Why volunteer for the armed forces?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Oh, I'm listening. I'm carefully listening to what you say to. The only freedom you want is selfish- for yourself. The only responsibility you want is for yourself.
You can't glean that from anything I'm writing. The freedom I want is freedom from evil. Our rights are moral rights, if you violate them, then you're being evil, and we are entitled to the freedom from all evil, otherwise we're just fooling ourselves.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Oh, I'm listening. I'm carefully listening to what you say too. The only freedom you want is selfish- for yourself. The only responsibility you want is for yourself.
I want the freedom to be responsible for myself, yes. I don't want to rely on a government that I don't trust, that I considered to be inept and overreaching. I would prefer that government to be as little involved in my life as possible.


Well-known member
Speaking of spoilt brats:

Protestants fighting Catholics.
These struggles have continued for so long, the sides totally separated, that Protestants and Catholics can even tell each other from their looks. True.
The hatred is tribal, something you should know about yourself.

Only there the murals tell clearly, along with the great walls and steel gates.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The only freedom you want is selfish- for yourself.
Again you're not listening. I want freedom for ALL Americans, freedom from interference by an overreaching inept Government.
The only responsibility you want is for yourself.
Wrong again. I want personal responsibility to be taught to ALL citizens, as I taught it to my children, as I taught it to the scouts I worked with, as I taught it to the students I worked with.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I want the freedom to be responsible for myself, yes. I don't want to rely on a government that I don't trust, that I considered to be inept and overreaching. I would prefer that government to be as little involved in my life as possible.
The US regime under the Articles of Confederation was basically a libertarian dream regime, and it was so bad it almost caused the fracture of the nation into multiple smaller confederacies by the late 1780s. We do need great central power, in order to best secure our freedoms and liberties. That's what the Constitution teaches us, through direct experience.

We need, not only to have personal responsibility, but we also need to have the world's most powerful military, as Hamilton said in Federalist No. 11, "The rights of neutrality will only be respected, when they are defended by an adequate power. A nation, despicable by its weakness, forfeits even the privilege of being neutral." This is just another way of saying the old Latin, "Si vi pacem, para bellum"---If you want peace, prepare for war.

Our military secures our rights, in a very direct and indirect way, and it best ensures peace and an end to war, especially when we are actively spreading democracy, because the one thing that we know from the study of international relations, is that liberal nations do not war against each other, so if that's true, then the more democracy we can spread, the less war there will be.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
My point is this: Many here are very concerned for their freedom. I hear this in the Covid threads, and also here. Freedom! Freedom!
And what we hear from you is compelled submission. Submit! Submit!
What I hear little of is: Responsibility.
What we hear little of from you is personal responsibility. You ARE big on collective responsibility, like a good little socialist.
Freedom without responsibility- what does that sound like?
Compelled submission to authority or the collective without personal freedom or personal responsibility - what does that sound like, comrade?


Well-known member
You bung your pictures up for effect, totally ignorant about what is really happening.
You probably still think that the English must leave Ireland .

These people are like you, grown up in to mindless hatred ... And they all think that at bedtime they 'indwell in the breast of Christ' just like you have written before.

The Catholics salute the Palestinian Muslims of the Gaza, that's what they do because that is how they feel. You didn't know that, did you? The murals tell the story.

If you've got money you should go, and walk through the Shankill ...and then walk the Falls, and see the story for yourself.

You have no clue. But you do have the hatred.


Well-known member
It's beyond your ken for sure.
The Catholic warrior is not pointing his gun at the Palestinian Muslim warrior, they are acknowledging each other.
They would fight and die together. Their flags unite them, to left and right of the mural.
In Gaelic below the Irish flag is written 'Our day will come'.
They are the minority in the North, just as the Palestinians are along the Gaza.

But if you see a Right Red Hand in the mural, that is the call of the other side, the Protestant Freedom Fighters. It means Die et mon droit.

Both have God on their sides. Both sides sleep with Jesus, and the Palestinians sleep with Muhammad.

.......... what you don't know.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You bung your pictures up for effect
I posted a link to a youtube video
If you don't understand what those words mean get a teenager to explain it to you.
, totally ignorant about what is really happening.
I can't imagine why you would think I was ignorant about what is really happening. Except that you respond emotionally and not rationally.
You probably still think that the English must leave Ireland .

