Why volunteer for the armed forces?


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Why give up on your personal freedom for years, and possibly risk your life in a war that somebody else decided was worth fighting?

Why do people do such a thing?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Why give up on your personal freedom for years, and possibly risk your life in a war that somebody else decided was worth fighting?

Why do people do such a thing?
My son is active military
My father was
His father was
My great great grandfather was
Two greatx5 grandfathers were


Well-known member
My son is active military
My father was
His father was
My great great grandfather was
Two greatx5 grandfathers were
My father was
I was
I have two sons in reserve units now

But you didn't answer the question. Why give up on your personal freedom? Whatever for?


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My father was
I was
I have two sons in reserve units now

But you didn't answer the question. Why give up on your personal freedom? Whatever for?

To defend the freedom your loved ones have.
To defend the freedoms you have.
To defend your nation.
To advance in life.
To do something better than bumming off one's parents.

... To name a few...

Is there something wrong with that?


Well-known member
To defend the freedom your loved ones have.
To defend the freedoms you have.
To defend your nation.
To advance in life.
To do something better than bumming off one's parents.

... To name a few...

Is there something wrong with that?
Why do you care about your nation? Why are you willing to risk your life to defend it?


Well-known member
Why give up on your personal freedom for years, and possibly risk your life in a war that somebody else decided was worth fighting?

Why do people do such a thing?
Because if they didn't, you wouldn't be here to complain about it.


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Why do you care about your nation?

Me personally?

Because I was born here.
Because I was raised here.
Because I've lived my entire life here.
Because this is where my family lives.
Because this is where I live.
Because I've had so many memorable and forgettable experiences here.
Because if I don't care about my nation, it will fall to ruin.

Why are you willing to risk your life to defend it?


Because freedom isn't free.


Well-known member
Why give up on your personal freedom for years, and possibly risk your life in a war that somebody else decided was worth fighting?

Why do people do such a thing?

1. Money, money, money. For most who go in the military, this is the #1 reason. In the U.S. with the skyrocketing cost of tuition, this is the only way many believe they will have a chance to go to college. In addition, the retirement pay, I believe is the best in the nation and unlike other retirements, allows for double dipping without penalty.
U.S armed forces get the best retirement health care which unlike any other retirement health care, is provided for free. The members of the U.S. armed forces never have to worry about being put on the chopping block either. Officer pay is absurdly inflated. And despite losing every war for the last 28 years, the generals will never have to worry about being fired - just don't support Trump or try to win a war. Only the recruiters need to worry about quotas.

2. Prestige. Think someone might give up their $2000 1st-class-ticket for your $500 coach ticket. Well, wonder no longer. Many people will think you're the greatest thing which walks the earth. The isn't the age of Vietnam. Enlisted and especially officers receive a great amount of prestige. Most everyone tells you, "Thank you for your service". Do as you're told, get out and be the first in line for many, many jobs.

3. Laziness. For those graduating high school, the real world may be so scary that they want to take the easy way out with everything decided for them. They don't have to apply for job after job, compete on a level playing field with everyone else, worry about the rising cost of health insurance, worry about losing one's job due to the CCP virus, worry about the rise in crime, etc. They don't even need to ask an employer to hire them.

4. My father/mother did it. Don't need to explain this one too much.

5. Patriotism. Some people actually join the military out of patriotism. Most of the time it is uneducated patriotism. Children are planted with the idea that they need to serve their nation. All that flag pledging in public schools pays off for the military.

6. Adventure. A few actually go into the military for the adventure and visiting new places.

For Christians I would suggest not joining the military as they have to pledge themselves to a cause which is not God's.
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Well-known member
Me personally?

Because I was born here.
Because I was raised here.
Because I've lived my entire life here.
Because this is where my family lives.
Because this is where I live.
Because I've had so many memorable and forgettable experiences here.
Because if I don't care about my nation, it will fall to ruin.


Because freedom isn't free.

Why not let somebody else fight for your freedom?


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Deuteronomy 17:16 commands the king not to multiply horses. Horses were prime war materiel in those days for wars in foreign lands, so multiplying horses can indicate territorial aggression and a warlike spirit.

I would not join the military today with it being run by all the war hawks in the military industrial complex violating Deuteronomy 17:16 every chance they get.


