Part II Reason numbers 32-60.
32. The gospel preached by many evangelical Protestant evangelists and pastors is a*truncated*andabridged, individualistic*and*ear-tickling gospel, in effect merely "fire insurance" rather than the biblical gospel as proclaimed by the Apostles.
33. Evangelicalism often separates profound, life-transforming*repentance*and radical*discipleship*from its gospel message. The Lutheran Bonhoeffer called this "cheap grace."
34. The absence of the idea of*submission to spiritual authority*in Protestantism has leaked over into the civic arena, where the ideas of personal "freedom," "rights," and "choice" now dominate to such an extent that civic duty, communitarianism, and discipline are tragically neglected, to the detriment of a healthy society.
35. Catholicism retains the sense of the sacred, thesublime, the*holy, and the*beautiful*in spirituality. The ideas of*altar, and*"sacred space"*are preserved. Many Protestant churches are no more than "meeting halls" or "gymnasiums" or "barn"-type structures. Most Protestants' homes are more esthetically striking than their churches. Likewise, Protestants are often "addicted to mediocrity" in their appreciation of art, music, architecture, drama, the imagination, etc.
36. Protestantism has largely neglected the place ofliturgy*in worship (with notable exceptions such as Anglicanism and Lutheranism). This is the way Christians had always worshiped down through the centuries, and thus can't be so lightly dismissed.
37. Protestantism tends to*oppose matter and spirit, favoring the latter, and is somewhat Gnostic or Docetic in this regard.
38. Catholicism upholds the*"incarnational principle,"wherein Jesus became flesh and thus raised flesh and matter to new spiritual heights.
39. Protestantism greatly limits or disbelieves insacramentalism, which is simply the extension of the incarnational principle and the belief that matter can convey grace. Some sects (e.g., Baptists, many Pentecostals) reject all sacraments.
40. Protestants' excessive mistrust of the*flesh("carnality") often leads to (in evangelicalism or fundamentalism) an*absurd legalism*(no dancing, drinking, card-playing, rock music, etc.).
41. Many Protestants tend to separate life into categories of*"spiritual" and "carnal,"*as if God is not Lord of all of life. It forgets that all non-sinful endeavors are ultimately spiritual.
42. Protestantism has removed the*Eucharist*from the center and focus of Christian worship services. Some Protestants observe it only monthly, or even quarterly. This is against the Tradition of the early Church.
43. Most Protestants*regard the Eucharist symbolically, which is contrary to universal Christian Tradition up to 1517, and the Bible (Mt 26:26-28;*Jn 6:47-63;*1 Cor 10:14-22;*1 Cor 11:23-30), which hold to the Real Presence (another instance of the antipathy to matter).
44. Protestantism has virtually ceased to regardmarriage as a sacrament, contrary to Christian Tradition and the Bible (Mt 19:4-5;*1 Cor 7:14;*1 Cor 7:39;*Eph 5:25-33).
45. Protestantism has abolished the*priesthood*(Mt 18:18) and the sacrament of ordination, contrary to Christian Tradition and the Bible (Acts 6:6;*Acts 14:22;*1 Tim 4:14;*2 Tim 1:6).
46. Catholicism retains the Pauline notion of the spiritual practicality of a*celibate clergy*(e.g.,*Mt 19:12,1 Cor 7:8,*1 Cor 7:27,*1 Cor 7:32-33).
47. Protestantism has largely rejected the sacrament ofconfirmation*(Acts 8:18,*Heb 6:2-4), contrary to Christian Tradition and the Bible.
48. Many Protestants have denied*infant baptism, contrary to Christian Tradition and the Bible (Acts 2:38-39;*Acts 16:15;*Acts 16:33;*Acts 18:8;*1 Cor 1:16;*Col 2:11-12). Protestantism is divided into five major camps on the question of baptism.
49. The great majority of Protestants deny*baptismal regeneration, contrary to Christian Tradition and the Bible (Mk 16:16;*Jn 3:5;*Acts 2:38;*Acts 22:16;*Rom 6:3-4;*1 Cor 6:11;*Titus 3:5).
50. Protestants have rejected the sacrament ofanointing of the sick*(Extreme Unction / "Last Rites"), contrary to Christian Tradition and the Bible (Mk 6:13;*1 Cor 12:9,*1 Cor 12:30;*Jas 5:14-15).
51. Protestantism denies the*indissolubility of sacramental marriage*and allows*divorce, contrary to Christian Tradition and the Bible (Gen 2:24;*Mal 2:14-16;*Mt 5:32;*Mat 19:6,*Mat 19:9;*Mk 10:11-12;*Lk 16:18;Rom 7:2-3;*1 Cor 7:10-14;*1 Cor 7:39).
52. Protestantism doesn't believe*procreation*to be the primary purpose and benefit of marriage (it isn't part of the vows, as in Catholic matrimony), contrary to Christian Tradition and the Bible (Gen 1:28;*Gen 28:3,*Ps 107:38;*Ps 127:3-5).
53. Protestantism sanctions*contraception, in defiance of universal Christian Tradition (Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant) up until 1930 - when the Anglicans first allowed it - and the Bible (Gen 38:8-10;*Gen 41:52;*Ex 23:25-26;*Lev 26:9;*Deut 7:14;*Ruth 4:13;*Lk 1:24-25). Now, only Catholicism retains the ancient Tradition against the "anti-child" mentality.
54. Protestantism (mostly its liberal wing) has acceptedabortion*as a moral option, contrary to universal Christian Tradition until recently (sometime after 1930), and the Bible (e.g.,*Ex 20:13;*Job 31:15;*Ps 139:13-16;Isa 44:2;*Isa 49:5;*Jer 1:5;*Jer 2:34;*Lk 1:15;*Lk 1:41;Rom 13:9-10).
55. Protestantism (largely liberal denominations) allowwomen pastors*(and even bishops, as in Anglicanism), contrary to Christian Tradition (inc. traditional Protestant theology) and the Bible (Mt 10:1-4;*1 Tim 2:11-15;*1 Tim 3:1-12;*Titus 1:6).
56. Protestantism is, more and more, formally and officially compromising with currently fashionableradical feminism, which denies the roles of men and women, as taught in the Bible (Gen 2:18-23;*1 Cor 11:3-10) and maintained by Christian Tradition (differentiation of roles, but not of equality).
57. Protestantism is also currently denying, with increasing frequency, the*headship of the husband in marriage, which is based upon the headship of the Father over the Son (while equal in essence) in the Trinity, contrary to Christian Tradition and the Bible (1 Cor 11:3;*Eph 5:22-33;*Col 3:18-19;*1 Pet 3:1-2). This too, is based on a relationship of equality (1 Cor 11:11-12;*Gal 3:28;*Eph 5:21).
58. Liberal Protestantism (most notably Anglicanism) has even ordained*practicing homosexuals*as pastors and blessed their "marriages," or taught that homosexuality is merely an involuntary, "alternate" lifestyle, contrary to formerly universal Christian Tradition, as the Bible clearly teaches (Gen 19:4-25;Rom 1:18-27;*1 Cor 6:9). Catholicism stands firm on traditional morality.
59. Liberal Protestantism, and evangelicalism increasingly, have accepted*"higher critical" methods of biblical interpretation*which lead to the destruction of the traditional Christian reverence for the Bible, and demote it to the status of largely a human, fallible document, to the detriment of its divine, infallible essence.
60. Many liberal Protestants have thrown out manycardinal doctrines*of Christianity, such as the Incarnation, Virgin Birth, the Bodily Resurrection of Christ, the Trinity, Original Sin, hell, the existence of the devil, miracles, etc.