word Pub.


What the world needs now is Love sweet Love. The world does not need some hell doctrine from religion; that's embarrassing.

Didn't the Beatles sing that? All ya need is love... :listen: I think John Lennon needed a bullet proof vest. :idunno: Ac 17:27


New member
Why would God need a hell when he could put all the Christians on a planet that has no unbelievers on it. They would have no one to punish.


New member
Didn't the Beatles sing that? All ya need is love... :listen: I think John Lennon needed a bullet proof vest. :idunno: Ac 17:27

I think it's going to take more than love to overcome the world's problems. It's going to take the soul which is the source of the true versions of love, benevolence, compassion, clarity, brilliance, strength, value, spaciousness, gentleness, kind-heartedness, patience, joy, serenity, peace and not the cheap imitations we've been settling for.


Well-known member
The thought of other people being tortured alive by God fills them with bliss. It's difficult for sane people to understand.

The intellect under the literal events theory has been trained to except some pretty egocentric demands coming from the wilderness and Mt Sinai, Which is why hell in the traditional vain has survived this long by implanting it as history, Galatians 4:23-28 properly internalizes those "states of mind" concerning two Gods, Fathers, Mothers, Siblings representing the Carnal mind in bondage verses the Spiritual mind in liberty which isn't historically able to be proven because it isn't about that.

More than one of the super theologian on here actually thinks Job was also based on exoterix events in history, and most likely Jonah. Sorry if this includes you but that is a deception pushed by those at the top of the religious food chain who with their curtains drawn believe them to be Esoterically understood, yet they have tricked people for generations into defending the historic delusion that religiously warps minds into excepting eternal punishment as a viable doctrine.


New member
Didn't the Beatles sing that? All ya need is love... :listen: I think John Lennon needed a bullet proof vest. :idunno: Ac 17:27

Jesus told us not to fear a man who can only shoot us but cannot destroy our souls. Rather we should fear the one who IS able to destroy both soul and body. To take your analogy further, we don't need bulletproof vests to protect us from Mark Chapman's bullets. We need "bulletproof vests" for our souls. Jesus Christ is our bulletproof vest, He saves us from complete destruction, the destruction of "both body and soul".


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Jesus told us not to fear a man who can only shoot us but cannot destroy our souls. Rather we should fear the one who IS able to destroy both soul and body. To take your analogy further, we don't need bulletproof vests to protect us from Mark Chapman's bullets. We need "bulletproof vests" for our souls. Jesus Christ is our bulletproof vest, He saves us from complete destruction, the destruction of "both body and soul".

good post

not too long


New member
Why would the Great God need a hell? Hell is for losers, and losers created its doctrine. God is a winner; he looses nothing.


Why would God need a hell when he could put all the Christians on a planet that has no unbelievers on it. They would have no one to punish.
You've offended a holy God. It's going to take an eternity for you to pay for your sin. :juggle:

Too bad you didn't appreciate the exceeding sinfulness of sin (Ro 7:13).

"Too bad." :chz4brnz: ~ Seth Brundle, The Fly

Truly I tell you, you will never get out until you have paid the last penny (Mt 5:26).
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