Why would God need a hell?

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New member
It's our calling to believe Scripture, in spite of people like you who pretend to believe.

I don't have a religion to protect, my belief is unemcumbered by religion. I have no traditions to protect. I have no religious ego. I have no group to magnify.

I am free of those things; I have left Egypt, and I am not going back.


New member
God is calling out a people for his namesake. If you'd like to be one of the elect, be elect.


Does God Elect Everyone?

Your too late, your religion cannot teach the world any more; its a new thing coming, its called " Knowledge will increase."

Everyone will be called by God, Christianity can no longer selfishly and violently try to take the Kingdom by its selfish sheer will. In Luke 5:32 Jesus himself teaches against what Christianity is teaching about the calling of God; Jesus is calling ALL. ALL have sinned, " I came NOT to CALL the righteous, but sinners to repentance." That is the true calling of Christ, he is calling ALL sinners, and Christianity cannot stop him from doing it.


God is not a human; fortunately for us, he's not a Christian either.

Hell is a place for all beings, whether human or otherwise, who are poisonous to mankind.

Fortunately, Heaven is a place of perpetual salvation, not a temporary one until someone wishes to knock it over. That is where Hell comes in.


New member
Hell is a place for all beings, whether human or otherwise, who are poisonous to mankind.

Fortunately, Heaven is a place of perpetual salvation, not a temporary one until someone wishes to knock it over. That is where Hell comes in.

The Christian message of hell is poisonous to mankind, deadly poison because its being masked by a God believing religion. The truth is that God will change all human sinful conditions, there will be no need for a hell. But Christianity will fight that to the end, because they want humans to be punished forever, they need that in their message; its an evangelical crutch that props up their religion.


"Your too late, your religion cannot teach the world any more; it's a new thing coming, it's called "knowledge will increase.""
The scriptures are more current than the newspaper. :poly: Didn't Ob 16 just happen? :eek:linger:

Queue jeopardy theme (right click, open).

"Everyone will be called by God, Christianity can no longer selfishly and violently try to take the Kingdom by its selfish sheer will."
:yawn: The Christian has: turned (Acts 9:35), repented (Acts 8:22), returned (1 Sam. 7:3) been converted (Acts 15:3). They have put their trust in him (Col. 1:13). :straight:

" In Luke 5:32...all sinners, and Christianity cannot stop him..."
:yawn: "Lk 5:31 who are well. I.e., those who think they are whole don’t seek healing. See note on Matt. 9:12.

...Mt 9:12 well … sick. The Pharisees thought they were well—religiously pure and whole. The outcasts knew they were not. Salvation can’t come to the self-righteous." MacArthur, J., Jr. (Ed.). (1997). The MacArthur Study Bible (electronic ed., p. 1408). Nashville, TN: Word Pub.

MacArthur, J., Jr. (Ed.). (1997). The MacArthur Study Bible (electronic ed., p. 1522). Nashville, TN: Word Pub.


New member
The life of an Elephant can really be described as one continuous feast. What Christians are blocking from humanity, is that the mind of God is continuous salvation for everyone! Rather than submit to a gospel of inclusion and turn away from their gospel of exclusion, Christianity is wholeheartedly committed to their eternal hell doctrine; because of their adherence to limited atonement, they have to twist certain scriptures and blind themselves to others; because their doctrines are more important to them than the salvation of unbelievers. They have to support their doctrines; they have to!

So they MUST support unbelievers being eternally punished, and they cannot allow any leaks out of scripture that is revealing differently; so the fight is on.

In Luke 3:6, " And ALL flesh shall see the salvation of God!" Glory to God, my eyes can see this scripture and in my mind, Christianity cannot taint it or reduce the scope of it.

At this site, I am surrounded by Christians, I can see them slowly choking salvation and trying to herd sinners into their hell. I can see their mentality, they think they are on a mission from God. They actually believe preaching hell is the will of God. That kind of mindset will EASILY condemn a human for not qualifying for God's grace.


