Why The Democrats Lost The Election


New member
The Dems lost the election in the primaries when they cut off the grass roots and foisted $hillary on the voters against the surge of the Sanders campaign.

They owe Trump a debt of gratitude for bringing down the Left Establishment. Maybe next time they'll listen.

Never bring a 'same' to a 'changefight'!

I agree that Hillary is too liberal, but it was safer to vote for her than Trump.


The Left hasn't been in this bad of shape since the 1800's according to what people are saying, having lost their footing in all sectors. The Left was aiming to pretty much get rid of the Right, having come out on top of the culture war of the past nearly seven years.

It's an historic example of America doing as the Founding Fathers intended- they put these mechanisms in place to ensure a way to resist multiple forms of tyranny and built a system that can endure heavy change.

As far as the Democrats are concerned- they lost because what they were doing was unacceptable, case closed.

Mr. 5020

New member
Why the Democrats lost the election, in 3 quotes:

"What difference at this point does it make?"

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

"We don't want to build a wall. We want to build bridges."


New member
Why the Democrats lost the election, in 3 quotes:

"What difference at this point does it make?"

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

"We don't want to build a wall. We want to build bridges."
There are Mexicans that are one step ahead of you, they are building tunnels into America.

Mr. 5020

New member
There are Mexicans that are one step ahead of you, they are building tunnels into America.
Seeing as I'm a Mexican-American that grew up on the Texas-Mexico border, there are already tunnels there. You completely missed the point of my post, which is that the candidate of the Left did not address a concern that over 80% of the population shares (illegal immigration). Instead, the Left called every single person with that concern a racist bigot, because the entire Left is full of disgusting bullies.


Why Dems lost the election:

-They called everyone racists, sexists, and bigots who disagreed with them.

-They sued Christian establishments and marched on their properties for having opinions contrary to theirs.

-We all know that college students are predominantly liberal, but even therein, some went to Trump because of bullying that these schools themselves didn't care about- while simultaneously scrutinizing anyone with a cross around their neck or speaking something contrary in class to liberal politics.

-They sabotaged traditional, voluntary Christian practices

-Created contrary factions in public facilities for no other purpose than to be a misery to others

-They went on people's private properties and vandalized them, and smeared them in their own places of business

All these things, you see, are what people got tired of- and the Left did nothing but make excuse after excuse for these atrocities, constantly trying to justify them- even the very libs on this site. That's why I don't really care what they got to say, for real- they have no morals :rolleyes:

Greg Jennings

New member
Why the Democrats lost the election, in 3 quotes:

"What difference at this point does it make?"

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

"We don't want to build a wall. We want to build bridges."
I think the soft response to ISIS and Islamic terrorism as a whole was a huge factor too