Well-known member
Deuteronomy 17:16 commands the king not to multiply horses. Horses were prime war materiel in those days for wars in foreign lands, so multiplying horses can indicate territorial aggression and a warlike spirit.

I would not join the military today with it being run by all the war hawks in the military industrial complex violating Deuteronomy 17:16 every chance they get.
Wars ("conflicts") U.S. military involved itself in which weren't needed. Vietnam, Beirut, Lybia, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Uganda, Somalia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Mahgreb, Nepal, Sudan, Yugoslavia, Haiti, Kuwait, Grenada, Zaire, Iran, wait a second . . .

Maybe it would be easier to list the countries the U.S. military hasn't invaded?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
But you didn't answer the question. Why give up on your personal freedom?
I didn't

My son did for 2 reasons - he was 19 in a 7 year program that was going to lead to a PhD in physical therapy, and at 19 that seemed just too far away. The military was an instant paycheck, an opportunity for some adventure, and training that will provide him with a very lucrative civilian career when he comes out.

My dad enlisted when he turned 18 because it was 1944 and we were at war and he would have been drafted. As it happened, he went through basic and was directed towards OCS and was training to lead a group (platoon? squad? whatever a Lt jg would have led) in the planned invasion of the Japanese mainland in August 1945 when the bombs dropped.


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Violating Deuteronomy 17:16 has resulted in the US having military bases in over 70 countries around the world at a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars.


Well-known member
What about patriotism? Love of country? Feeling of responsibility to your fellow Americans?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Why give up on your personal freedom for years, and possibly risk your life in a war that somebody else decided was worth fighting?

Why do people do such a thing?
To spread democracy. Because you believe in human rights. Because you believe in protecting morals. To secure our freedoms, liberties and rights. For the love of mankind.

For the exercise, adventure, as a career.


Well-known member
To spread democracy.
This is counter to the principles of the founding of the U.S.
Because you believe in human rights.
Nothing stomps out human rights more than a military.
Because you believe in protecting morals.
No military I know of does that.
To secure our freedoms, liberties and rights.
The professional military does not do that.
For the love of mankind.
Join the Peace Corps. One warning - the Peace Corps doesn't pay.
For the exercise, adventure, as a career.
This one actually makes sense.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
This is counter to the principles of the founding of the U.S.
The one thing we know about international relations is that liberal regimes do not go to war with each other. That means it's the only idea going that might establish world peace.
Nothing stomps out human rights more than a military.
Nothing stomps out regimes deleterious to human rights like an overwhelming military.
No military I know of does that.
That's because you don't accept or receive that our rights are moral rights, so it's just another way of saying to protect rights.
The professional military does not do that.
What does that mean.
Join the Peace Corps. One warning - the Peace Corps doesn't pay.
What happens if you're just a born Marine and your destiny is to kill bad guys. Your talent is killing, and that's what the Marines are for, why would you join the Peace Corps.
This one actually makes sense.
Especially in the Army.


Well-known member
The one thing we know about international relations is that liberal regimes do not go to war with each other. That means it's the only idea going that might establish world peace.
Ok, what is your definition of liberal?

I want to point out that you failed to counter what I said.
To spread democracy.
This is counter to the principles of the founding of the U.S.
What you said is contrary to the founding of this country and something that was created by neocons like W who gave us such wonderful things as Iraq. One of our founding principles is that people should be allowed to choose their own government - whether it is a dictatorship or a democracy. This principle was one of the key differences between the U.S. and the French Republic. It is also why we were at relative peace in comparison.
Nothing stomps out regimes deleterious to human rights like an overwhelming military.
Worked for Caesar.
That's because you don't accept or receive that our rights are moral rights, so it's just another way of saying to protect rights.
The people of a country, state, city, or community protects their rights. Armies never have and never will protect civil liberties.

Armies only destroy civil liberties which is why countries generally direct them at the enemy.
What does that mean.
The professional military does not secure our freedoms, liberties and rights. The citizens do.
What happens if you're just a born Marine and your destiny is to kill bad guys. Your talent is killing, and that's what the Marines are for, why would you join the Peace Corps.
For the love of mankind.
Do you think that the marines only "kill bad guys"? Hate to break it to you, but marines like all soldiers many times simply kill people who happen to be on the other side of the conflict. War is not pleasant and is not black and white.