"...What Christians are blocking from humanity..."
:yawn: Ac 20:20



"Luke 3:6, " And ALL flesh shall see the salvation of God!"
"Lk 3:6. all flesh, &c.—(quoted literally from the Septuagint of Is 40:5). The idea is that every obstruction shall be so removed as to reveal to the whole world the Salvation of God in Him whose name is the “Saviour” (compare Ps 98:3; Is 11:10; 49:6; 52:10; Lu 2:31, 32; Ac 13:47).

Lk 3:10. What shall we do then?—to show the sincerity of our repentance. (Also see on Mt 3:10.)"Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible (Vol. 2, p. 102). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.


New member
Let me show you more scripture, scripture that scares the pants off of Christianity. Christianity has hell in their hand, because they think its in the deck; they don't know satan has fixed the deck. Let me announce again to all unbelievers, all who do not understand that God is real; those of you who are really confused about the biblical message and turned off by religion; Jesus again in Luke 2:49, " Why are you looking for me? I must be about my Fathers business."

Listen unbelievers and Atheist, you have a GREAT hope in the real biblical message. God has business with you! Christianity may not want you, but God does. In 1 John 4:14" And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to BE the Savior of the WORLD!"

THAT is the business of God, world salvation, which INCLUDES you; you are NOT condemned! Don't let these bloodthirsty religions scare you.


"...atan has fixed the deck."
Satan is a defeated foe (Matt. 25:41).

[Luke 2:49]
"Lk 2:47-49 — And all who heard Him were astonished at His understanding and answers.

From a very early age, Jesus spent a lot of time alone with His heavenly Father—a practice that made Him spiritually mature far beyond His years. You can always tell when someone has nurtured a close relationship with God." Stanley, C. F. (2005). The Charles F. Stanley life principles Bible: New King James Version (Lk 2:47). Nashville, TN: Nelson Bibles.
"...God has business with you! Christianity may not want you, but God does."
:yawn: Ac 20:20
[1 John 4:14]
And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world [1 John 4:14].

"This is the gospel witness. This is the message which we have to give. This is the purpose of our love. Again I must come back and repeat: Christian love is not sloppy or sentimental; it is not sexual; it is not social. It is not something that you have at the church banquet. It is something which reveals itself when we take Christ to a lost world of sinners. That is the way we manifest our love.

This kind of love is hard to understand. I have been with missionaries in many places—in Israel, in Africa, in Lebanon, in Turkey. I have been with them in France and Italy, and I have been with them in Mexico, in Venezuela, and in the Caribbean. The thing which I have noted about these missionaries is that they love people, and a lot of people they love are very hard to love. But they have a love for them, and it is wonderful to see it. What are they doing? They are taking the gospel out to these people, and that is the thing that God has commanded them to do. When they first got there, maybe they didn’t love the people. But after you have ministered to people, my friend, you will love them, or you just couldn’t be God’s child." McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: The Epistles (1 John) (electronic ed., Vol. 56, pp. 135–136). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
"...[Y]ou are not condemned!"
Jn 3:18


Eclectic Theosophist


The goal I had set for this thread was 600 scriptures, obviously it will require more; so I am setting a new goal of 1,000 scriptures.

I don't think proof texts matter much here...as is what agrees to conscience, reason, logic, fairness, justice and mercy. You can throw a thousand verses at insanity and it still wouldn't cure it.


New member
I don't think proof texts matter much here...as is what agrees to conscience, reason, logic, fairness, justice and mercy. You can throw a thousand verses at insanity and it still wouldn't cure it.

I am doing the scripture thing as a way of leaving evidence. The Christians have a weird habit they distorted from scripture, when they give a witness, if its not accepted, they " Shake the dust off their feet", as a way of saying" You don't agree with me, now your doomed!"

Well, I am shaking tons of scriptures off at their feet; so they will know they and others they condemn are saved!


New member
Okay lets word; 1 Tim. 4:10, " For therefore we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the " Savior of ALL men, ( that's one group saved, the unbelievers), specially of those that believe, ( that's a totally different group saved, the believers!). Praise God, both groups here are saved, yet another scripture that shuts down the Christian hell, and closes off the Christian goal of limiting salvation.
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