Never knew that. Don't know if I could believe it either.
The infighting has been constant throughout the thread, but mostly seems to be most vehement from fundamental KJV types for some reason.
I genuinely did start off the thread wanting to hear opinions, but by the end of the first page or so had heard so much anti-Catholic rhetoric I may as well have been back in Belfast during the troubles. Catholics and Protestants killed eachother everyday.
Debating wise, we are still doing the same as Belfast, except this time it is Protestant attacking Protestant who might become Catholic, but who becomes more Catholic as more Protestants post the same old topics over and over and he discovers most of those topics when researched (not all, but most) to be false claims based on misunderstanding and rhetoric.
Was refreshing to read your post though. People listen when they aren't told they are joining the whore of Babylon from page 1. (I've actually been to Babylon in Iraq anyway lol)...or to be told they deserve to go to hell, are cursed etc etc etc....
Anyway, the Catholic Church has warts, but so does the Protestant Church. Maybe I should just go and live with a tribe in the Atlas mountains for a few months like I did a few years ago, helped me understand humanity and respect those with various beliefs...not to mention no rat race, just contentment to be alive and well.
Thanks for posting