Love's allowance and long suffering.......
Love's allowance and long suffering.......
Why would God need a hell, when he could just give everyone another chance?
I've held that salvation is available to any soul that has the capacity and ability to repent or
re-turn to 'God'. Love would always hold its heart OPEN to any who are 'responsive' to its drawing. Love wills only the healing, wholeness, joy and restoration of its beloved.... to fulfill, express and explore their innate potential and purpose of being. Such is Life's will.
In the light of Infinite Love itself,....there is much to consider here,....since God
is Love. Only if a soul could by the full embrace of iniquity reach a state of 'no return' (which results in 'death' in the total and final sense) and it was impossible for them to ever repent or be saved from such a condition, would a soul be cut off from life, terminated, disintegrated, expunged from existence, suffering the 'second death'. So we have to factor in this 'time-lag' of mercy offered to any choosing soul, and at what point a soul reaches a point of 'no return' thus resulting in "death". -
these are vital points to consider as we have in some earlier dialogues here.
'Conditional immortality' holds that some souls earn 'death' by the utter rejection of life, so choose their own fate or termination of existence as it were. 'Univeralism' holds that eventually/ultimately all souls are saved by God's incessant and irresistible love
Of course you know the traditional hellfire and danmnation view holds that souls who reach a point of 'no return' (apparently or so assumed) are placed into a 'lake of fire' where there is 'eternal conscious torment' (
ECT) and a state of 'punishing' that goes on forever and ever and ever. ( i. e. insanity)
Again, we ask....does Love give another chance? Is Love long suffering? Does God's mercy have an exhaustion point? These are serious quest-ions to ponder as we consider the fate of any soul, no matter how wicked.