I don't really think about it one way or another.
These people are like you

Soulless gingers? 😁
, grown up in to mindless hatred ..
You believe that I have grown up into mindless hatred?
How bizarre.
And they all think that at bedtime they 'indwell in the breast of Christ' just like you have written before.

Not bedtime eider. My oneness with Christ, with the Holy Spirit is eternal, everlasting and an integral aspect of my daily existence. And something that you will never be able to understand at even the simplest level.
The Catholics salute the Palestinian Muslims of the Gaza
I have no idea what you mean by this.

In what way do they "salute" them?
, that's what they do because that is how they feel. You didn't know that, did you? The murals tell the story.

If you've got money you should go, and walk through the Shankill ...and then walk the Falls, and see the story for yourself.

You have no clue.
But you do have the hatred.
A claim without evidence or support

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
It's beyond your ken for sure.
A bizarre statement rooted in your emotionalism.
The Catholic warrior is not pointing his gun at the Palestinian Muslim warrior, they are acknowledging each other.
They would fight and die together. Their flags unite them, to left and right of the mural.
In Gaelic below the Irish flag is written 'Our day will come'.
They are the minority in the North, just as the Palestinians are along the Gaza.

But if you see a Right Red Hand in the mural, that is the call of the other side, the Protestant Freedom Fighters. It means Die et mon droit.

Both have God on their sides. Both sides sleep with Jesus, and the Palestinians sleep with Muhammad.
Yes, and?
.......... what you don't know.
I did know that

What I don't know is why you make all of these bizarre false assumptions rooted in your emotionalism.
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Well-known member
I did know that

What I don't know is why you make all of these bizarre false assumptions rooted in your emotionalism.
You don't know diddly.
Just for interest, here is a typical mural to show who patrols this area.
If you've got enough far rightists in your area you could paint up your walls!! :D

The Ulster Freedom Fighters (formerly the Ulster Defence Regiment) do not salute the Palestinian Warriors on the Gaza. They do not write or speak Gaelic.
If a red right-hand this means 'I fight with God' A red l;eft-hand is totally different.

Best you leave your Irish vids alone, doser........ 'cos you don't know what you're showing.
It's retarded.....

new1 062.jpg

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
My point is this: Many here are very concerned for their freedom. I hear this in the Covid threads, and also here. Freedom! Freedom!

What I hear little of is: Responsibility.

Freedom without responsibility- what does that sound like?
In this thread you've heard from many, including me, describe their views about the responsibility they owe to the country in terms of military service.

Did you overlook that?

Gary K

New member
No I'm not. Classical liberalism so called, is the same as modern liberalism with regard to the institutions. The institutions of so-called classical liberalism are the same institutions we have today, nothing at all has changed with regard to the liberal institutions.

Classical liberalism so called refers to capitalism, which is an economic theory, not a political theory and not a moral theory and not a legal theory. Capitalism was able to grow in the soil of liberalism like it never could in illiberal polities under illiberal regimes like absolute monarchism or pure democracy, so that's my guess as to why it quickly became equated with "classical liberalism". Capitalism, and not liberalism, has been under fire by some people politically and philosophically, ever since it was first identified as a distinct economic policy. The only people who are enemies of liberalism are the Chinese and North Koreans and other inherently illiberal polities. They don't believe in human rights, so they don't believe in liberalism, so they don't believe in the liberal institutions.

It's not capitalism, is what it is, like I said.

Today's Republicans and today's Democrats are both largely liberals, though with different ethical streaks (they just look like different policy positions). Republicans and Democrats both largely believe in liberal institutions, that they should be protected and defended to the death, and liberal institutions are for securing our human rights; in other words separation of powers, civilian control of the military, rule of law, etc., are for protecting and defending the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
You and I will never agree on any of this. You turn everything upside down and inside out with your reasoning. Today's "liberal" institutions are nothing but methods of control and are used to stomp out liberty. That you fail to see that is telling.

Tell me which of today's "liberal institutions" are protecting the bill of rights. The DOJ? The FBI? The presidency? Public education? Academia?