ECT Why shouldn't I convert from Evangelical Protestant to Catholic?


New member
Those pictures I posted say a lot. Do you want to look at more pictures?
Post all the photos you like. Your fundamental misunderstanding of what they portray says far more than the photos themselves.

In any case, you're clearly trying to change the subject, which was your inability to substantively answer Post #1079.

Gaudium de veritate,


God's Truth

New member
Who would put such a body in a glass casket to pray to?


How macabre. It is something we might expect from devil worshipers.



New member
I know how to use Google if links were all I was after. Too much of an effort to type some original thoughts of your own?
The only conceptual difference between a post composed by me and a citation that accurately expresses the information you requested is the need for you to click on the latter. Either way, the info would be the same. Your complaint, however, suggests that you're really not all that interested in understanding the Catholic position in the first place. Your excuse is duly noted.

Gaudium de veritate,



New member
Why fundamentalists fear intellectualism...written by a protestant minister btw. Food for thought, for those who are open to thinking that is :) The comments at end of article are worth a quick look too. Ps I am not a liberal, but found the article interesting

This is a real laugh. First, define "fundamentalist" and "intellectualism". Would "intellectualism be like the new age garbage? Fear - what fear?